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    violence prevention 結果共5筆

  • Nantou’s Songkran Festival focus on immigrant welfare

    Nantou County Hsin Hsifu Kuanhuai Association’s Songkran Festival and Buddha Day ceremony in Taipei aimed to support immigrant families with activities like water battles, educational services, and Southeast Asian cuisine.
    2024/07/08 10:14
  • New Taipei launches program to curb domestic violence

    New Taipei City launched the family support program in response to the increase in child protection notifications. The program will serve about 2,000 cases annually, helping parents relieve their emotional stress.
    2024/07/01 16:24
  • DPP calls for action against child exploitation

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is spearheading bipartisan efforts to combat child exploitation in Taiwan. Learn about recent scandals, legislative initiatives, and calls for public awareness to end digital sexual violence against minors.
    2024/04/09 15:07
  • Civic groups call for end to violence against women

    Several civic groups in Taiwan, including the Modern Women’s Foundation and the Garden of Hope Foundation (GOH), are urging presidential candidates to prioritize violence prevention as an investment to end violence against women. According to the United Nations, one-third of women globally experience physical or sexual abuse at least once in their lives. The Modern Women’s Foundation Executive Secretary, Wu Zi-ying, highlighted the lack of investigation on these issues within Taiwan. Social work and policy professor Wang Pei-ling revealed that around 70 percent of individuals aged 18 to 74 in Taiwan have experienced online gender-based violence, with image-based violence accounting for 4.6 percent. Wang also emphasized the increasing number of male victims, which now stands at 20 percent. GOH CEO Wang Yueh-hao called on the government to promote interdepartmental initiatives and establish think tanks for gender violence prevention, emphasizing that gender violence is a violation of human rights.
    2023/12/07 19:33
  • Taichung to host Migrants Day Fest at Science Museum

    A multicultural festival celebrating "Migrants Day" will take place at the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung City on December 10. The festival will feature performances, cultural experiences, and a prize drawing event. In an effort to educate immigrants about marriage management, rights in Taiwan, and the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, the National Immigration Agency’s Central Administration Corps organized a family education and legal advocacy event in Taichung on December 6. The event used creative presentations to help diverse couples recognize signs of physical and psychological abuse, stalking, and harassment. Hsieh Liang, chair of the Union of New Immigrants of Taichung City, served as a marriage educator, teaching communication skills and advising against tolerance for violence. Sung Hsin-hui, a violence prevention planner from the Taichung City Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Center, introduced the Domestic Violence Prevention Act and the Stalking and Harassment Prevention Act, as well as reporting procedures and shared case studies. The event provided valuable insights for A Chun, an immigrant from Japan, who gained a correct understanding of family violence and expressed relief that Taiwan’s legal system offers protection to victims. With Taiwan’s immigrant population growing, the NIA aims to foster unity among all ethnic groups and create a welcoming environment for new residents, promoting cultural integration.
    2023/12/07 17:42
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