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    Oil 結果共25筆

  • Chinese cargo ship sinks near Kinmen, crew members rescued

    Chinese cargo ship Ruicheng 6 sank off Kinmen amid dense fog; 12 crew members rescued by nearby vessel Tung I 602 and returned to China; 7 tons of heavy oil leaked from sunken ship.
    2024/04/17 16:56
  • Taiwan’s inflation rate projected to drop to 2%

    Central Bank Governor Yang Chin-long predicts Taiwan’s inflation rate to drop to around 2% in 2024 due to expected international oil price decreases and modest service price increases. The Central Bank’s upcoming board meeting is anticipated to maintain the re-discount rate at 1.875%. Yang cites declining inflation rates and negative output gaps as key factors influencing the decision. Geopolitical conflicts and weather conditions pose uncertainties to Taiwan’s inflation trends.
    2024/03/14 14:33
  • Celebrity chef’s sichuan chicken recalled for tainted dye

    Renowned chef Cheng Yen-chi, known as "Chef Ah-Chi," faces a food safety crisis in Taiwan after his "Sichuan Chicken with Chili Oil" is found to contain carcinogenic Sudan dye. Chef Ah-Chi apologizes for the issue, vows stricter monitoring, and urges authorities to protect consumers. The scandal has led to the removal of affected products from shelves and refunds to customers, impacting other food items and the restaurant industry. Manufacturers are working to address the tainted ingredients and assist affected consumers promptly.
    2024/03/13 11:25
  • Convenience chain launches Sichuan peppercorn ice cream

    Discover a new winter ice cream flavor in Taipei, featuring vanilla and a Sichuan peppercorn oil infusion. This collaboration between a convenience chain and a spicy hotpot restaurant offers a sweet and numbing taste without intense spiciness. With winter ice cream sales reaching over a million units, this co-branding strategy could result in double growth. Primarily popular among customers over 40 years old, winter ice cream flavors tend to be richer compared to refreshing summer varieties. Explore the unique business opportunities and challenged consumer perceptions created by promoting ice cream during the winter season.
    2024/01/03 19:48
  • New Taipei City Gov’t tackles north coast oil pollution

    The Environmental Protection Department of the New Taipei City Government is taking action to address ongoing oil pollution on the North Coast. Citizens have reported crude oil contamination in coastal areas since December 4, possibly linked to unidentified crude oil pollution on Green Island in Taitung. The department has swiftly implemented cleanup operations, but sporadic incidents caused by ocean currents require continued efforts. Upon receiving pollution reports, the department collaborated with local fishery associations, the Inspection Office, and the Coast Guard Administration’s Coastal Patrol Squad. They transported necessary resources, such as oil-absorbent cotton pads and ropes, to polluted sites. Non-governmental units, including local business owners and volunteer groups like the Azure Alliance in Taiwan, actively participated in preventing the spread of oil pollution. A total of 58 response team members, 32 coastal patrol personnel, and numerous volunteers have been involved in the cleanup efforts.
    2023/12/27 17:00
  • Evergreen halts Red Sea shipping amid Houthi threats

    Evergreen Marine Corp, a Taiwanese shipping company, has temporarily suspended its shipping services through the Red Sea due to security threats posed by Houthi militants. This decision comes after a series of attacks on commercial ships by the Yemen-based group, which has escalated tensions in the region. Evergreen joins other global shipping giants, including Orient Overseas Container Line, CMA CGM, Maersk Group, Hapag-Lloyd, and Mediterranean Shipping Company, in halting passage through the Red Sea. The attacks by the Houthis, aimed at blocking ships en route to Israel, have led to the interception of drones and missiles by the U.S. Navy, British Navy, and French Navy. In response to the exacerbating security situation, Evergreen has rerouted its ships from Asia to the Mediterranean and the U.S. East Coast to avoid the Red Sea. British Petroleum (BP) has also suspended its oil transit through the Red Sea due to increased risks.
    2023/12/19 10:06
  • CPC cuts gas prices, raises diesel amid oil fluctuations

    The CPC Corporation, under the Ministry of Economic Affairs, has announced a reduction of NT$0.3 in gasoline prices and an increase of NT$0.3 in diesel prices starting midnight on Monday. This adjustment is part of the ongoing implementation of the dual stabilization mechanism for oil pricing. The pricing measures absorbed NT$0.2 for both gasoline and diesel this week, following a decline in the 7D3B weekly average price. The floating oil pricing mechanism originally predicted a decrease of NT$0.1 in gasoline prices and an increase of NT$0.5 in diesel prices. However, due to currency appreciation in neighboring Asian countries, Taiwan’s price adjustments fell below those of its neighbors, resulting in a net absorption of NT$0 for both types of fuel. CPC has stated that it will continue to adjust domestic fuel prices in accordance with the oil pricing formula and government tax reductions to maintain the lowest possible prices in Asia and stabilize domestic oil prices through its stabilization measures.
    2023/12/18 20:26
  • MOTC hosts cultural event at Toronto Eaton Center

