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  • 果迷免等了?分析師爆今年Apple Watch Ultra幾乎沒升級

    蘋果在2022年首度推出專為戶外運動打造的旗艦智慧手錶Apple Watch Ultra,並在2023年迎來第2代機型,不少果迷都十分期待官方會為Apple Watch Ultra 3帶來哪些升級,然而「地表最強蘋果分析師」天風國際證券分析師郭明錤近期的爆料卻讓果迷直接滅火,他透露Apple Watch Ultra 3在硬體部分「幾乎」沒有升級。
    2024/05/02 14:13
  • 世衛大會5/27登場 江啟臣將組立院宣達團訪日內瓦

    2024/05/02 13:39
  • Northern Taiwan cools down amid plum rain front and monsoon

    Explore the recent weather forecast for Taiwan as meteorologist Lin Te-en discusses the impact of the northeast monsoon and the plum rain front, leading to a cooler, rainy week ahead. Discover how these conditions affect various regions differently, from potential thunderstorms in the north to lighter rains elsewhere, and how residents should prepare for the changing weather.
    2024/05/02 13:38
  • 中職/前兄弟洋砲德伍退休轉戰財金 現為摩根史坦利副總裁

    前兄弟象隊洋將德伍(Ted Wood)在中華職棒10年結束後離開球隊,現已在金融公司摩根史坦利擔任財務規劃副總裁一職。這位曾在中職8年到10年期間效力黃衫軍的傳奇球星,以帥氣外表和積極態度深受球迷喜愛,更在中職8年奪下打擊、打點和安打三冠王的傲人成績。
    2024/05/02 13:28
  • NBA/老八傳奇不再!綠衫軍「34分差血洗熱火」晉級第二輪

    NBA東區季後賽第一輪,取得聽牌優勢的塞爾提克返回TD花園主場,尋求G5關門、徹底跨過「近年最大心魔」,熱火則是傷兵滿營、除了原本就高掛免戰牌的巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)、洛齊爾(Terry Rozier)之外,「小士官長」小哈克斯(Jaime Jaquez Jr.)也因傷休兵;最終塞爾提克也在多點開花的情況下下,以118比84血洗熱火、復仇成功晉級第二輪。
    2024/05/02 09:59
  • 為何7成用戶不升Win11還用Win10? 外媒列5大不升級原因

    雖然微軟(Microsoft)公司很早就宣告,即將汰換現有的桌機系統Windows 10,呼籲全球用戶盡快升級最新版本的Win11,但似乎並沒有達成預期目標。根據調查網站數據顯示,目前仍有7成用戶繼續使用Win10系統,僅25.65%用戶升級,這也是新系統二月短暫上升至高點後,再次面臨市占率下滑的危機。
    2024/05/02 09:56
  • 酒駕肇逃突折返!撞死英少年 瘋男「狠擋路人CPR」:離遠點

    英國日前一起死亡車禍引起社會關注,19歲男子懷特曼(Harley Whiteman)涉嫌酒駕、毒駕上路,高速撞倒一名13歲少年後驅車逃逸,並在事發過後悄悄返回現場,試圖阻止現場民眾幫少年實施CPR,導致後者不治身亡,懷特曼也於近日被判刑。
    2024/05/02 08:43
  • 美臺關係升溫! 美亞太助卿預告挺臺 參與WHA動能強過以往

    2024/05/01 19:19
  • Thousands march in Taipei for Labour Day rights

    Discover the key issues raised during the Labour Day march in Taipei, where 4,000 rallied for better labor rights, criticizing low wages and long hours. Learn about their demands for the incoming government.
    2024/05/01 17:44
  • FSC ramps up fight against credit card fraud

    Discover how Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission is stepping up its game against credit card fraud with new measures to protect consumers from phishing scams and unauthorized transactions. Learn about the enhanced security steps being taken.
    2024/05/01 17:12
  • Price hike essential for stable power supply: MOEA

    Taiwan’s economic minister emphasized the necessity of a power price hike to address rising international fuel costs, but the Legislative Yuan voted to halt the hike due to public opposition. The decision raises concerns about Taipower’s financial stability and power supply.
    2024/05/01 17:11
  • Taiwan, Japan deepen ties with high-level delegation visit

