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    Time 結果共454筆

  • Taiwan’s premier praises president’s sovereignty stance

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai supports President Lai Ching-te’s commitment to sovereignty, democracy, and peace in a Time Magazine interview, amid reactions from China.
  • Cross-strait terminology confusion highlighted by Ko Wen-je

    Explore the nuanced debate on Taiwan-China relations as TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je weighs in on the subtleties lost in translation and the importance of practical handling over rhetoric. This analysis delves into the recent statements by President Lai and the contrasting views within Taiwan’s political landscape.
  • President Lai graces Time cover, discusses Taiwan-China ties

    Discover insights from President Lai Ching-te’s exclusive interview with Time Magazine, where he discusses Taiwan’s stance on cross-strait relations, its international position, and the importance of global support for Taiwan’s democracy and freedom.
  • 賴清德登時代雜誌稱兩岸互不隸屬 卓揆盼「中國聽到更多善意」

  • Taiwan military personnel can now travel abroad solo

    Discover Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense’s new policy allowing military personnel to travel abroad independently for the first time, including the need for detailed itineraries and post-travel documentation.
    2024/06/06 11:17
  • 接受TIME專訪!若中國單方面改變現狀 拜登:美國不會不防衛台灣

    2024/06/05 15:10
  • 4度表態!拜登接受「時代雜誌」專訪重申:不排除動武保台

    2024/06/04 22:54
  • Central Cross-island Highway closed due to landslides

    Discover the latest on the Central Cross-Island Highway’s closure due to landslides and rockfalls from continuous heavy rainfall. Learn about the Highway Bureau’s efforts to reopen the road by Friday and safety advice for travelers.
    2024/06/04 10:01
  • 表決不忘跳舞 綠委腰傷仍嗨跳〈晚安大小姐〉獻給韓國瑜

    立法院今(28)日續審國會改革法案,儘管藍綠衝突不斷,但仍有不少逗趣花絮流出,民進黨立委郭國文、鍾佳濱就大跳爆紅神曲〈晚安大小姐〉,綠委們更紛紛改編歌詞,直喊「再睡下去民主就沒了喔」、「韓院長 it’s time to go to bed!呀咧呀咧」,不過郭國文因為5月17日的朝野衝突導致腰受傷,儘管不能扭腰,但還是舉起雙手揮舞嗨跳。
    2024/05/28 16:05
  • Actor Ethan Juan’s mother passes away, family seeks privacy

    Discover the story of Ethan Juan, a Golden Horse Award-winning actor, as he mourns the loss of his mother. Learn about his career pause to care for her and his family’s request for privacy during this time.
    2024/05/23 14:16
  • 不快樂也沒關係!英麥當勞取消兒童餐「笑臉」 表情自選

    您小時候曾被長輩要求「不要哭鬧、只要快樂」嗎?調查發現,近半數的英國兒童覺得他們必須「一直保持快樂」,即使他們不想這麼做;另一方面,逾7成的家長認為阻止孩子感到悲傷相當重要。本週為英國的「心理健康關注週」,英國麥當勞和BBC Children in Need組織合作,移除了快樂兒童餐上的「標誌性笑臉」,希望鼓勵孩子和家長的溝通,倡導「不用一直快樂也沒關係(It’s okay not to feel happy all the time)」!
    2024/05/16 15:41
  • 初孟軒痛哭告白宋柏緯 認全身冒「紙包不住火」的慾望

    由宋柏緯、初孟軒、王渝屏、夏騰宏主演的電影《環南時候》(The Time of Huannan)即將上映,初孟軒在片中和宋柏緯有一段BL愛戀,回憶起拍攝時最痛徹心扉的一場戲,就是他向宋柏緯告白,他說:「我們在那個時代,被限制了不能好好的把愛說出口,因為會在意周圍的眼光,但那場戲把我所有的感覺告訴大家,就是我藏得這麼深,一直慢慢鋪陳到好像可以有個結果了,但是什麼阻止了我們的腳步,都包含在這場戲裡。」從幕後花絮可以看到,連現場工作人員都被感染。
    2024/05/16 15:19
  • Cataracts affect 1.19 million in Taiwan in 2022

    Explore the rising trend of cataract cases in Taiwan, highlighting the impact of digital device usage and aging on eye health, as well as the advancements in treatment options like artificial lens replacement surgery for improved vision recovery.
    2024/05/10 17:57
  • 宋柏緯遭父親持木棍「毒打」 雙膝下跪無反抗!驚悚畫面曝光

    由宋柏緯、夏騰宏、初孟軒、王渝屏合演的電影《環南時候》(The Time of Huannan),以宋柏緯飾演的「萬華報名牌最準的乩童」陳保定開啟1991年的青春歲月,宋柏緯透露,在電影《環南時候》拍攝中,最困難的一場戲,就是要與飾演他父母親的鄭平君、呂曼茵的父子吵架毆打的文武戲​​​​​​​。
    2024/05/10 14:01
  • Met Gala/Jennie性感秀蠻腰美腿 珍妮佛羅培茲透視禮服辣翻

