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    foreigner 結果共3筆

  • Foreign resident in Taiwan calls for improved road safety

    A foreign resident in Taichung, Taiwan expressed concerns about the nation’s traffic regulations and pedestrian safety in a Facebook group. Despite his love for Taiwan, he fears crossing the road and regretted his move at times. He called for genuine progress in Taiwan and urged political figures to address traffic-related casualties.
    2023/11/05 21:24
  • Altercation erupts over insult toward man’s foreign wife

    A verbal dispute escalated into a physical altercation in New Taipei on the evening of June 20 (Tuesday) when a man named Yang took offense to derogatory comments made about his wife by another motorcyclist identified as Ni. The incident unfolded as the two men crossed paths in the vicinity.
    2023/06/28 20:24
  • 爆炸場景太逼真 成龍新片嚇壞倫敦居民

    正在英國拍攝新片《The Foreigner》的影星成龍,選在泰晤士河的橋上拍攝爆破場景,當場炸掉一部雙層巴士,沒想到官方事前宣傳不足,害很多民眾以為是恐怖攻擊。
    2016/02/08 16:22
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