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  • NBA/多項紀錄締新猷!躋身傳奇之林 文班亞馬「全票奪新人王」

    以「天才狀元」之姿登陸NBA的馬刺少主文班亞馬(Victor Wembanyama),即便沒能率隊重返季後賽,整個例行賽下來全能的攻防表現、仍給球迷留下深刻印象,而狠狠打臉眾人質疑的他,也在聯盟最新公布的「最佳新秀」票選中,成功拿下全部的第一名選票,比肩一眾傳奇球星,成為史上第六位「全票新人王」,為自己的新秀賽季畫下一個理想的句點。
    2024/05/08 10:31
  • 《背著善宰跑》原唱要來了!VIVIZ登頂逆行神話 6月來台會粉絲

    最近韓劇《背著善宰跑》人氣超夯,其中OST〈May I Love You?〉就由韓國3人女團VIVIZ的成員嚴智演唱,現在傳出好消息,繼去(2023)年3月首度來台舉辦粉絲見面會,VIVIZ確定6月9日將在台北國際會議中心舉辦演唱會,門票預計5月12日開賣!
    2024/05/08 09:00
  • NBA/戈貝爾奪「最佳防守球員」!比肩2傳奇 4度獲獎史上最多

    NBA季後賽進行中,常規賽個人獎項也陸續頒布,灰狼中鋒戈貝爾(Rudy Gobert)則正式獲選「年度最佳防守球員(Defensive Player of the Year)」、生涯4度獲獎與兩大傳奇「木桶伯」穆湯波(Dikembe Mutombo)、「大班」華勒士(Ben Wallace)並列史上最多,成為歷史第三人;對此戈貝爾也歸功於灰狼團隊,直言「感謝所有的隊友相信我」。
    2024/05/08 08:55
  • 百萬YTR遭疑整形!魚乾認做6事「錢是一定有花」 變太正認不出

    2024/05/08 08:54
  • 日工程師遊台見「捷運1物」超驚豔 大讚:真的太先進

    日籍Youtuber「Mana」在頻道上擁有28.4萬的訂閱,日前她帶著日本父母來台遊玩,順便參觀了高雄的捷運、輕軌及其他觀光景點,而台灣捷運的系統設計以及QR Code車票,也令身為日本工程師的Mana父親大開眼界,還驚艷表示:「台灣真的太先進了!」
    2024/05/07 20:41
  • 季芹哽咽!不忍機場離別「哭到缺氧」 爆兒子被同學打忍住不說

    2024/05/07 19:43
  • 朱軒洋劈腿吳卓源後神隱!蔡凡熙親洩「斷聯主因」嘆:我很想關心

    男星朱軒洋上(4)月爆出背著交往近6年的美妝YouTuber Cindy,劈腿「鄉民老婆」吳卓源(Julia),兩人深夜在公園摟抱、隔罩擁吻,親密畫面全部拍,重創演藝事業,曾與他合作電影《黑的教育》的蔡凡熙,今(7)日出席《幸福房屋事件簿》記者會,被問及此事,坦言自己連朱軒洋的聯繫方式都沒有。
    2024/05/07 19:28
  • 測風向?批外送平台「剝削」 王義川:踹共!

    2024/05/07 19:24
  • 假冒網紅「小哥哥艾理」名義約拍片 噁男「車內性侵」受害女子人財兩失

    2024/05/07 17:55
  • 百想60/李到晛《破墓》奪新人獎 甜謝女友放閃:知衍啊非常謝謝妳

    2024/05/07 17:06
  • 薔薔嗆辣人設都裝的?阿滴曝私下真面目 一票業界人認證:真的

    2024/05/07 16:10
  • Apple joins forces with TSMC to develop AI chips: WSJ

    Apple Inc. collaborates with TSMC on AI chips for data centers, as reported by The Wall Street Journal. The project, years in development, aims to enhance server capabilities for AI model execution. With speculation around the iPad Pro featuring the M4 chip for AI tasks, Apple’s AI advancements are anticipated to be highlighted at the upcoming iPhone launch and possibly at the Worldwide Developers Conference.
    2024/05/07 15:59
  • Legislators call for hold on Taiwan Railway fare increase

    Explore the ongoing debate over Taiwan Railway fare adjustments after 29 years, highlighting concerns over regional fairness, service quality, and the need for comprehensive analysis before implementing changes.
    2024/05/07 15:01
  • BABYMONSTER見面會無實名制「門票秒殺」!粉絲全怒了:都給黃牛買光

