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  • Fact-check center debunks Ko Wen-je’s social housing claims

    Taiwan FactCheck Center refutes Ko Wen-je’s claim that most of Taiwan’s social housing units were completed during his tenure. As of August 2023, Taiwan had a total of 27,781 social housing units, with 6,253 existing residences and 21,528 newly completed units. During Ko’s term as mayor until 2022, a total of 11,383 social housing units were built or constructed, including units initiated by his predecessor, Hau Lung-pin. Of these, only 5,062 units were started and completed before August 2023 under Ko’s administration, accounting for just 23.51% of the nationwide newly completed total. When factoring in Hau’s units, projects completed under Ko’s term totaled 6,359 units, or 29.54% of the nationwide total. These figures contradict Ko’s claim of being responsible for "most" of the social housing projects. The factual data reveals a significant discrepancy between his statement and the reality.
    2024/01/06 17:10
  • Taiwan warns against misleading heated tobacco claims

    The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration warns the public that heated tobacco products have the same nicotine content and addictiveness as traditional tobacco, according to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO’s report revealed that marketing strategies used by heated tobacco businesses may mislead consumers into thinking these products are less harmful. Rats exposed to aerosols from a single heated tobacco stick had nicotine concentration in their blood 4.5 times higher than those exposed to traditional tobacco smoke. Nicotine not only leads to addiction but also causes harm to attention, learning, mood control, impulse control, pregnant women, and developing embryos. Heated tobacco emissions contain harmful and carcinogenic substances, putting the body at risk. Data does not support the idea that substituting traditional tobacco with heated tobacco reduces health risks. Tobacco companies use misleading marketing tactics to lure consumers, claiming lower health risks and reduced secondhand smoke and odor. It is important to note that no heated tobacco products are currently approved for sale in Taiwan, and their manufacturing, importation, selling, supplying, display, advertising, and usage are prohibited under the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act.
    2024/01/05 18:01
  • CEC imposes ban on poll data discussion ahead of elections

    The Central Election Commission in Taiwan announces a comprehensive ban on publicizing, discussing, or referring to poll data in the lead-up to the General Election, aiming to ensure fairness and impartiality in the electoral process.
    2024/01/03 19:35
  • Taiwan monitors Chinese military activity ahead of elections

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) detected four Chinese military aircraft and three naval vessels operating near the Taiwan Strait, days before the presidential election. Two Chinese balloons were also tracked, with one entering Taiwan’s western airspace northwest of Chiayi, and another spotted northwest of Keelung. The balloons disappeared from radar after crossing the median line. The MND’s flight track map shows that one balloon floated over Taiwan from west to east before disappearing over the Pacific Ocean. The other balloon, named "Air Police 500," flew into Taiwan’s southwestern air defense identification zone (ADIZ) from China’s coastal airspace. These balloons were likely used for collecting meteorological data and were different from the Chinese spy balloons that flew over the U.S. last year. It is inferred that these floating balloons might have been released by an unknown Chinese entity, as Taiwan has previously found balloons released by China for weather research. Promptly disclosing the movements of Chinese balloons is emphasized to raise public awareness regarding safety measures and counter potential preemptive messaging from China. The national military is currently monitoring the situation and has developed a responsive plan, according to the MND.
    2024/01/03 11:07
  • Taiwan shifts investment focus from China to U.S., Germany

    Taiwan’s investment in China has reached its lowest point in a decade, making up just over 10% of the island’s total overseas direct investment, according to a report by Nikkei Asia. Recent official data from Taiwan reveals that foreign direct investments surged by 87% to reach $257 billion through November this year. However, investments in China plummeted by 34% to only $29 billion, representing a mere 12% of the total. Since 2010, Taiwanese investments in China have been steadily declining and are projected to drop below the lowest point recorded since 1999. In contrast, investments in the United States have increased ninefold to $96 billion, accounting for around 37% of the total outbound direct investment. Additionally, Taiwan’s direct investment in Germany has soared 25-fold to $39 billion, largely driven by the operations of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company. Sun Ming-te, Director of the Business Development and Research Center at the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER), predicts that if tensions between the United States and China persist, Taiwan’s investment in China will continue to decline.
    2023/12/30 20:15
  • Hsinchu Mayor Ann Kao faces dual legal challenges

    Hsinchu Mayor Ann Kao is set to appear in Taipei District Court on Wednesday, December 27, as the defendant in two separate legal matters. In the morning case, Kao is accused of defamation by Tario Ong, a business professor at Western Washington University, who claimed on social media that Kao’s doctoral thesis contained unreferenced data from the Institute for Information Industry. After Kao reported Ong for aggravated defamation and the prosecutor chose not to indict, Ong filed a countersuit. In the afternoon case, Kao is facing charges of fraudulently claiming assistant fees during her time as a legislator. The Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office has charged Kao with fraudulently obtaining NT$460,030 in wages and overtime pay for her assistants, resulting in charges of embezzlement and forgery. The courtroom may face an overflow of observers from the Hsinchu City Government. The cases are ongoing with further developments pending.
    2023/12/27 10:38
  • Lai Ching-te’s property ownership deemed legitimate

