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    health department 結果共42筆

  • Dengue spreads like needle-shared diseases: study

    A pivotal study reveals that dengue fever can rapidly spread through a transmission method similar to needle-sharing in infectious diseases like HBV, HCB, and HIV. The study, conducted by Taiwan’s National Health Research Institutes in collaboration with the Department of Health and Kaohsiung City Government, analyzed the timing of infections during the 2015 outbreak. They found that in 85% of household cases, symptoms occurred within three days of each other, contradicting the previously believed incubation period for virus transmission. Using animal models, researchers confirmed that when mosquitoes bite an infected animal and then promptly bite another, the virus can transfer via the mosquito’s proboscis, bypassing the once-considered essential eight-day extrinsic incubation period. This finding explains the rapid spread of the 2015 dengue epidemic in Taiwan and raises concerns for the recent spike in cases. The study, published in the esteemed journal eBiomedicine, a Lancet subsidiary, in August 2023, also involved international researchers from the University of California, Nagoya University, Tsinghua University, and National Taiwan University.
    2023/12/18 15:25
  • Taipei to offer free HPV vaccines to junior high boys

    Starting September 2024, Taipei’s male junior high school students will receive the 9-valent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for free, as announced by the Taipei City Department of Health. The aim of this initiative is to enhance herd immunity, reduce HPV infections, and lower the incidence of related cancers by vaccinating both male and female students. With a vaccination rate of 91% among junior high school girls in 2021, the Health Commissioner decided to extend the program to boys. Consent from students and parents will be required, and a health assessment will be conducted by a physician. Vaccination sites will be set up in 93 schools, and there are also 115 contracted medical institutions available for students who cannot receive the vaccine at school. The vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing infections and reducing the risk of related cancers is supported by medical studies. The World Health Organization recommends that 90% of girls under 15 receive the HPV vaccine, with boys included as a secondary priority group. The Health Promotion Administration has been providing the vaccine to female junior high students at public expense since 2018, establishing a strong foundation for safeguarding boys against HPV as well.
    2023/12/12 13:19
  • Kaohsiung schools main infection sites amid Norovirus spike

    Kaohsiung City is experiencing a rise in acute diarrhea cases, particularly in schools, due to the spread of Norovirus. During the 48th week of the year, the emergency room visit rate reached 4.81%, a significant increase from the previous year’s 2.91%. The city has reported 125 cluster cases of diarrhea, with schools accounting for 80% of the infection sites. The Kaohsiung City Department of Health is urging the public to practice regular handwashing and food safety measures. Norovirus is primarily transmitted through poor hygiene, close contact with infected individuals, and the consumption of contaminated food. With increased school activities, there is a higher risk of cross-infection. Standard alcohol-based hand sanitizers are ineffective against Norovirus, so diligent handwashing with soap and disinfecting surfaces with diluted bleach are recommended. Precautionary measures also include thorough washing and cooking of seafood, disinfecting areas after vomiting or diarrhea incidents, and using gloves and masks. It is advised to stay home when sick and return to work or school only 48 hours after symptoms have disappeared.
    2023/12/09 13:50
  • Taiwan health official admits affair, seeks forgiveness

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare has addressed reports of an extramarital affair involving Secretary General Hsu Chao-cheng, expressing hopes that he will handle the matter appropriately. Hsu himself acknowledged the affair on Facebook, apologizing to his wife, family, and colleagues. The affair was brought to light by Mirror Media, which revealed frequent interactions between Hsu and a female subordinate, identified as Chen. Colleagues reported seeing them together watching movies and shopping. Deputy Minister Jih-Haw Chou of the Ministry of Health and Welfare stated that if any aspect of the affair relates to official duties, it will be further investigated.
    2023/12/06 20:34
  • 20K join Taoyuan’s free lung scan; 63 diagnoses confirmed

    Taoyuan City has screened over 20,000 residents aged 40 and older for lung cancer through a free low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) scan program. However, only 18,000 have completed the examination, with 1,036 cases requiring further tracking and 63 confirmed lung cancer diagnoses. Taoyuan City Councilors raised concerns about the limited number of participating hospitals and the budget allocation for the program. The Taoyuan Public Health Department reported that 18 medical institutions currently provide the LDCT service, with plans to add four or five more next year. They assured that the program will continue with the same eligibility criteria and quotas, and aim to integrate smart technology to expedite the screening process. The screening service targets individuals with high-risk factors such as tobacco exposure, relevant medical and family history, occupational exposure, and air pollution. Occupational exposure includes individuals who have worked in environments with asbestos, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, or dust for over ten years.
    2023/12/02 10:55
  • Tainan and Kaohsiung report rising dengue fever cases

