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    Oath 結果共12筆

  • Wang Cheng-hsu takes oath as Taiwan’s new legislator

    Wang Cheng-hsu, successor to former Legislative Speaker You Si-kun, was sworn in as a legislator in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, pledging to enhance public health. Wang, a healthcare expert, aims to fulfill President-elect Lai Ching-te’s vision for better health care. His appointment was celebrated by former Legislator Chiu Tai-yuan, who believes Wang’s expertise will benefit Taiwan’s medical community.
    2024/02/19 12:33
  • New legislators sworn in at Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan

    Newly elected legislators, including prominent figures from various parties such as Han Kuo-yu and Hsieh Lung-chieh from the Kuomintang (KMT), Wang Shih-chien from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and Huang Kuo-chang from the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), gathered at the Legislative Yuan to take the oath of office and participate in a group photo. Legislative Speaker You Si-kun, despite only serving one term, was placed in the center of the photo, flanked by the DPP’s caucus convener Ker Chien-ming and the KMT’s Lai Shyh-bao, who has served eight straight terms. The event was filled with a dynamic ambiance due to the presence of these experienced legislators.
    2024/02/01 12:17
  • Legislative Yuan kicks off with oath-taking ceremony

    The 11th session of the Legislative Yuan commenced on February 1, with legislators taking their oaths of office under the supervision of Grand Justice Lu Tai-lang. Before the inauguration, the lawmakers gathered for group photos and exchanged congratulations. Following the oath-taking, each legislator signed their pledge, which was then sent to the Judicial Yuan for record-keeping. A group photo was taken to commemorate the occasion. The day’s events also included a vote for the speaker of the Legislative Yuan, with the counting of votes expected to begin at noon. These solemn ceremonies serve as a reminder to legislators of their responsibilities and commitments as representatives of the people.
    2024/02/01 10:49
  • T閱讀/ TVBS《一觸即發》 直擊川普時代白宮決策現場

    美國前國防部長馬克.艾斯培(Mark T. Esper) 出版了回憶錄《A Sacred Oath》,中文譯本《一觸即發》也在今年7月上市。在這本厚達五百多頁的巨著中,艾斯培直言無諱的說出他在川普總統內任擔任國防部長18個月的點點滴滴,以及他在總統大選後被川普不留情面開除的過程。坦白說,政治人物的回憶錄我看過不少,但像艾斯培《一觸即發》書裡寫得這麼深入而不留情面的,還真少見。
    2023/12/22 17:17
  • Experts navigate U.S.-China-Taiwan ties in post-Trump era

    Dr. Mark T. Esper, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, warned that Donald Trump might "weaken the relationship with Taiwan" if he is reelected in the latest TVBS Meeting Room on Monday (July 17). 
    2023/07/19 10:51
  • 曾帶人闖國會! 美極右組織「誓言守衛者」創辦人被捕

    美國警方1月13日表示,極右民兵組織「誓言守衛者」(Oath Keepers)創辦人羅茲(Stewart Rhodes)落網,並被起訴在去年1月6日國會遭衝擊事件中,涉嫌煽動叛亂罪。
    2022/01/14 18:38
  • 全網超夯、個人最愛資訊一手掌握 打造每日生活情報入口

    2018/11/15 –今年甫在台設立、負責主導亞太地區產品開發及優化的Oath亞太研發中心,今(15)日宣布率先在台正式推出首款重量級行動產品—Yahoo奇摩App!集結全球技術資源與1,500萬不重複跨螢使用者洞察,Yahoo奇摩App整合旗下豐富的媒體、搜尋、影音及生活資訊等多元頻道以及合作網站熱門服務、推出嶄新社群功能「圈子」追蹤收藏喜愛的主題內容、並以全新「Yahoo好朋友計劃」獎勵會員,創造瀏覽內容同時也能獲取實質好康的驚喜感,為使用者帶來更多樂趣!Yahoo奇摩App希望透過建構完整行動產品生態圈,提供一站到位的便利多功能服務,滿足行動用戶每日資訊需求,打造每日生活情報入口!
    2018/11/16 11:00
  • Oath行銷長崇尚團隊優先 借鏡NBA

    2017/12/07 20:34
  • Oath台灣展望明年  聚焦行動深化影音

    2017/12/01 22:10
  • Oath執行長訪台 要把Yahoo TV推向全球

    由Yahoo與AOL組成的Oath公司執行長阿姆斯壯今天訪台,希望把Yahoo TV從台灣推向全球,也期待增加Oath在亞洲行動裝置與影音的滲透率,而中國大陸會是評估投資的市場之一。
    2017/08/25 17:11
  • 雅虎走入歷史 改以Albata上市交易

    2017/06/20 12:02
  • FOCUS線上看/Verizon併購雅虎 網路霸主終

    2017/06/14 21:30
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