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    U.S.-China talks 結果共8筆

  • Former President Ma questions US support amid divisions

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou questions U.S. support for Taiwan amid cross-strait tensions, highlighting internal U.S. divisions over Israel-Palestine conflict. Advocates for Taiwan’s defense preparedness, peace talks, and cross-strait dialogue to avoid war and rejects Taiwan’s involvement in global power politics, emphasizing shared Chinese heritage for peaceful resolution.
    2024/04/24 14:54
  • Taiwan Navy Chief to strengthen US ties amid China threats

    Taiwan’s navy chief Tang Hua to visit U.S. for military ceremony and naval cooperation talks amid China threats. Tang’s visit part of U.S. "Joint Island Defence Concept" initiative. Plans for meeting with U.S. chief of naval operations Admiral Lisa Franchetti underway.
    2024/03/29 16:41
  • U.S. urges China to halt aggression, engage in Taiwan talks

    The U.S. Department of State calls on Beijing to cease provocative actions in the Taiwan Strait and engage in meaningful dialogues with Taiwan. This follows China’s denial of the ’median line’ in the Strait and reaffirmation of its claim to Taiwan, prompting concerns for peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.
    2024/03/06 17:06
  • U.S.-China Summit: Tensions and talks over Taiwan, elections

    In a pivotal summit in Woodside, California, Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping discussed escalating U.S.-China tensions, focusing on Taiwan and the upcoming U.S. elections. The meeting, significant for its diplomatic communications, highlighted the ongoing complexities in U.S.-China relations and the looming concerns over Taiwan and election interference.
    2023/11/17 16:50
  • Taiwan’s APEC agendas on U.S.-China talks, trade, CPTPP

    The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Week 2023 in San Francisco will be a significant event for Taiwan. The country’s main focuses during the summit include the U.S-China leaders’ talks, the possibility of meetings between U.S. President Joe Biden and TSMC Founder Morris Chang, progress on U.S-Taiwan trade negotiations, and Taiwan’s potential participation in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). President Biden is scheduled to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss trade, Taiwan, the U.S.-China tech war, and PLA activities in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan officials are also working towards arranging a meeting between Chang and Biden. While the first agreement under the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade has been signed, the second round of negotiations is not progressing as expected. Taiwan’s Minister Without Portfolio John Deng hopes to meet with U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai during the summit to confirm progress. Additionally, Taiwan will likely use the APEC summit as an opportunity to hold bilateral talks with CPTPP members to garner support for its admission to the trade pact.
    2023/11/12 11:45
  • Biden, Xi to discuss Taiwan at APEC meeting, says expert

    U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping are set to meet in San Francisco on November 15, with Taiwan as a key focus of their discussions, according to an expert from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The meeting agenda includes four main issues: Taiwan, fentanyl containment, Israel-Hamas conflict, and climate change response. It is expected that Xi will seek Biden’s reiteration of the United States’ stance against Taiwan’s independence, as Beijing considers Taiwan a part of China and opposes its independence. Additionally, Xi may anticipate Biden’s affirmation that the U.S. does not favor any specific political party in the Taiwan presidential elections. This summit marks a direct face-to-face dialogue between the leaders since their talks during the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, in November 2022.
    2023/11/09 12:34
  • Japanese PM expect to meet with China’s Xi at APEC summit

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is considering a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping after the U.S.-China talks at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Kishida plans to meet with Xi the day after U.S. President Joe Biden’s meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss unresolved issues between Japan and China, including Japan’s request for China to remove import restrictions on Japanese seafood products. Additionally, the dialogue aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation and promote regional stability. Japan’s National Security Secretariat Secretary General Akiba Takeo will travel to China for coordination efforts. The APEC summit, which includes leaders from 21 member countries, will take place in San Francisco from November 15 to 17.
    2023/11/09 12:32
  • Taiwan closely monitoring Biden-Xi Meeting in San Francisco

    As President Biden and Xi Jinping gear up for a San Francisco meet in November, Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu highlights the island’s vigilant observation. Additionally, prospects of a Biden-Chang meeting during the APEC summit are in discussion.
    2023/11/02 17:59
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