    The dengue fever outbreak in Taiwan continues to surge, with Tainan reporting 40 new local cases on Sunday (Nov. 19), pushing the total to 26,160. Kaohsiung added 51 cases on the same day, raising its cumulative count to 2,054. However, the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicated a decreasing trend in 10 dengue fever hotspots in Tainan. The Tainan Dengue Fever Prevention and Control Center reminded people that the development time of mosquito larvae increases in temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius, but their growth and activity are only inhibited in conditions under 16 degrees. As temperatures drop, disease-carrying mosquitoes may seek shelter indoors.
    2023/11/20 16:33
  • Millions to benefit from digital health reform next year

    Taiwan’s Health and Welfare Minister, Hsueh Jui-yuan, has announced the launch of a telemedicine project next week to meet the growing demand for virtual diagnosis and long-distance clinical services. The telehealth initiative, set to debut in April next year, will not only cover acute and long-term care but also extend to chronic treatments, serious accidents, infectious cases, and care for people with disabilities. The National Health Insurance Administration estimates that over seven million people will benefit from these telehealth reforms. However, concerns have been raised by Legislator Lai Hui-yuan regarding the overdue project and the NHIA’s plans to boost digital health in Taiwan. The NHIA Department of Medical Affairs Director, Liu Lin-yi, responded by stating that telemedicine services became accessible to general patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 460 thousand patients receiving diagnoses through video calls. To ensure a smooth digital transition, MOHW Health Division Chief Liu Yueh-Ping emphasized the need for standards and the completion of necessary setups within six months.
    2023/11/08 18:51
  • Kaohsiung school meals rely on domestic eggs only: Mayor

    The story discusses how Kaohsiung school meals will now only use domestically produced eggs, addressing concerns about imported egg use. Two egg producers, Tai Nong Egg Products and Sin Sing Eggs, faced fines and legal scrutiny from the city government for their refusal to provide import and export documents, creating uncertainty around the distribution of 4.25 million eggs. This issue prompted a special inquiry report on egg imports in Kaohsiung, which Mayor Chen Chi-mai and officials from the Department of Health and the Agriculture Bureau attended. Mayor Chen revealed that both companies have been heavily penalized, accumulating fines of NT$11.3 million.
    2023/11/07 17:36
  • China customs to end mandatory travelers health declarations

    The General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC) has announced that starting November 1st, mandatory health declarations will no longer be required for those entering or departing China. However, travelers are still obligated to report their health status to customs and cooperate with sanitary inspections. The Tourism Department of the Kinmen County Government has welcomed this policy change, hoping that cross-strait interactions can resume under normal conditions in the post-pandemic era.
    2023/10/31 17:18
  • Taipei to offer egg freezing subsidy for cancer patients

    Taipei City’s Department of Health introduces an egg-freezing subsidy for cancer patients under 40. Learn more about this initiative and its eligibility criteria.
    2023/10/02 18:56
  • Kaohsiung fines egg distributors for incomplete info

    Tainung Egg Products Co. and Sin Sing Eggs Ltd. are facing penalties from the Kaohsiung City Government’s Department of Health for not disclosing the origin of their imported egg products. The fines imposed on the companies have exceeded NT$10 million in the past 10 days.
    2023/09/25 19:35
  • Kaohsiung imposes fines for mislabeled Brazilian eggs

    Kaohsiung’s Department of Health, has announced that Ultra Source, the company responsible for importing Brazilian eggs with false expiration dates, will face fines ranging from NT$40,000 to NT$4 million under the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation.
    2023/09/13 12:49
  • Costco’s cheese product faces food safety concerns

    A cheese product from Costco tested positive for ethylene oxide, a potentially harmful chemical on Friday (Aug. 18), according to Kaohsiung City’s Department of Health.
    2023/08/18 22:46
  • Dengue fever resurfaces locally in Taipei after 3-year lull

    Taipei’s Mayor Chiang Wan-an oversees alley disinfection after the city reports its first local dengue fever case in three years. Learn more about the preventive measures and the patient’s travel history.
    2023/08/10 20:48
  • Taiwan shopper criticized for locking dog in car for hours

    In Taiwan, dedicated dog owners often view their pets as members of the family. However, on New Year’s Eve (Dec. 31) shoppers were aghast to hear loud barks coming from inside a car parked in a retail store lot — clearly, the desperate calls for help were of an animal left locked up and forgotten by its owner.
    2023/01/04 18:47
  • 歐洲爆猴痘疫情!美通報今年首例 加拿大也傳疑似案例

    美國麻州公共衛生局(Massachusetts Department of Public Health)今天表示,麻州1名男子證實感染猴痘病毒,此人最近曾前往加拿大。
    2022/05/19 12:58
  • 美國國會大廈驚見「可疑包裹」!警方疏散並出動拆彈小組

    美國國會大廈周圍建築物週三(27)驚傳接獲炸彈威脅,其中包含「美國衛生及公共服務部」(Department of Health and Human Services,簡稱HHS)總部大樓。警方接獲通報後隨即至現場進行人員疏散,並封鎖附近多條道路。所幸經搜索後未查獲任何直接威脅,已宣布危機解除。
    2021/10/28 11:35
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