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  • 姜麗文香港補辦婚禮!大秀甜蜜結婚照 秦沛喜迎女婿 

    姜麗文與老公柏豪原定20年結婚,但婚禮因為疫情延後,至22年在美國洛杉磯簡約行禮,不過家人當時只能透過影片參與婚禮。而最近姜麗文與老公就在香港補辦婚禮,只邀家人出席。她今午(29日)在社交平台分享喜悅,寫下:「A beautiful tea ceremony with our family. What a wonderful way to celebrate our love」又向老公告白:「Hello, best friend. I love you.」
  • 金正恩無視武器禁運助攻普欽? UN:烏克蘭發現北韓飛彈碎片

  • Lai, Hsiao briefed on national security threats

    Discover how Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te and Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim are preparing for national security challenges, focusing on threats from the Chinese Communist Party and strategies for peace in the Taiwan Strait.
  • Popular dance group Avantgardey to perform in Taiwan

    Explore the journey of the Japanese dance group Avantgardey as they embark on their first overseas tour in Taiwan, blending their unique choreography with local culture and achieving widespread acclaim on social media.
  • Thailand’s pivotal role in KYMCO’s EV strategy: Chairman Ko

    Discover how KYMCO’s partnership with Arun Plus is set to transform the electric vehicle landscape in Southeast Asia with the new AIONEX venture, focusing on sustainable transportation solutions.
  • KYMCO, Arun Plus launch joint venture to electrify Thailand

    Discover how KYMCO’s new joint venture with Arun Plus, Aionex, is set to transform the electric motorcycle market in Southeast Asia, aiming to establish a sustainable transportation model across the region.
  • Eased trade, travel restrictions to bolster ties: China

    China has announced the lifting of its ban on several agricultural and fishery products from Taiwan, signaling a potential thaw in cross-strait relations and fostering hopes for increased economic and cultural exchanges.
  • China reveals technological leaps in upcoming lunar mission

    Discover how China’s Chang’e 6 mission aims to surpass its previous lunar sample collection, deepening our understanding of the moon with advanced technology and strategic launches. Learn about China’s future space exploration plans, including astronaut missions by 2030 and the establishment of a lunar research station.
  • Zero lost luggage: Kansai Airport’s 30-year perfect record

    Discover how Kansai Airport in Japan has achieved the title of best airport for baggage handling in the 2024 Skytrax survey, maintaining a perfect record of zero lost luggage since 1994. Learn about its efficient baggage handling process and see how it compares to other top-ranking airports worldwide.
  • 西方企業淪以哈衝突箭靶 大馬百間肯德基歇業、麥當勞慘遭塗鴉

  • Taiwan seeks expanded China travel ties as restriction eases

    Taiwan’s Transportation Minister Wang Kwo-tsai expresses disappointment over China’s limited reopening of cross-strait tourism to only Fujian residents for Matsu visits, despite previous wider access. He highlights the impact on the "Mini three links" and the potential underutilization of proposed direct sea and air routes without full tourism resumption.
  • 牛奶、Toro認不合!親揭Energy復出內幕 力挺五月天花蓮開唱

    「最殺唱跳男團」Energy睽違21年再度合體,此次復出不僅推出新輯《Here I Am》,7月27、28日首度攻上台北小巨蛋開唱,今(29)日舉辦記者會,牛奶和Toro坦言當年鬧不合,如今已經講開心裡話,不過Toro搞笑說其實在桌下瘋狂踢牛奶,虧牛奶的腳已經瘀青。
  • 52 diners fall ill after eating at Kaohsiung buffet

    A food poisoning outbreak at Hi-Lai Harbour restaurant in Kaohsiung has led to 50 people seeking medical attention for symptoms like diarrhea and abdominal pain, following dining experiences on April 26 and 27. The Kaohsiung City Department of Health is investigating, conducting microbial tests, and has mandated an improvement plan for the restaurant.
  • 田馥甄被大陸取消演出!Ella露面發聲 親吐「私下互動」

    Ella(陳嘉樺)今(29)日出席「2024 Roborock 石頭科技 S8 MaxV Ultra新系列產品上市記者會」,她以一身寶藍色亮麗的禮服登場,他坦言最近又瘦了一點,忙著5月的hito流行音樂獎頒獎典禮表演,而且這次要唱跳演出,讓她壓力非常大。問及好姊妹田馥甄日前被大陸音樂節取消演出,Ella表示:「她已經做出回應,我就不多說什麼,我們常常互相關心,也已經約好下一次聚會。」
  • Japan sees shift to domestic travel amid economic changes

    Discover how Japan’s travel trends are shifting towards domestic exploration amid economic challenges, with a significant drop in outbound travel and a rise in local tourism. Learn about the impact on airlines and the tourism sector.
  • Thai foreign minister resigns after Cabinet reshuffle

    Discover the details of Thai Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara’s resignation following his removal from the deputy prime minister role, and its impact on foreign affairs and Myanmar initiatives.
  • Hsiao Bi-khim shares heartfelt return to alma mater

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim returns to National Tainan Girls’ Senior High School for an alumni association election and a special entrance ceremony, reflecting on her academic journey and connection to the school she once could not attend.
  • Fatal food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam claims fourth victim

    Deputy Minister of Health Wang Pi-Sheng confirms a 40-year-old woman’s death due to food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam, marking the fourth fatality linked to the tea house in Taipei’s Xinyi A13 branch. The outbreak has resulted in 35 cases, with two patients still hospitalized.
  • Huawei overcomes U.S. restrictions with new smartphone chip

    Discover how Huawei’s new Pura 70 series, featuring the advanced Kirin 9010 processor, marks a significant technological leap and defies U.S. restrictions, selling out quickly after launch.
  • HR-V日規小改款上市!售價55萬起 明年有望在台現身

    被稱為Vezel的日規小改款Honda HR-V在3月初次亮相後,正式售價也在4月下旬正式公佈,外觀內裝微調修整並新增HuNT與PLaY兩款吸睛新版本的小改款HR-V,依舊提供1.5升自然進氣以及1.5升e:HEV油電混合兩種動力選項,小改款本田跨界休旅在自家主場有提供多達9種車型讓消費者選擇,價格帶落在2,648,800日圓 (約55.3萬新台幣) 至3,776,300日圓 (約78.8萬新台幣) 的區間。而產品競爭力更強的小改款HR-V,有機會明年在台現身,而油電版HR-V e:HEV有機會成為小改款新車的最大亮點!
  • China to lift ban on Taiwan’s agricultural, fishery products

    Discover how China’s recent decision to lift its ban on Taiwanese agricultural and fishery products marks a significant step towards improving cross-strait relations. Read about the scientific assessments behind the move and its potential impact on trade.
  • Taiwan sweats under severe heatwave, CWA issues warnings

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather: a heatwave with temperatures soaring up to 34°C, high-temperature warnings in four counties, and the potential for foehn winds in Taitung. Amidst the heat, expect scattered showers and brief thunderstorms across various regions. However, a shift is on the horizon for Labor Day, with a passing front bringing unstable weather, possible heavy rainfall, and a cool down in northern Taiwan. Stay updated on these changing conditions.
  • 酒咖快看!調酒型啤酒在家就能喝 臺虎推「0糖值長島冰茶」

  • China to allow Fujian residents tourist visits to Taiwan

    Discover how China’s decision to allow Fujian residents to visit Taiwan could signal a thaw in cross-strait relations, amid Taiwan’s presidential inauguration preparations.
  • 台中必吃美食!「這天」搶吃10元義大利麵 還能免費玩夾娃娃

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