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    judicial reform 結果共8筆

  • Presidential Office requests constitutional interpretation

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s political landscape: The Presidential Office challenges the new parliamentary reform law for constitutional compliance, seeking a review from the Judicial Yuan and the Constitutional Court.
    2024/06/28 14:05
  • TPP cautiously backs KMT’s contempt of legislature bill

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) caucus whip Huang Kuo-Chang cautiously supports Kuomintang’s proposed law to criminalize contempt of the legislative body, emphasizing the need for further discussion. The KMT’s legislation aims to penalize false statements by executive officials, drawing opposition from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). While aligned with the TPP’s oversight goals, Huang raises concerns about the law’s wording and its compatibility with Taiwan’s constitution. He references similar regulations in the U.S., Germany, and Britain but stresses the importance of thorough deliberation on the proposed law’s specifics.
    2024/03/05 18:08
  • TPP’s Huang Shan-shan stresses focus on legislative duties

    Taiwan People’s Party Legislator Huang Shan-shan emphasizes the importance of legislators focusing on their parliamentary duties, as discussed in a recent news story. Huang’s remarks come after fellow party member Huang Kuo-chang expressed support for her potential candidacy in the Taipei mayoral race. The story also touches on Huang Shan-shan’s views on judicial reform and the responsibilities of legislators in managing their designated districts.
    2024/02/26 16:38
  • Cross-party talks: TPP reaches out to KMT

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je has announced that the party’s legislative caucus will initiate contact with the Kuomintang (KMT) for potential legislative cooperation. The TPP hopes to establish a mutually convenient schedule for visits between the two parties, with interactions expected to commence next week. This move comes as reform bills promised by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) remain stalled, and the TPP has proactively proposed collaboration with the KMT to further these reforms. TPP caucus whip Huang Kuo-chang has expressed optimism about the cross-party cooperation, stating that it is a good thing for opposition parties to work together to quickly pass bills that the DPP has failed to deliver on. The TPP caucus is open to this collaboration, pending the KMT’s response.
    2024/02/16 16:47
  • Grieving family demands justice at student’s funeral

    The funeral ceremony of a middle school student who was stabbed by a schoolmate was held in New Taipei. The bereaved family demanded judicial reform and swift and severe punishment for the offender, hoping to establish a norm of "life for a life." They detailed the brutal incident, including the victim’s cardiac arrest, open-heart surgery, and subsequent death. The family pleaded for just and stiff penalties for both the perpetrator and abettor to ensure justice. They expressed skepticism towards the judiciary mechanism and its treatment of offenders, and voiced deep regret. The incident has had a significant impact on the family, particularly the deceased’s dependent sister who is now left to manage on her own. The family appreciated the assistance from kind-hearted individuals in caring for the sister and managing affairs after the child’s death. They fervently urged the judiciary to prioritize public safety, protect innocent victims, and ensure appropriate punishment for murderers and instigators.
    2024/01/25 15:12
  • TPP’s Vivian Huang questions need to revive SID

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) legislator-at-large candidate Vivian Huang has expressed concerns about the proposal to reinstate the Special Investigation Division (SID). Huang questions the necessity of reviving the SID when other prosecutors should be capable of handling cases without it. This debate arises from Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih’s recent proposal to revive the disbanded SID. Huang has called on the KMT and Hou to provide specific details and reasoning for restoring the SID before she decides whether to support the initiative. TPP’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has also criticized the establishment of new units whenever problems arise, expressing doubts about their effectiveness. Huang, along with other TPP legislator-at-large candidates, has emphasized the need for judicial reforms to combat judicial injustices, unlawful influence-peddling, organized crime, opaque parole processes, and to address challenges faced by prosecutors such as interference, inadequate training, and a rise in fraud cases. These reforms include the introduction of whistle blower protection laws and criminalization of unlawful gifting and influence trading.
    2023/12/04 17:29
  • Young crowd cheers for Ko Wen-je at housing justice rally

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Presidential hopeful Ko Wen-je received enthusiastic cheers from the young crowd at Sunday’s housing justice and judicial reform rally in Taipei.
    2023/07/17 16:35
  • Prominent Taiwanese figures join hands for housing justice

    Chen Chih-han, a well-known Taiwanese internet celebrity, along with former New Power Party chairman and legislator Huang Kuo-chang, visited the headquarters of Taiwan’s People Party (TPP) on Monday (July 3). Together, they presented an invitation to TPP chairman Ko Wen-je, urging him to join a rally in front of the Presidential Office on July 16th, under the theme of "saving Taiwan."
    2023/07/03 17:40
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