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    Escape 結果共17筆

  • 改造人vs吸血鬼vs黑道! 《BLOODY ESCAPE》上演最狂大逃亡

    影史最狂戰鬥動畫電影《BLOODY ESCAPE:地獄的逃走劇》,5月17日將在台灣震撼上映!本片以被魔改的東京作為舞台,描述一位男子原本是普通人,之後成為吸血鬼,接著再透過人體實驗變成改造人,為拯救一位普通女孩所展開的逃亡故事。本片找來以《航海王劇場版:紅髮歌姬》斬獲超過日幣200億元(約新台幣43.2億元)票房的動畫導演谷口悟朗擔任原案、編劇與導演,曾五度榮獲艾美獎肯定的「多邊角動畫」更擔任動畫製作,打造含金量極高的動畫鉅作。
    2024/05/04 09:05
  • Pig on the loose: Yunlin police’s unusual day herding a sow

    In Sihu Township, Yunlin County, a 50 kg sow’s adventurous stroll through the streets was brought to a halt by local police officers Wang An-shun and Ting Hsin-wen, who, with the help of the pig’s owner, safely returned the escapee to its pen after a 20-minute effort involving sticks and tail-pulling. The incident highlighted the importance of secure animal enclosures for safety.
    2024/04/10 13:19
  • 消費者報告10款最省油SUV!豐田集團霸榜奪冠軍

    SUV已經是當前車壇主流,更好的車室機能以及更遠的駕駛視野還有離地高帶來的便利地形跨越能力,不但在台灣的新車市場已經有近6成的佔比、同時也是世界車壇的主流車種!不過SUV們雖然空間機能優異,但比起轎車更大的體型也帶來較耗油的缺點,這點也在歐美引起不少環保團體關注休旅車的油耗議題。近期美國知名第三方評鑑機構消費者報告《Consumer Report》就在2月份發佈了最新版的SUV省油報告,前10名中不意外地由Toyota與Lexus的豐田集團霸榜佔據6名之多,而Ford Escape(美規Kuga)、Honda CR-V、Hyundai Tucson以及Kia Sportage等台灣消費者也喜愛的中型SUV也有入選,但能登上最省油排行榜的動力規格並不是每一款都在台有售。
    2024/02/26 15:55
  • 福特Kuga美規2025年恐停產 下一代有望轉型純電休旅

    國內暢銷的福特休旅主力Ford Kuga,現行3代車型的歐規小改款新車才在2024年1月發表,不過美規改叫Escape的中型SUV,歷史很可能在四代車型就宣告終結,並在2025年面臨停產命運!Kuga/Escape可能後繼無車的原因主要是因為其所處的中型SUV級距雖然主流,不過競爭激烈導致利潤受到影響,Ford CEO Jim Farley去年3月份就暗示Kuga/Escape將不會有後繼車型,改將資源投注在Bronco Sport這類相同平台但定位特殊、定價更高的車型上。而近期福特執行長Jim Farley接受外媒採訪時又近一步「暗示」,目前品牌有在開發低成本純電平台休旅的計畫,是否意味著Kuga/Escape的下一代後繼車就會是電動SUV呢?
    2024/02/22 11:41
  • MOTC hosts cultural event at Toronto Eaton Center

    The Tourist Administration of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) organized a two-day event at the Toronto Eaton Centre in Canada, showcasing Taiwan’s attractions. The event featured various activities, including VR experiences, calligraphy bookmark crafting, pinball games, indigenous beadwork, and oil-paper umbrella painting workshops. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Toronto reported a significant increase in Canadian visitors to Taiwan, with a 1366.17 percent rise compared to the previous year. However, the number of visitors has not yet returned to pre-COVID-19 levels. In an effort to boost tourism, Taiwan has waived visa requirements for Canadians, positioning itself as an ideal winter getaway. Taiwan’s picturesque mountains, coastlines, and diverse urban and small-town landscapes make it a perfect destination for leisurely exploration.
    2023/12/11 20:32
  • Wayward piglet leads police on chase in Pingtung County