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Finance clarifies that the property at Lai Ching-te’s permanent residence was not illegally transferred from public to private ownership. The Finance National Property Administration states that land registry data show the property has always been privately owned and has no record of being expropriated from state ownership. Accusations of profiteering corruption against Lai by former legislator Chiu Yi and media personality Mao Chia-ching are refuted by the FNP, which reiterates that the land has been privately owned since 1940 with no records of state ownership or transfer.
    2023/12/26 22:18
  • Tech-driven traffic enforcement expands in Taipei City

    Taipei City plans to install four more traffic enforcement cameras at intersections starting from January 1, 2024, to maintain traffic order. The new technology will assist in enforcing traffic regulations, including stopping for pedestrians, obeying traffic lights, making proper turns, and following traffic signal directions. Violations captured by the cameras will be penalized under the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act. Since 2019, Taipei has already installed such cameras in 34 areas, resulting in over a 90% decrease in traffic violations according to the Traffic Division’s data. The introduction of tech-based traffic enforcement aims to reduce violations and ensure smooth traffic flow, with the authorities urging drivers to prioritize traffic safety. These additional installations are expected to contribute to safer road conditions in the city.
    2023/12/26 20:24
  • Voters in Taiwan can verify data online: MOI

    The Ministry of the Interior (MOI) has announced that the public can check their voting rights information by using their ID card and birth date on the Department of Household Registration website from December 26 to December 28. People can also visit local township, city, or district offices to check the list of eligible voters and request a correction if there is inaccurate data. To have voting rights, individuals must be at least 20 years old and have continuously resided in the free area of the Republic of China for at least six months for presidential elections, and at least four months in the respective constituency for legislative elections. The voters’ list will be compiled using records from 20 days before election day. The Department of Household Registration will also enable online inquiries about polling station locations from January 8 to 13, 2024, to assist individuals who do not live at their registered addresses or have not received a voting notification.
    2023/12/26 15:55
  • Taipei mayor’s approval rating at 65% on first anniversary

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s approval rating has jumped from 39% to 65%, according to data from Taipei City Government’s Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission. On his first anniversary in office, Chiang held a press conference at the Taipei Dome, discussing his visions for Taipei’s future. Notable achievements include the successful response to the collapse of a residential building in Dazhi and the highest number of births in 28 months in October 2023. Chiang sees the completion and operation of the Taipei Dome as a shared triumph for citizens, allowing for large-scale events. When asked about his performance rating, Chiang deferred to the judgment of the citizens. He expressed his hope to lead the ’Taipei Team’ for the next three years, aiming to give residents a chance to experience a different city.
    2023/12/25 18:37
  • Taiwan calls for WTO to resolve disputes with China

    Deputy Trade Representative Yang Jen-ni of Taiwan’s Office of Trade Negotiations (OTN) criticized China’s recent trade barriers against Taiwan, highlighting four major concerns. Yang pointed out that China’s investigation process is biased, unfair, nontransparent, and not in line with international norms. Documents such as applications, comments, respondent summaries, and non-confidential data were undisclosed or restricted to foreigners. Additionally, Yang condemned China for bypassing the Taiwan government during the investigation, prioritizing political objectives over economic ones. She also accused China of misinterpreting trade policies and creating a false narrative that Taiwan is unwilling to address disputes. Lastly, Yang criticized China for producing inflated and unverifiable data in its impact assessment, without solid evidence to support its claims. Yang urged China to abandon its one-sided political manipulation and suggested initiating consultations through the World Trade Organization (WTO) mechanism to resolve trade disputes.
    2023/12/21 21:34
  • Ex-DPP councilor and aide indicted in data acquisition case

    Former Taoyuan City Councillor, Kuo Li-hua, of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and her assistant Liu Tsai-jou have been indicted for allegedly purchasing private information in support of Foxconn founder, Terry Gou, during his independent presidential candidacy. The indictment states that Kuo, under Liu’s direction, secured 325 blank endorsement forms on six separate occasions, totaling a transaction of NT$88,400. Law enforcement officials seized critical evidence, including endorsement registers and text messages, which implicated Kuo and Liu. Despite Kuo’s denial, the Taiwan Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office (TYC) emphasized that they and six others had clearly committed the crime and were officially prosecuted. The TYC has also requested a heavier sentence for Kuo due to her hostility after committing the crime.
    2023/12/21 15:34
  • Taiwan tops Asia in human freedom, ranks 12th globally