    The Tourist Administration of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) organized a two-day event at the Toronto Eaton Centre in Canada, showcasing Taiwan’s attractions. The event featured various activities, including VR experiences, calligraphy bookmark crafting, pinball games, indigenous beadwork, and oil-paper umbrella painting workshops. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Toronto reported a significant increase in Canadian visitors to Taiwan, with a 1366.17 percent rise compared to the previous year. However, the number of visitors has not yet returned to pre-COVID-19 levels. In an effort to boost tourism, Taiwan has waived visa requirements for Canadians, positioning itself as an ideal winter getaway. Taiwan’s picturesque mountains, coastlines, and diverse urban and small-town landscapes make it a perfect destination for leisurely exploration.
    2023/12/11 20:32
  • Taiwan’s domestic flight prices rise amid oil price surge

    Taiwan faces a 4.5% increase in domestic flight ticket prices due to a surge in global oil prices, resulting in an average additional cost of NT$95 per ticket. Kinmen residents, who frequently travel to and from Taiwan, are particularly affected, with Mandarin Airlines’ Taipei to Kinmen route experiencing a one-way fare increase of 7.4%, equivalent to NT$182. This price rise will also impact tourists planning to fly domestically during the New Year’s holiday, making air travel more expensive. As a result, authorities expect a significant increase in road traffic during the New Year’s Eve celebrations. To alleviate transportation challenges during the festive season, Taiwan will implement toll-free periods on freeways from midnight to 5 a.m. The Taiwan Railways Administration and Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR) will also increase service frequencies to accommodate the expected passenger volume. THSR has added 105 services and will continue to offer discounts for college students and early bird promotions. Taiwan Railways has scheduled 116 extra trains, anticipating a potential peak of over 800,000 passengers in a single day. However, ticket sales for child-friendly carriages have been temporarily suspended. Additional train services during the New Year transportation period will be available for purchase starting from midnight on December 1, aiming to alleviate travel congestion during the holidays.
    2023/11/30 22:41
  • 「油錢」多多益善!日本推頂級之旅 綁中東富豪

    全球在通膨壓力之下進入升息循環,世界主要經濟體唯獨日本堅守負利率,雖然衝擊貨幣匯率,卻也幫助觀光迅速回溫。日本目標2030年,海外旅客年消費額成長至15兆日圓,是2019年疫情前的三倍。而日本政府希望靠「油錢」(oil money)加速達標,因此邀請中東網紅宣傳日本觀光,大推一晚300萬日圓的高級飯店,或直奔產地吃現烤活龍蝦,更安排專屬直升機做為交通工具,全力瞄準中東富裕人士。
    2023/11/07 19:56
  • Renewable energy becomes focus ahead of 2024 elections

    Presidential candidates in Taiwan have unveiled energy policies that prioritize renewable energy and low-carbon gas as bridging fuels. Taipower, the national power company, has announced plans to accelerate the construction of gas turbine units across the country. The Hsieh-Ho Power Plant, which supplies electricity to the northern region, is currently undergoing an environmental impact assessment. Shifting from oil to gas can reduce air pollution by 96% and greenhouse gas emissions by 52%. In recent years, the government, private sector, and Taipower have made significant efforts to increase the capacity of renewable energy devices. As of September this year, the cumulative capacity of photovoltaic installations exceeded 11.55 million kilowatts, and wind power reached 2,583,000 kilowatts. By prioritizing green energy and using gas, Taipower has reduced air pollution emissions from thermal power plants by 60%, dropping from approximately 107,000 metric tons in 2016 to about 42,000 metric tons in 2022.
    2023/11/04 14:02
  • 英倫敦街頭「慢速遊行」亂交通 62名氣候運動人士被捕

    2023/10/31 10:22
  • 有片/濃煙狂竄!蘇丹內戰未停 首都知名摩天樓陷火海

    蘇丹4月15日爆發內戰,政府軍「蘇丹武裝部隊」(SAF)與準軍事武裝團體「快速支援部隊」(RSF)持續以空襲和地面交戰方式,爭奪多個主要城市的控制權,17日首都喀土穆(Khartoum)的地標摩天大樓「大尼羅河石油公司大樓」(Greater Nile Petroleum Oil Company Tower)慘遭波及燃起大火,目前尚未傳出死傷。
    2023/09/18 09:48
  • 柏林地標遭潑漆! 氣候變遷抗議者籲「禁化石燃料」

    2023/09/18 09:21
  • 110 stranded containers await lifting amid impending typhoon

    Transportation Minister Wang Kwo-tsai visited Kaohsiung on Tuesday (July 25) to oversee the salvage mission aimed at retrieving drifting containers following the sinking of the Palau-flagged container ship "Angel" four days ago.
    2023/07/25 18:08
  • 驚傳漏油!科威特國營石油公司宣布進入緊急狀態

    國營「科威特石油公司」(Kuwait Oil Company)今天在爆發陸地漏油事件後宣布進入「緊急狀態」,目前尚未接獲人員傷亡或生產中斷的通報。
    2023/03/20 22:59
  • 環保人士又出招!爬上倫敦高速公路門架抗議 釀封路堵車

