
Taiwan’s president-elect vows to boost worker rights

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/01 14:55
Last update time:2024/05/01 14:55
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Lai Ching-te vows to boost labor right (TVBS News) Taiwan’s president-elect vows to boost worker rights
Lai Ching-te vows to boost labor right (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's President-elect Lai Ching-te (賴清德) pledged to continue building a more worker-friendly environment and promote inclusive economic growth on Labor Day (May 1).

Speaking at a Labor Day event, Lai emphasized the Democratic Progressive Party's (民進黨, DPP) commitment to standing with workers and ensuring that all laborers and the disadvantaged receive government care and better protection.

DPP's Vision for Labor Rights

Lai outlined the DPP's dedication to creating dignified work conditions and a friendly workplace. He highlighted the importance of health and safety, welfare enhancement, and improved labor conditions for workers.


Additionally, Lai mentioned the party's efforts to construct a secure retirement life for laborers, including amendments to the Labor Insurance Act (勞工保險條例) that would allow for the counting of years of service interrupted for more than six years or from a previous job, and the promotion of portable retirement accounts.

Future Policies and International Recognition

Lai also pointed to Taiwan's democratic achievements and economic performance, which have garnered international praise. He promised to continue efforts to create a more favorable labor environment, citing the trial of flexible parental leave starting in June as an example.

His initiative aims to help young families achieve a better work-life balance, with plans to expand the program based on the trial's results. Lai assured that his future administration would continue implementing diverse policies to safeguard workers' rights.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan labor rights# Lai Ching-te# DPP Taiwan# worker-friendly environment# economic growth# labor insurance# parental leave# Taiwan democratic achievements# flexible parental leave Taiwan# secure retirement life for laborers
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