    The Cato Institute and the Fraser Institute have co-published the 2023 Human Freedom Index, revealing that Switzerland maintains its position as the country with the highest levels of human freedom. Taiwan, on the other hand, ranks 12th globally and claims the top spot for human freedom in Asia. The report highlights that the COVID-19 pandemic has generally led to a decline in human freedom, particularly in areas such as the rule of law, action, speech, assembly, association, and trade. Taiwan performs well in individual freedom, securing the 12th spot with a score of 8.98 out of 10, and ranks 11th in economic freedom with a score of 7.79, resulting in an overall score of 8.56. The Human Freedom Index is a comprehensive assessment of personal, civil, and economic freedoms worldwide, based on data from 2021 encompassing 165 jurisdictions.
    2023/12/20 19:18
  • Taiwan sees economic confidence boost: survey

    A survey by Cathay Financial Holdings reveals a rise in Taiwan’s economic confidence, with the outlook index turning positive and stock market optimism rebounding. The December survey shows that 70% of the population expects the economic growth rate to exceed 2% in 2024, while 55% anticipate the inflation rate to remain above 2%. These expectations differ slightly from projections by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics (DGBAS), which forecasts a 3.35% economic growth rate and an inflation rate of 1.64% for 2024. The DGBAS data suggests that people may be more conservative about economic expansion and anticipate higher inflation. Additionally, expectations for salary adjustments have improved compared to 2022, with 45.9% of those surveyed predicting wage increases. Of these, 9.2% believe raises will exceed 3%, and 47.6% expect monthly regular wages to stay the same. Taiwan’s current situation confidence index has climbed from -23.2 in November to -3.0 in December, while the future outlook confidence index has improved from -9.1 to 3.6, signaling growing optimism about Taiwan’s upcoming economic climate.
    2023/12/20 14:56
  • Over 4M people earn less than NT$43K monthly in Taiwan: data

    Discover the latest insights from Taiwan’s job market, including the widening income gap, low salary increase expectations for 2024, and varying pay trends across industries.
    2023/12/19 18:05
  • 果粉有福了!iPhone爽下殺「1折」限時1天 地點曝光

    果粉有福了!趁年底換新機,現在蘋果經銷商德誼數位Data Express,推出1折入手iPhone,指定快閃特賣會將在12月22日在台北台大門市登場,屆時將出清蘋果福利品,不僅有手機還有Apple Watch系列商品。
    2023/12/19 17:03
  • Dcard faces police searches amid fraud, safety issues

    Dcard, a popular Taiwanese networking platform, has been the target of multiple police and judicial searches due to numerous instances involving anonymous postings that resulted in fraud, child and teenager safety issues, and defamation cases. Despite polite requests from Taiwanese authorities for data, Dcard has refused to comply, leading to criticism from attorney and former prosecutor Perseus Chen. Chen pointed out that while Facebook’s headquarters in the United States are beyond Taiwanese law enforcement’s jurisdiction, Dcard, being based in Taiwan, should cooperate with local investigations into criminal matters. Chen’s comments have further intensified scrutiny on Dcard’s handling of law enforcement requests and its adherence to legal obligations in Taiwan.
    2023/12/19 15:35
  • Central Taiwan groups rally for coal-free future

    Join the rally against air pollution and global warming in Taichung, central Taiwan on December 24. Environmental organizations are demanding a coal-free central Taiwan and urging Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen to take immediate action to phase out coal at the Taichung Power Plant by 2026. Central Taiwan is responsible for over 60% of the nation’s coal-fired power generation, causing long-term pollution. The International Energy Agency advises developed countries to achieve coal phase-out by 2030 to control temperature rise within 1.5 degrees Celsius. Taiwan’s current energy policy does not align with international trends, with proposed energy-use proportion still including 14 to 20% coal by 2030. However, data from the Ministry of Economic Affairs suggests that increased generation from natural gas and renewable sources can allow for a full coal phase-out at Taichung Power Plant by 2026, a decade earlier than Taipower’s claim. Local governments in central Taiwan are criticized for insufficient efforts to reduce coal use, and residents are urged not to wait another 12 years for a healthier environment.
    2023/12/19 15:28
  • Taiwan to merge tourism and weather services for travelers

    The Tourism Administration and the Central Weather Administration (CWA) have signed a memorandum of understanding to merge tourism and meteorological services in Taiwan. The partnership will focus on Taiwan’s tourism activities, particularly the 13 national scenic area administrations. The collaboration aims to develop strategic promotions that enhance the traveler experience by utilizing the expertise of both organizations. The Tourism Administration plans to incorporate real-time weather data into a tourism smart cloud, providing accurate weather conditions for tourists. The CWA will deliver targeted meteorological information for different regions, simplifying access for both local and international travelers. This initiative aims to catalyze the development of the tourism industry and ensure the effective use and exchange of weather and maritime information. The use of smart cloud technology will equip travelers with useful information, enhancing convenience and safety, especially for maritime recreational activities.
    2023/12/18 21:26
  • Taiwan’s top religious site: Yunlin Beigang Chaotian Temple