    A wayward piglet named "A-Tsai" caused excitement in Pingtung County’s Gongyuan Rd. as it led locals and police on a chase. Videos of the six-month-old black piglet evading capture have gone viral, drawing laughter from social media users. The piglet was eventually apprehended and taken to the local police station. Its owner, surnamed Chang, expressed gratitude to the officers and reclaimed the adventurous piglet. The incident showcases the community’s spirit of looking out for one another, regardless of species.
    2023/12/07 11:04
  • Foreigners escape to Tokyo after vandalizing MRT carriages

    Two foreign nationals vandalized Taichung and Kaohsiung MRT carriages with graffiti before fleeing to Tokyo.
    2023/08/31 16:55
  • 內心戲難不倒影后!桂綸鎂10分鐘火速收服盧貝松

    好萊塢名導盧貝松監製的新片《週末在台北》(《The Weekend Escape》),6月已在台北開拍,本刊7月直擊路克伊凡斯在基隆拍攝後,近日遇見桂綸鎂在大直開工,影后出擊乾淨俐落,10分鐘即拍畢,據悉,該片拍攝已進入最後倒數階段。
    2023/08/22 09:41
  • John Bolton: Taiwan to escape diplomatic isolation

    The complex relationship between Taiwan, the United States, and China has been the subject of ongoing media coverage in recent weeks, prompting many to speculate about the future course of action for each country.
    2023/02/14 19:47
  • Tourists escape the cold in Taiwan’s hot spring areas

    This weekend’s cold spell didn’t stop the Taiwanese people from visiting tourist spots around Taiwan.
    2022/12/19 17:28
  • 黃嘉千傳16年婚變 開休旅車恩愛出遊畫面成追憶

    2022/07/06 14:02
  • 被造車耽誤的Youtuber BMW拍微電影觀看破2千萬

    BMW官方Youtube頻道影片內容多元,包含S1000 RR重機抽桌巾挑戰、Daimler集團總裁Dieter Zetsche退休致敬等影片,看出BMW團隊用心經營網路行銷,頻道目前已達到114萬訂閱人數,Youtube還特別頒發「Golden Button Award」金獎給予BMW團隊。其中頻道內《The Small Escape》透過灰暗色調及音效相互搭配,成功呈現主角及好友在逃跑過程中的緊張氛圍,儘管影片長度不到4分鐘,但卻獲得2,300萬次觀看數,為目前頻道中最熱門的影片。
    2020/12/22 22:26
  • 國產SUV級距破壞者! Ford Kuga 89.9萬起上市

    國產休旅市場今年度最受矚目焦點之一,Ford新世代Kuga今日 (6月17日) 正式發表上市。共推出EcoBoost 180雅致型、EcoBoost 180時尚型、EcoBoost 180旗艦型、EcoBoost 250 AWD旗艦型與EcoBoost 250 AWD ST-Line等5款車型,建議售價分別落在89.9萬元、96.9萬元、106.9萬元、116.9萬元以及119.9萬元,除受訂生產的雅緻型之外,全車系皆標配Co-Pilot 360半自動駕駛輔助系統。
    2020/06/17 18:54
  • 世界最長滑水道即將登場! 穿越叢林尖叫4分鐘

    2019/06/29 17:07
  • BMW發表未來機車 配備全時自動平衡

    2016/10/12 21:04
  • 恐煞車失靈 ESCAPE、Tribute召回

    2007/08/25 00:09
  • 福特、本田SUV 戴奧辛焚化爐10倍

    根據環保署期中研究報告顯示,有幾款休旅車戴奧辛排放濃度,竟然是北投垃圾焚化爐近10倍,特別是福特ESCAPE 2.0,以及本田CR-V車款,車主雖然不受影響 但交警和公路收費員,曝露在致癌危機中。
    2006/12/19 12:08
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