看球賽太興奮!中華隊奪冠「隔日診所爆滿」 醫揭原因:蝴蝶效應?
近年來,雞蛋的營養價值再次受到重視,許多研究發現適量攝取雞蛋不但不會增加心血管疾病風險,還可能有助於維持大腦健康。胸腔暨重症醫學科醫師黃軒在臉書專頁「黃軒醫師 Dr. Ooi Hean」發文,引述國外研究指出,吃較多雞蛋的女性,短期及長期記憶的衰退幅度較低,男性則在認知表現更好。
2024/11/21 12:09
白宮新人事+1 川普提名電視名人奧茲任醫療重要部門負責人
美國前總統川普贏得大選,並將於明年1月20日舉行就任典禮,重回白宮。近期陸續宣布內閣人選,19日提名(Donald Trump)知名心胸外科醫師奧茲(Dr. Mehmet Oz)擔任聯邦醫療服務中心(Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services,簡稱CMS)負責人。該機構管理全美國人的醫療保險,是美國醫療體系中重要的政府機構。
2024/11/20 10:12
Surgeon speaks out against objectification in society
Dr. Evienne Hong, an oral surgeon, challenges stereotypes and defends personal expression after being photographed at a dinner. She advocates for gender respect.
2024/11/14 20:00
UCLA名師拍片曝低薪租不起房 校方疑報復取消他課程
在美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)教授天體物理學的麥克基翁(Dr. Daniel McKeown)日前在社群平台上控訴,學校只給他7萬美元(約新台幣225萬元)年薪,根本不足以支付洛杉磯高昂的租金,導致他沒錢能在學校附近租房,只能借住遠在100公里外的親友家。沒想到,UCLA還疑似以此為由,將他的課程全數取消,讓他無法繼續授課。
2024/10/26 12:37
美女拚減肥「吞1年寄生蟲」!感染竄腫塊 病變排出長條蟲體
2024/10/21 13:48
陸網瘋傳「警花外流片」!加班全被拍 狼警噁笑:我們也是人
2024/10/18 16:57
Pilot in stable condition after ejecting from Mirage-2000
Discover the latest on Captain Hsieh Pei-hsun’s condition after ejecting from a Mirage-2000 jet during a training flight. Dr. Wei reports stable health and minor injuries.
2024/09/11 11:56
吃下沒煮熟豬肉!美醫曝驚人CT照 體內佈滿白點「都是蟲」
美國佛州大學一名急診科醫師加利(Dr Sam Ghali),日前分享了一張照片示警,患者吃下了沒煮熟的豬肉,結果感染了「囊蟲病」(cysticercosis),在接受CT掃描後,發現體內有寄生蟲死後留下的鈣化囊腫,看似如「米粒」佈滿了雙腳,相當驚人。
2024/08/28 14:42
怎麼延後地球超載? 「全球足跡網絡」呼籲從5面向下手
今年的地球超載日已經出爐,是8月1日,比去年還要再往前進了一天。TVBS針對今年訂出的日期,跨海連線訪問全球足跡網絡(Global Footprint Network)首席科學官Dr. David Lin,深入探討當前地球資源超載的嚴峻挑戰及其背後的科學分析。
2024/07/30 10:04
今年的地球超載日定於8月1日,這意味著從1月1日到8月1日,人類已經消耗了地球生態系統在整個年度內能夠再生的資源,換句話說,在短短7個月內,人類消耗了地球需要12個月才能再生的資源。「全球生態足跡網絡」(Global Footprint Network,GFN)估算顯示,今年的地球超載日比去年提前了一天(2023年為8月2日)。全球生態足跡網絡科學主任博士林大衛(Dr. David Lin)強調,「超載持續存在,超過半個世紀,已經導致生物多樣性下降。大氣中的溫室氣體過量以及對食物和能源的競爭加劇,這些症狀越來越明顯,如異常熱浪、森林火災、乾旱和洪水等。」
2024/07/30 10:01
100%有毒!大馬醫警告這款即溶咖啡別喝 恐致中風甚至死亡
馬來西亞一名經常在社群媒體分享醫學資訊的醫師哈米迪(Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi)近日在X(前身推特)上發文,警告民眾切勿飲用一款名為「宋谷咖啡」(Kopi Songkok)的即溶咖啡,因為其中含有處方藥物成分「昔多芬」(Sildenafil),攝取過量可能會導致頭痛、噁心、腹瀉等症狀,嚴重時甚至可能引發中風或死亡。
2024/07/29 12:08
Academia Sinica unveils breakthrough in cell death research
Discover the groundbreaking research by Dr. Sheng-hong Chen and his team on ferroptotic trigger waves, a key mechanism in embryonic development cell death, published in Nature in July 2024. Learn how this study, integrating biology and mathematics, could revolutionize cancer therapy strategies.
