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    Track 結果共37筆

  • U.S. announces $500M defense deal with Taiwan

    On Wednesday (Aug. 23), the United States announced a US$500 million defense deal with Taiwan (approximately NT$15.9 billion), including the infrared search and track (IRST) system and related equipment for F-16V (BLK70) fighter jets.
    2023/08/24 16:28
  • All Taichung MRT lines resume operations after accident

    Taichung MRT (TMRT) lines resumed full operations on Thursday (May 11), 18 hours of emergency repairs after a crane boom from a construction site fell onto a track, resulting in one death and ten injuries.
    2023/05/11 18:27
  • New app released for Taiwan’s Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage

    The organizers of the Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage in Taiwan have launched a new app allowing worshippers to track the journey of the deity along the way.
    2023/04/07 19:19
  • Taiwan develops AI technology to detect marine waste

    Around 8 million tons of garbage flows into the ocean every year, posing a significant threat to the global environment. To effectively detect marine waste in the sea, National Central University (NCU) has created a drone monitoring technology that can automatically identify the type of waste and track the source of the trash.
    2023/01/30 19:00
  • Taiwan’s low birth rate poses new problems for retirees

    Taiwan’s birth rate is set to become the lowest in the world in 2035. As the current life expectancy is 81.04 years, Taiwan is on track to become a super-aged society by 2025 with 20 percent of the population aged 65 or older.
    2023/01/19 18:56
  • Taiwan’s per capita income on track to surpass Japan in 2022

    As the pandemic situation stabilizes in Taiwan, restaurants and department stores are once again filled with shoppers and gourmets on weekends.
    2022/12/21 17:05
  • 樂壇神話!陳奕迅「爭議中連開唱25場」 3原因奠定地位 

    陳奕迅一連25場演唱會《陳奕迅 Fear and Dreams香港演唱會》於9日展開了!這場原定於2019年的演唱會一再延期,終於在各種爭議中展開,自10月初公開演唱會門票發售資訊,到5.8萬張門票於一日內全數售出,主辦單位再度加場同樣火速完售。讓人不禁疑惑明明在爭議事件及疫情接連爆發後,陳奕迅在大眾視野消失了一段時間,令人感覺他人氣大不如前,也讓這場演唱會門票售前就不被看好,但在陳奕迅演唱會開展後,看到他一口氣連唱30首歌以及一反常態的歌單,當中逾半數是Side Track歌(非主打或大熱歌曲),但全場氣氛依然熱烈、不冷場,向所有人展現第三代歌神的實力!
    2022/12/13 09:52
  • Creative running track brings joy to Taiwan school children

    KAOHSIUNG (TVBS News)  —  An elementary school in Kaohsiung, southern Taiwan, built five ice cream-shaped hills on its running track, making people think the tracks are damaged due to recent earthquakes. 
    2022/12/01 18:52
  • MRT lines outside of Taipei see lower passenger volume

    Clean, organized, on time, and on track, is an everyday scene at a Taipei MRT station. The Taipei MRT has provided a high-quality experience for all since its launch.
    2022/09/23 14:07
  • R36世代有望再續GT-R傳奇? 澳洲Nissan:有譜!

    儘管先前曾一度傳出因為銷售表現過於出色,導致產線產能無法應付,Nissan已經停止日本市場2022年式GT-R接單。不過,Nissan於9月中旬再次針對GT-R車系推出Premium edition T-spec以及Track edition engineered by Nismo兩款全新車型。澳洲市場也緊接著推出T-Sepc與Nismo SV兩款車型,以擴大現行R35世代GT-R家族陣容。不過,對於GT-R車系未來目前仍撲朔迷離。只是,Nissan澳洲總裁Adam Paterson在新聞稿中表示,「這兩款車型代表著R35世代GT-R將準備在澳洲走入歷史,但是並不代表GT-R車系在澳洲將會走向終點。」言下之意,代表著Nissan GT-R傳奇篇章續寫有譜!
    2021/09/23 06:59
  • 賽車手也能這麼正! Bianca Bustamante亮麗外型讓網友戀愛了

    在賽車界當中通常很難看到女生車手,即便車隊裡面會有女性的工作人員,但是車手要由女生擔任似乎不是件容易的事,因此FIA國際汽車聯盟為了可以讓女生也懷抱著賽車的夢想,在2018年推出了「FIA Girls on Track」的計畫,其目的就是為了讓更多女性可以成為賽車手,今年更新增了「Girls on Track-Rising Stars」計畫,這項計畫是為了讓年輕的女性在賽車生涯的初期可以更為順遂,其中來自菲律賓的Bianca Bustamante是這項計劃當中的唯一一位亞洲車手,亮麗的外型更是成為鏡頭矚目的焦點。
    2021/09/17 19:59
  • 2016總統大選 TVBS方念華、夏嘉璐領軍開票

    2016總統大選進入倒數,全國民眾最關心的1月16日投票在即,TVBS將選情報導再升級,將好萊塢電影技術「Solid Track」(無標記攝像跟踪系統),全球首度運用在電視新聞播報中。更打造全新兩層樓攝影棚,加上動態虛實合一,呈現最清楚、明確、生動的開票畫面。開票當天推出《2016新台灣大選》特別報導,由多位歷經五次總統民選的方念華與幕後人員,和趙少康領軍,以及夏嘉璐、蘇宗怡、廖芳潔、秦綾謙、謝向榮等資深主播播報,加上在競選總部第一線的主播張愛晶、林秉儀,和全國各地投開票所千位公民記者,搭配最具權威的政治評論員做選情解讀,將提供最即時、詳實的選戰報導。
    2016/01/11 00:42
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