Foreign resident in Taiwan calls for improved road safety

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2023/11/05 21:24
Foreign resident in Taiwan calls for improved road safety (TVBS News)

TAICHUNG (TVBS News) — A foreigner living in Taiwan voiced his concerns on Sunday (Nov. 5) in the Facebook group "Pedestrians, Reclaim the Streets" (反攻大路), where he criticized the nation's traffic regulations and pedestrian safety.

Residing in Taichung, he expressed his love for Taiwan and his adopted city but also expressed fears about the risk of crossing the road, sometimes regretting his move.


The resident had attended the Taichung International Marathon in the morning but narrowly escaped an accident with a motorcyclist who ran a red light on his way home.

While many assured him that Taiwan is generally safe, he agreed with certain caveats. The fear induced by crossing roads leads him to believe that the definition of "safety" might be up for debate.

In his online statement, the foreigner called for genuine progress in Taiwan and appealed to the nation's political figures to address the issue of traffic-related casualties.

His plea highlights a broader issue of pedestrian safety within the nation's traffic regulation system, sparking a discussion about the need for changes to enhance road safety.





更新時間:2023/11/05 21:24