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    n7 model 結果共6筆

  • 納智捷n7將出國比拉力賽 亞洲車神陳和皇:驗證品牌實力

    第29屆亞洲越野拉力賽將在8月11日至17日在泰國舉辦,而台灣拉力賽車手陳和皇將駕駛由鴻海旗下鴻華科技自主研發Model C為基礎的Luxgen n7出賽,這也是史上第一次有「純電車」出賽。
    2024/07/17 16:44
  • 鴻海大展「電動車」生態系 劉揚偉:n7大量交付中 

    「2024 臺北國際車用電子展」於今(17)日在南港展覽館1館盛大開幕,鴻海展出一系列的智慧電動車平台,包括旗下鴻華科技所設計開發首部國產電動車Luxgen n7、預計今年第四季量產MODEL B、首款電動廂式物流車MODEL N,還有結合AI輔助設計的電驅系統等,在展場上呈現完整電動車生態系。
    2024/04/17 16:08
  • Foxtron marks milestone with record n7 EV model pre-orders

    Foxtron, a joint venture of Yulon Motor’s Luxgen Motor, has received over 9,100 pre-orders for its n7 electric vehicle (EV), making a significant impact on Taiwan’s domestic EV industry. Deliveries of the highly anticipated n7 model are set to begin in mid-January next year and be completed by the end of June. The n7’s pre-order numbers, achieved in just two days, equal three years of total EV sales in Taiwan, signaling a bright future for the EV market. Foxconn CEO Young Liu, leading the electric transformation of the trillion-dollar corporation, sees the increasing global competition in the EV sector as beneficial for Foxconn and its business models. Platformization, modularization, and standardization are key strategies for achieving cost control and timely product launches, which are at the core of Foxconn and Foxtron. The n7 model, benefiting from the shared platform provided by Foxtron, enjoys a competitive edge in cost, aligning with Foxconn’s global EV aspirations. The success of Foxtron’s n7 could potentially usher in a new era for Taiwan’s presence in the international EV landscape as the demand for sustainable transport continues to grow.
    2023/11/22 20:38
  • 黃仁勳親替鴻海電動車簽名 樂喊「劉揚偉是我朋友、晚上夜市見」

    鴻海科技日今(18)日登場,重量級嘉賓輝達(NVIDIA)執行長黃仁勳出席,並在台上與鴻海董事長劉揚偉對談。現場也展示鴻海一系列電動車,包括Model B以及在台灣以納智捷(LUXGEN)n7之名販售的Model C。有趣的是,黃仁勳今早也在劉揚偉陪同下,親自在納智捷n7車身上簽名,並讚嘆該款電動車令人驚艷,「To Young and my friend at Foxconn, beautiful and amazing EVs. Jensen Huang」,展現兩人的好交情。
    2023/10/18 10:40
  • 鴻海電動車卡關?傳年底量產有難度 公司回應了

    由鴻海打造的電動車Model C,有望在今年第4季投產,台灣方面則會以納智捷(LUXGEN)n7之名販售,如今卻傳出年底前量產「有難度」。對此,鴻海旗下鴻華先進今(29)日發布聲明,表示目前量產、交付客戶時程不變,預計明年1月起陸續交車。
    2023/09/29 14:52
  • 鴻華:Model C目前量產、交付客戶時程不變

    外界關心台灣首款國產純電休旅車LUXGEN n7何時上市,裕隆昨表示,年底前大量交車有相當難度。鴻海旗下鴻華先進今天說明,關於Model C開發進度,目前量產、交付客戶時程不變,後續關於n7車款相關事宜,由客戶端(LUXGEN)依新車上市規劃統一說明。
    2023/09/29 14:52
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