    時尚盛宴Met Gala於美東時間6日,在紐約大都會美術館盛大舉行。,Met Gala今年的著妝主題訂為「時光花園」(The Garden of Time)。此主題是取自英國作家J.G. 巴拉德(J.G. Ballard)的短篇小說,內容在隱喻人類的歷史、以及創造與破壞的循環,與該美術館運用最新科技、讓古老的服飾重生的春季展覽「睡美人:時尚甦醒」(Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion)相呼應。
    2024/05/07 10:40
  • 真要讓普欽為所欲為!川普:盟友不付錢靠自己 拒談是否護台

    美國前總統暨共和黨準總統候選人川普(Donald Trump)近日接受《時代雜誌》(TIME)專訪,討論重返白宮後的施政願景,重申要不付錢的盟友靠自己,例如將坐視俄羅斯侵略北約盟國,從南韓撤回駐紮美軍,並拒絕透露是否將捍衛台灣。另外倘若2024再度敗選,川普也並未排除二度政治暴力可能。
    2024/05/01 10:23
  • Uber to launches "Uber for Teens" in Taiwan

    Explore the launch of Uber’s "Uber for teens" in Taiwan, designed to ease parental stress by safely transporting teenagers to school and activities. This service, already available in the U.S. and Australia, allows parents to manage rides through a family account, ensuring safety with features like a safety PIN, real-time route tracking, and direct communication with drivers. Only highly rated drivers can accept these rides, providing an extra layer of security for parents and their children.
    2024/04/30 18:09
  • Quake in Hualien leads to higher fruit and vegetable costs

    Following a recent earthquake in Hualien, transportation costs for fruits and vegetables have surged, as reported by Chang Te-chi, secretary-general of the Ji-an Township Farmers’ Association. The damage has forced trucks to take a longer route, doubling travel time and causing frost damage to produce. Despite stable prices due to government efforts, concerns grow over rising expenses if the Suhua Highway remains closed. The Agriculture Development Department of Hualien County and the Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation highlight the financial strain on farmers and the logistics challenges faced, including increased labor costs and the impracticality of using refrigerated trucks on alternative transport modes.
    2024/04/24 15:26
  • THSRC boosts train services for Mother’s Day rush

    Discover the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation’s plans to accommodate the Mother’s Day rush from May 10-13, 2024, with additional train services, increased non-reserved seat capacity, and real-time crowd control updates. Plan your trip with ease by checking the THSRC website or using the T-EX Mobile Ticketing app for ticket sales and station crowd information.
    2024/04/24 14:34
  • Taiwan and US see rise in vending machine use

    Explore how vending machines are becoming a more common sight in Taiwan and the US, offering a variety of refreshments and conveniences from frozen treats to hot meals, with some incorporating AI for improved functionality.
    2024/04/23 17:05
  • 宋柏緯化身「神明代言人」 親揭起乩背後秘辛​​​​

    由宋柏緯、夏騰宏、初孟軒三帥合演的藝術劇情長片《環南時候》(The Time of Huannan),今(19)日釋出的正式預告,由「環南四少」中唯一女性,也是西門町百貨千金的王渝屏揭開序幕,而明明是由宋柏緯、夏騰宏、初孟軒、王渝屏四人組成「環南四少」,但在1991年的一張照片裡,卻只有宋柏緯、初孟軒、王渝屏三人。
    2024/04/19 13:57
  • William Lai among TIME’s 100 most influential

    William Lai, Taiwan’s President-elect, and Jensen Huang, Nvidia CEO, have been named among Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2024. Lai, set to take office in May, is recognized in the Leaders category, while Huang is honored as an Innovator. The selections affirm Taiwan’s democratic achievements and Lai’s future role in defending the nation’s democracy and maintaining regional stability.
    2024/04/18 11:04
  • 賴清德獲選時代雜誌百大人物 府:國際社會對民主的肯定

    美國《TIME》雜誌將副總統暨總統當選人賴清德列為2024年百大最具影響力人物(TIME100 Most Influential People)之報導。對此,總統府發言人林聿禪今(18日)表示,感謝美國前駐中國及駐俄羅斯大使、前猶他州長洪博培(Jon Huntsman)的推薦撰文,以及長期對台灣的支持。
    2024/04/17 23:46
  • 賴清德獲「時代百大人物」! 總統府發聲了

    2024/04/17 23:20
  • 孫藝珍現場放閃!與玄彬愛用1物 趁小孩睡覺「追劇+滑手機」

    韓國女星孫藝珍今(16)天下午來到台灣,出席美容飲品的發布會,這也是她出道25年以來首度造訪寶島。除了直呼想吃小籠包以外,她也透露許多自己婚後生活,沒想到現在家裡多添了一名成員,幾乎沒有「ME TIME」,只能把握小孩睡覺的時間追劇,煩惱似乎跟一般媽媽沒兩樣。
    2024/04/16 16:29
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