    2024/05/07 14:59
  • Mother’s Day demand pushes carnation prices to record high

    Explore the bustling domestic carnation trade in Taipei as Mother’s Day nears, with prices hitting historic highs due to weather-induced yield decreases. Discover the colorful variety of domestic carnations and the significant recovery in flower industry exports, surpassing pre-pandemic levels. Learn about the boost in domestic flower consumption through innovative promotions and collaborations, aiming to reduce unsold rates.
    2024/05/07 14:45
  • Taiwan faces underground tourism risk amid China travel ban

    Explore the impact of a potential ban on Taiwanese travel groups to China starting June 1, as discussed by Chen Yi-hsuan. With 80% of Taiwan’s travel agencies involved with China, the industry faces the risk of unregulated tourism. Efforts to negotiate with China have begun, highlighting the economic significance of Chinese tourists to Taiwan and urging the new government to prioritize cross-strait exchanges. Concerns over legal, safety, and transportation issues are also raised by industry leaders.
    2024/05/07 14:42
  • Taiwan eases naturalization for foreign professionals

    Taipei’s Legislative Yuan passes amendments to the Nationality Act, easing naturalization for foreign professionals, including basketball players, by reducing residency requirements and waiving nationality permit fees for those with special merits. The changes aim to bolster the Chinese Taipei men’s national basketball team and support stateless minors.
    2024/05/07 14:38
  • 南韓成人童心未泯 買扭蛋玩具解除壓力

    2024/05/07 14:15
  • 陸星材出道12年終於單獨見粉絲! 管不動小狗「竟靠隊友出聲喝斥」

    陸星材所屬的BTOB的自2012年出道以來,以〈Missing You〉、〈Beautiful Pain〉、〈Only one for me〉等夯曲深獲Kpop樂迷們的喜愛。除了團體活動外,他也以演員身份活躍於戲劇界,參與了《孤單又燦爛的神—鬼怪》、《雙甲路邊攤》、《金湯匙》等熱門劇集,展現了他的演技深度,他也將獻出出道以來的個人見面會初體驗!
    2024/05/07 13:24
  • 真面目遭曝光!薔薔不忍了突「34字公開爆料」 反揭他私下為人

    2024/05/07 11:02
  • Taiwan Central Bank joins Instagram for youth engagement

    Discover how the Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is connecting with younger audiences by launching its official Instagram account, joining the global trend of central banks like the FRB, ECB, and BoE. Learn about their unique approach to engaging with the public through softer content, including educational videos and career opportunities.
    2024/05/06 18:08
  • Kaohsiung to host global hub for Austronesian cultures

    Discover the future National Museum of Indigenous Peoples in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, set to become a global center for Austronesian cultures. With a NT$5.8 billion budget, it aims to connect Taiwan with Austronesian-speaking communities, promote indigenous culture, and foster international cooperation. Located near Chengcing Lake and accessible by the future MRT Yellow Line, the museum will feature indigenous artifacts, ecological education, and serve as a hub for multiculturalism and leisure tourism.
    2024/05/06 17:42
  • Taiwan and US address delays in US$19 billion arms sales

    Explore the concerns over delayed U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, highlighting the establishment of a "Tiger team" to address delivery issues, discussions in the U.S. House Armed Services Committee, and the involvement of Taiwan’s National Security Council Secretary-General Wellington Koo in military matters.
    2024/05/06 17:34
  • Transforming Taiwan’s future: new deputy ministers aim high

    Discover how the Democratic Progressive Party enhances Taiwan’s education system by appointing Chang Liao Wan-chien and Yeh Ping-cheng as deputy ministers. Learn about Yeh Ping-cheng’s vision for a future-ready Taiwan, his innovative approach to learning, and his commitment to leveraging education to empower the next generation.
    2024/05/06 17:20
  • Toronto rally supports Taiwan’s WHA participation

    A rally in Toronto’s Yonge-Dundas Square, organized by 25 overseas Chinese communities, supported Taiwan’s inclusion in the World Health Assembly (WHA). The event featured a drum performance and speeches from TECO Director-General Chen Chin-ling, MPs Judy Sgro, Ali Ehsassi, and Michael Cooper, advocating for Taiwan’s advanced healthcare contributions and its participation in global health discussions.
    2024/05/06 16:40
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