    The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) Tourism Bureau’s statistics reveal that Yunlin Beigang Chaotian Temple was the most-visited religious site in Taiwan from January to September 2023, with over 6.81 million visits. Yunlin Beigang Wude Temple followed closely behind with over 6.69 million visitors, securing the second spot. Nankunshen Daitian Temple claimed the third position with over 5.46 million visitors. Miaoli Baishatun Gongtian Temple ranked sixth, attracting over 3.2 million visits, while Taichung Dajia Jenn Lann Temple, known for worshiping the sea goddess Mazu, recorded approximately 1.17 million visits, placing it in the eighth position. Although some renowned temples are not included in the Tourism Bureau’s recreational site list, the Bureau relies on data provided by local governments to track visitor numbers and collaborates with them to monitor tourism activity at these religious and cultural landmarks.
    2023/12/15 17:12
  • ’Taiwan Goes to the Polls’ Forum explores local democracy

    Explore the insights from the "Taiwan Goes to the Polls" forum, where experts analyze political trends in Taiwan’s 2024 General Election. Gain a better understanding of the country’s democracy and media representation.
    2023/12/14 19:07
  • Ko maintains 20%+ support in TPP’s poll: Huang Shan-shan

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s campaign director, Huang Shan-shan, released the party’s latest internal poll on Tuesday, December 12. The poll showed that Ko’s support has remained above 20% and expressed their determination to continue working hard. According to the poll, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidates, Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, lead with a support rate of 34.3%. Ko Wen-je and his running mate, Cynthia Wu, have garnered 24.5% support, while the Kuomintang (KMT) candidates, Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong, are slightly behind with 22.9%. The poll also revealed that undecided voters and other candidates make up 18.3% of potential voter sentiment. Huang criticized some polls as tools of political manipulation and emphasized the authenticity of the TPP’s internal polling data. The survey, conducted on December 9 and 10, interviewed 1,217 respondents, with 857 respondents contacted via landlines and 360 respondents polled through mobile phones.
    2023/12/12 21:30
  • Childless newlyweds rise in S. Korea amid economic woes

    New data from Statistics Korea reveals a decline in young married couples in South Korea, with approximately 1.032 million couples within the first five years of marriage as of November 1, 2022. Since 2015, there has been an annual average decrease of 50,000 to 80,000 newlywed couples, projected to fall below 1 million by the end of this year. Around 79% of these newlyweds are marrying for the first time, while over 20% are embarking on a second marriage. Notably, 46.4% of first-time married couples have chosen not to start a family yet, marking the highest recorded rate of childless couples. Economic and housing conditions play a role in these trends, as the average annual income of newlyweds has increased by 6.1% from the previous year, and dual-income households have claimed a larger share, reaching 57.2%. However, despite earning 1.7 times more than single-earner families, dual-income couples have a lower rate of having children. The unique Korean rental system, Jeonse, involving significant security deposit payments, and rising rental costs may further impact young couples’ decision to start a family, adding complexity to South Korean family dynamics.
    2023/12/12 20:08
  • Taiwan to U.S. travel nears pre-COVID levels, up 84%: MOTC

    Discover America Committee in Taiwan President Brenda Tang revealed that the U.S. travel market from Taiwan has rebounded to 84% of pre-pandemic levels, according to data from the Tourism Administration. Taiwanese travelers heading to the United States surged by 185% from January to October this year, reaching 396,913, as reported by the National Travel and Tourism Office. Flights to the U.S. during the peak summer season had load factors of over 90%, while the off-peak months of September and October maintained load factors of at least 85%. China Airlines and EVA Airways have nearly returned to pre-pandemic flight levels, and Starlux Airlines is set to launch its San Francisco route. United Airlines plans to double its Taipei to San Francisco flights, and Delta Air Lines is preparing to commence a Taipei to Seattle route. Tour package prices to the U.S. for the first quarter of next year and the Lunar New Year peak season are expected to increase by no more than 25%, offering travelers some price assurance amid growing demand.
    2023/12/12 19:26
  • Taiwan eyes migrant staff for hotel shortage

    The Tourism Administration at the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Taiwan plans to apply for the opening of housekeeping positions for migrant workers due to a shortage of hotel service staff. The proposal will be submitted to the Ministry of Labor for consideration. The Director-General of the Tourism Administration, Chou Yung-hui, emphasized the importance of the hotel industry in the tourism sector and its impact on local economies. Chou encouraged local workers, especially middle-aged and older individuals and women, to consider employment opportunities in the industry. Discussions with the Ministry of Labor are ongoing to address migrant worker policies, and relevant data will be presented as soon as possible.
    2023/12/12 17:36
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