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    Clips 結果共5筆

  • NSB tracks illicit money from China ahead of election

    The National Security Bureau (NSB) of Taiwan is actively investigating polling companies suspected of having strong ties with China and engaging in illicit financial activities. Concerns have been raised about potential Chinese intervention in the upcoming 2024 general elections. China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) has been accused of attempting to influence election results by inviting pro-Kuomintang (KMT) commentators and polling officials to China. There are reports of generative AI technologies being used to spread disinformation through edited viral clips, potentially impacting the elections. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators have called for offensive counter-espionage techniques to combat these opposing forces. The NSB is working to trace the origins of these financial flows and is closely monitoring the situation. The NSB has also warned that legal action will be taken if any manipulative activity or election fraud is detected.
    2023/11/08 19:16
  • Cheng files lawsuit against social media page over video

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan has denied rumors circulating on social media about a video allegedly showing him in a secret hotel meeting with a woman. He took legal action against the social media page responsible for spreading the video in order to uncover its origin and establish the truth. Cheng stated that the video clips were recorded at different times and had been edited together to create a misleading narrative. He emphasized that the purpose of distributing the video was to deceive, and he affirmed that he is not the person shown in the footage.
    2023/10/25 18:03
  • Google推運動相機 GoPro被嚇到股價大跌

    谷歌舉行新品發表會,除了旗艦機Pixel2亮相外,這次還推出全新運動攝影機Google Clips,外型輕巧,可以夾在任何物品上,還搭載AI人工智慧,能自動記錄每個重要時刻,谷歌這個新產品一亮相,運動相機大廠GoPro股價立刻大跌6.3%。
    2017/10/05 18:46
  • 看步道的天機?自動上字App把《小幸運》變搞笑

    2017/06/16 00:05
  • Nespresso Pixie Clips咖啡機、Ristrettos 限量款咖啡 全新登場

    Nespresso奈斯派索持續以創新機型與頂尖工藝設計,表現革命性的咖啡體驗。推出最新款機型-Pixie Clips是一款可依個人喜好變換面板造型的咖啡機,反映時下追求個人化風格趨勢。10款亮麗的機身面板,能滿足多變的個人風格。Nespresso表示,近7成的消費者偏好實用性與設計感兼具的產品,其中又有將近6成的消費者對於接收流行趨勢具有相當的敏銳度,尤其偏好”個人化”的特色產品。
    2015/09/15 19:21
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