    Discover how Taiwan and Japan are strengthening their ties through annual visits and critical discussions on cybersecurity, regional security, and mutual support. Read about Foreign Minister Joseph Wu’s dinner with Japan’s delegation.
    2024/05/01 16:24
  • Taiwan’s president-elect vows to boost worker rights

    Discover how Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te pledges to enhance labor rights, promote economic growth, and improve work-life balance for families, starting with a flexible parental leave trial in June.
    2024/05/01 14:55
  • Mayday concert ends with virtual encore amid storm

    Discover how Taiwanese band Mayday and their fans braved a storm during a concert in Taipei, turning an unexpected weather challenge into a memorable virtual encore.
    2024/05/01 14:24
  • Taiwan enters plum rain season with frequent showers

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s plum rain season, starting in May, with insights from weather expert Peng Chi-ming. Expect frequent rainfall, thunderstorms, and safety reminders for outdoor activities.
    2024/05/01 14:08
  • 北京曲解聯合國「排我納共」決議 臺灣恐又無緣WHA

    2024/04/30 20:14
  • Report: healthcare, tech lead in Taiwan’s graduate salaries

    Explore the latest insights on the starting salaries for university and postgraduate entrants in Taiwan’s workforce for 2023, including sector-specific averages, employment trends, and the impact of the global economy on hiring practices.
    2024/04/30 18:28
  • Athletes ill after hotel breakfast, investigation launched

    Discover the story of ten athletes at the National Intercollegiate Athletic Games in Taichung suffering from alleged food poisoning, with suspicions pointing to a hotel’s breakfast buffet. Follow the investigation led by the Taichung City Office of Food and Drug Safety into the cause, involving sample testing and preventive measures.
    2024/04/30 18:21
  • Taiwan’s diarrhea cases surge, norovirus blamed

    Explore the significant increase in diarrhea cases in Taiwan, with a notable rise in Norovirus infections within the food and hospitality sectors. Learn about the CDC’s recommendations for hygiene, food safety, and measures to prevent the spread of this highly contagious virus.
    2024/04/30 18:15
  • Taiwan braces for plum rain season’s first front

    Explore how Taiwan is preparing for the plum rain season with the expected arrival of weather fronts that could bring increased humidity and showers. Understand the implications of potential La Niña conditions and stay updated on climate change impacts.
    2024/04/30 18:11
  • Uber to launches "Uber for Teens" in Taiwan

    Explore the launch of Uber’s "Uber for teens" in Taiwan, designed to ease parental stress by safely transporting teenagers to school and activities. This service, already available in the U.S. and Australia, allows parents to manage rides through a family account, ensuring safety with features like a safety PIN, real-time route tracking, and direct communication with drivers. Only highly rated drivers can accept these rides, providing an extra layer of security for parents and their children.
    2024/04/30 18:09
  • Breweries in Taiwan embrace sustainability by reusing waste

    Explore how Taiwanese breweries are innovating by turning spent grain, a byproduct of beer production, into valuable, eco-friendly resources, pushing the industry towards greater sustainability.
    2024/04/30 18:02
  • T1 League discusses potential merger with PLG

    Rosa Chien, president of the T1 League, discusses the challenging yet optimistic prospect of merging with the PLG, highlighting ongoing collaborations but acknowledging the complexities and potential delays in the process. As the T1 League progresses into its third season with playoffs approaching, the idea of expansion and integration with the PLG remains a significant yet intricate project.
    2024/04/30 18:01
  • Taiwanese marmalade won gold, shines on world stage

    Tainan’s young farmer, Lin Wei-hsun, wins a gold medal at the Marmalade Awards in the UK, showcasing Taiwan’s agricultural prowess on the global stage with a uniquely crafted marmalade that competed against nearly 4,000 entries worldwide.
    2024/04/30 17:57
  • 用陸貨假冒「美國製造」賺高價 美家具商遭重罰1億

    總部位於加州舊金山的家具製造商威廉斯-索諾瑪(Williams-Sonoma),傳出標示造假醜聞,被當地消費者監督團體發現,該公司將中國大陸生產的進口商品,更換貼上虛假的「美國製造」(Made in the USA)標籤,藉此矇騙消費者賺取更高利潤。美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)2020年對該企業提起訴訟,纏訟多年後,威廉斯-索諾瑪同意支付317萬美元(約新台幣1億332萬元)罰款,與聯邦政府達成和解。
    2024/04/30 17:10
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