2024/07/18 16:57
剛果民主共和國民遭襲擊! 傳至少「4中國人喪命」
根據當地人士,剛果民主共和國(DR Congo)東北部金礦資源豐富的伊圖里省(Ituri)一處礦場遭民兵攻擊,至少有4名中國公民喪命。
2024/07/04 15:45
2024/06/25 19:55
Experts predict La Niña onset, warn of closer typhoons
Discover how the shift from El Niño to La Niña will impact Taiwan and the Western Pacific’s weather, with insights from Dr. Lin De-en and the U.S. Climate Prediction Center. Expect changes in typhoon activity, rainfall, and temperatures.
2024/05/29 12:05
President Tsai honors TSMC’s Morris Chang with top award
President Tsai Ing-wen awards Morris Chang, TSMC founder, the Order of Dr. Sun Yat-sen for his contributions to Taiwan’s global standing and semiconductor industry, highlighting his role as a key figure in Taiwan’s economic development and international prominence.
2024/04/19 18:05
Expert warns of hMPV outbreak amid rising fever cases
Dr. Li Shang-chien from Landseed International Hospital alerts of a potential human metapneumovirus outbreak, highlighting its global prevalence and transmission methods. He details the virus’s symptoms, which vary by age, and stresses the importance of hygiene to prevent infection.
2024/04/18 18:01
42歲的英國知名醫師艾修(Dr Tijion Esho),曾上過各大電視通告,擁有相當名氣的他,近期卻爆出「要求女病患與他做愛,可換取免費施打肉毒桿菌」之醜聞。
2024/04/12 18:00
超級加工食品致癌又吃了鬱卒! 美名醫:別吃唸不出名字的東西
超級加工食品(ultra-processed food, UPF)充斥現代人的生活,一不注意就可能吃下肚,一篇發表在英國醫學期刊(The BMJ)的報告指出,超級加工食品與多達32種健康問題「直接相關」,包括癌症、心血管疾病、糖尿病等,美國知名醫生奧茲醫生(Dr. Oz)與克利夫蘭診所醫生羅伊森(Michael Roizen)指出,許多超級加工食品可能含有乳化劑、其他難以消化的添加物,將損害對健康有益的腸道細菌,並使致病的細菌大量繁殖。
2024/04/07 08:00
Taipei health chief defends hospital’s response to crisis
The head of Taipei’s health department, Chen Yen-yuan, commends the medical team’s swift response at a press conference regarding alleged medical negligence at a hospital treating victims of a suspected mass food poisoning incident at Polam Kopitiam in Xinyi District. Family members of the deceased are considering legal action, prompting immediate inter-departmental support for bereaved families. Mackay Memorial Hospital’s efforts to resuscitate a severely ill patient are defended by Chen and Dr. Yen Tzung-hai, who affirm the hospital’s diligent care and use of the best medication.
2024/03/29 17:06
The hidden risks of reheated rice and noodles
Learn about the dangers of improperly stored rice and noodle dishes when reheated, as warned by Dr. Lee Chien-chang from National Taiwan University Hospital. A recent food poisoning case at Polam Kopitiam in Malaysia has raised concerns about Bongkrekic acid, a potent toxin linked to fatal outcomes. Stay informed on the risks and symptoms associated with this deadly acid, which can cause acute damage and organ failure.
2024/03/28 14:19
TVBS journalists trained in trauma awareness, self-care
Discover how the "Crisis Reporting" workshop, led by experts Dr. Erin Smith and Dr. Julia Hsu, equips journalists with the skills to navigate trauma and maintain resilience in their careers, emphasizing the importance of organizational support, preparation, and self-care.
2024/03/27 08:00
為深入瞭解台灣媒體生態,及探討全球關心的台灣議題,如國防軍事和兩岸關係等,芝加哥大學師生今(12)日參訪TVBS,一窺新聞媒體工作日常。兩小時參訪過程中,芝加哥大學國際關係委員會副主任Dr. Matthias Staisch及教學副教授Dr. Burcu Pinar Alakoc率領14名碩士研究生參觀TVBS各大節目錄影棚以及新聞部,深入了解傳統新聞媒體工作流程。
2024/03/13 11:00
Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama passes away at 68
Acclaimed Japanese manga creator Akira Toriyama, known for "Dragon Ball," passed away at 68 due to a cerebral hemorrhage. His legacy in manga and anime, especially with titles like "Dragon Ball" and "Dr. Slump," has left an indelible mark on the industry. His works have been translated into multiple languages and have a global circulation of 200 million copies. His untimely death has left unfinished projects and a significant void in the manga world.
2024/03/08 12:14