    2022/11/08 08:43
  • 名畫又遭殃! 戴珍珠耳環的少女遭環保人士「頭襲」

    2022/10/28 08:50
  • 環保人士再示威「改丟蛋糕」 英王蠟像遭奶油砸臉

    擺設在倫敦杜莎夫人蠟像館(Madame Tussauds)的英國國王查爾斯三世(King Charles III)蠟像,今天被氣候變遷倡議人士朝臉上砸了巧克力蛋糕。
    2022/10/25 08:54
  • 天空藍配螢光橘 麥拉倫720S重現經典海灣配色

    McLaren在去年與海灣石油(Gulf Oil)重新合作後,在今年F1摩納哥大獎賽前,推出海灣石油經典配色,並且還宣布將會推出720S海灣石油塗裝選配,整台車除了外觀有著經典的天空藍配上螢光橘點綴,內裝也能看見海灣石油的Logo,不過想要這特殊配色720S可不容易,光是塗裝就要20天手工打造,而且只為少數VIP客戶提供選配。
    2021/05/18 17:50
  • 牛津辭典90年 收錄250個「中式英語」

    中式英語辭彙add oil(加油)最近被收錄進英國牛津大學出版社旗下的牛津英語辭典。據陸媒報導,牛津辭典完整版問世至今90周年,已收錄250個中式英語辭彙。
    2018/11/19 16:20
  • 還瘋百靈油? 德國人:虎標萬金油才最好用

    當德國旅遊必掃的就是這瓶「德國百靈油」,標榜能治百病,在台灣人「愛藥」排行榜中占有一席之地,但讓人跌破眼鏡的是,德國人卻認為最好用的,是台灣常見的「虎標萬金油」,甚至不解為何台灣人都要到德國買「China Oil(百靈油英文名)」?
    2018/04/20 22:54
  • 新片!2700億身價首富孫被綁架 他這句話全球傻眼

    蓋提石油公司(Getty Oil)創辦人尚保羅蓋提Jean Paul Getty,憑著過人的生意頭腦白手起家打造黑金帝國,24歲賺進百萬美金,65歲成為美國首富,1966年更獲金氏世界紀錄認證為全球最富有的平民,身價12億美元(相當於現今2700億台幣)富可敵國。但真正讓全世界認識蓋提這個名字的卻是發生在1973年的綁架案,當時蓋提四房的孫子約翰在義大利遭綁票,綁匪喊出1700萬美金的天價贖金,但這位富老爺卻在電視機前公然回絕不付錢 !
    2018/01/06 11:29
  • 黑!30公斤銅葉綠調橄欖渣油 可賣5億

    大統長基進口的橄欖油被發現英文是Pomace Olive Oil橄欖果渣油,就是橄欖熱榨冷壓之後剩下的殘渣,再用化學溶劑溶出的殘渣油,彰化衛生局目前還未掌握油品來路,但公布了大統黑心配方表,發現大統用銅葉綠素摻入這種劣質油,調出高級橄欖油的顏色,詐騙消費者,目前被查出從台灣比菲多買來的100公斤銅葉綠素,其中只用了30公斤,就可以賣出假橄欖油,大賺5億多黑心錢。
    2013/11/07 12:12
  • 【女人我最大】4/19介紹之改造復古洋娃娃化妝品品牌?

    【牛爾改造小豫兒】 眼唇卸妝:Bioderma Sebium H2O Daily Purifying Non-Rinse Cleanser 貝德瑪淨妍 高效潔膚液 面膜:TSC T&U活膚面膜 保溼:TSC 玻尿酸原液 面霜:Aquamoist Whitening Vitamin 維他命C面霜〈康是美〉+大島樁100%山茶花油2滴 粉底:Shiseido資生堂夢思嬌粉條223 Chocolate Shimmer Ink 定妝:wAtosAA.merry Fairy Dust No.9002 Squash蜜粉 眼線:Bobbi Brown 星紗流雪眼線膠 Chocolate Shimmer Ink 13 加強畫在眼周 眼影:Jill Stuart Jelly Eye Colour 08 Smoked Glass 慕絲眼影用指腹塗抹在上眼皮 眼影:Kesalan Pathalan 眼影:植村秀950N 睫毛:The face shop Eyelash ivi#10 睫毛膏:Beaute de Kose Mascara Fantasist BK001 染眉膏:Covermark01 腮紅:NARS 粉紅色腮紅 Angelika 口紅:Shiseido 資生堂夢思嬌亮晶唇膏241 水感唇蜜:蓖麻油〈Castor Oil〉 第一化工或城乙化工行 【Kevin改造季芹】 優格面膜:Fancl 焦糖牛奶色〈膠原逆轉精華〉:雅芳AVON A NEW 果凍乳霜眼部保養:雅芳 防晒隔離霜:Boots No.7 噴霧式粉底:CD. DIORSKIN AIR FLASH 遮黑眼圈:明采筆 Lancome 白色亮粉眼影:美人心機 黑色眼影:NARS 黑色眼線膠:Bobbi Brown 咖啡色眼影:Stila 白色眼線筆:Nars 睫毛膏:Lancome 腮紅:ANNA SUI 唇蜜:Benefit 粉色水蜜桃唇蜜:YSL
    2006/04/21 19:41
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