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    Stock 結果共75筆

  • Panadol prices to rise by up to 10% in Taiwan from July

    Discover how the price of Panadol in Taiwan is set to rise by 8% to 10% in July due to increased electricity costs, as stated by Shen Tsai-ying of the Taiwan General Medical Practitioners Association. Learn about the impact of COVID-19 on demand and alternatives to consider.
    2024/06/21 14:27
  • Taiwan faces urban renewal challenges with aging houses

    Explore the challenges and progress of urban renewal in Taiwan, where the aging housing stock and recent earthquakes have pushed the need for more effective renewal strategies and government involvement.
    2024/06/19 16:49
  • Oceanic Beverages to continue trading despite financial woes

    Discover the latest on Oceanic Beverages Co., Inc., maker of Apple Sidra, as Chairwoman Su Yun-le confirms no plans to delist despite financial challenges and rumors. Read more about their efforts to stabilize and future prospects.
    2024/06/14 16:46
  • 爭取逃死刑?越南女首富張美蘭態度丕變:願用資產還詐騙債務

    萬盛發集團(Van Thinh Phat)創辦人張美蘭(Truong My Lan)在11年間對「西貢商業銀行」(Saigon Joint Stock Commercial Bank),進行該國史上規模最大的金融詐欺案,金額達440億美元(約1.4兆元新台幣)。她4月被判死刑後,最新消息指出,她已經承認錯誤,聲稱願意拿出上兆遭扣押資產作為償還。
    2024/06/12 18:06
  • 技術出包!巴菲特波克夏A股曾「暴跌99%」 紐交所緊急回應

    紐約證券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)今天表示,導致部分重要股票暫停交易且造成波克夏海瑟威公司(Berkshire Hathaway)股價暴跌99.97%的技術問題已獲得解決。
    2024/06/04 08:32
  • NVIDIA CEO shares vision for AI’s future in Taipei interview

    Discover insights from NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s exclusive interview with TVBS Insight People, where he discusses AI’s future, NVIDIA’s growth, and deep ties with Taiwan. Tune in on June 16 at 11 p.m. on TVBS Channel 56.
    2024/06/03 16:17
  • NVIDIA CEO to showcase AI at COMPUTEX, deepening Taiwan ties

    Discover how NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang is set to strengthen ties with Taiwanese manufacturers and highlight AI applications at COMPUTEX in June. His keynote will mark
    2024/05/31 16:16
  • NVIDIA CEO set to speak at NTU, boosting tech ties

    Discover the impact of NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s visit to Taiwan and his anticipated keynote at the National Taiwan University Sports Center. Learn about his meetings with tech leaders and the potential growth in AI investments.
    2024/05/31 15:42
  • Taiwan stock market dips, recovers slightly to 21,500 points

    Discover the latest on the Taiwan Stock Exchange’s significant drop and modest recovery, including the performance of major tech stocks like TSMC, MediaTek, and Foxconn. Learn how U.S. market trends and unemployment benefits claims impact Taiwan’s stock market, despite Nvidia’s record high.
    2024/05/24 11:32
  • TSMC stock hits record high, boosts Taiwan index

    Discover how Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) reached a record stock price, boosting the Taiwan stock index and highlighting its crucial role in the AI industry and global tech supply chain.
    2024/05/23 13:34
  • Taiwan stock market soars to 21,381 Wednesday morning

    Discover the latest surge in the Taiwan Stock Exchange, led by electronics giants like TSMC and Foxconn, amid strong market buying power and anticipation for NVIDIA’s earnings report.
    2024/05/22 10:27
  • Premier Chen chairs last Cabinet meeting before resignation

    Premier Chen Chien-jen chaired his final Cabinet meeting, endorsing the resignation and reviewing the achievements under President Tsai Ing-wen’s leadership. The Action Innovation AI Cabinet is set to launch, aligning with new economic highs.
    2024/05/16 15:13
  • TSMC market value exceeds NT$22T, shares surge

    Discover how Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) achieved a record stock price of NT$854, pushing its market value over NT$22.14 trillion. Learn about the factors driving TSMC’s success and its impact on the global semiconductor industry.
    2024/05/16 11:00
  • Taiwan’s economic surge amid digital revolution

    Explore Taiwan’s optimistic economic future through the eyes of NDC Minister Kung Ming-hsin, highlighting the nation’s digital transformation, resilience against natural disasters, and robust foreign investment growth amidst geopolitical challenges.
    2024/04/24 18:03
  • 越南女首富7千多億藏海上?假影片爆紅「23萬人搶當航海王尋寶」

    越南女首富張美蘭(Truong My Lan)因為在11年間對「西貢商業銀行」(Saigon Joint Stock Commercial Bank)進行該國史上規模最大的金融詐欺案而被判死刑,然而近期有假新聞影片稱張美蘭自曝將大量黃金藏在海中,導致大量越南網友響應,發起「海上尋寶」活動,甚至將此事與經典動漫《航海王》進行連結,引發討論。
    2024/04/20 17:53
  • 屋齡400歲將慶生 哥本哈根地標毀於祝融

    4月16日是許多丹麥人惆悵失落的一天,因為首都哥本哈根的地標古蹟,舊哥本哈根證券交易所(Old Stock Exchange)慘遭祝融焚毀。原本今年9月就要慶祝屋齡滿400年,這座名為博爾森大廈(Boersen)的古蹟,曾見證丹麥的財富盛世,如今卻面臨巴黎聖母院火災的翻版:在整修施工過程中失火,又因建材易燃、鷹架緊密包圍而讓救火困難。雖然建築本身嚴重損毀,所幸警消與民眾同心協力,搶救出部分珍藏屋內的古畫與藝術品。
    2024/04/17 19:51
  • 越南女首富掏空西貢商銀遭判死 官方不惜動國本挹注7千億救銀行

    越南法院剛剛針對女首富張美蘭(Truong My Lan)的貸款舞弊與貪汙,做出最嚴格的死刑判決,被捲入該案且衝擊非常大的西貢商業銀行(Saigon Joint Stock Commercial Bank),據傳也私下獲得政府鉅額資金援助,這也是過去難以看見的案例。外媒還引述知情人士說法,強調越南官方之所以給予支持,就是為了防止該銀行倒閉。
    2024/04/17 16:49
  • 有片/哥本哈根舊證券交易所大火 4百年歷史地標燒毀民眾痛哭

    丹麥最著名的歷史指標建築「哥本哈根舊證券交易所」(Copenhagen’s Old Stock Exchange)在當地時間15日(台灣時間16日)驚傳火災,現場除了冒出陣陣黑煙,就連交易所標誌性的尖塔也倒塌,看得圍觀的丹麥民眾忍不住哭了出來,直呼「這是我們的巴黎聖母院(Notre Dame)大火」。
    2024/04/16 18:00
  • 股價慘崩百倍 英國潮牌Superdry下市重整

    曾經獲得大批青少年族群喜愛,知名網紅服裝品牌Superdry(極度乾燥)如今卻在一整年銷售成果不佳,外加公司虧損擴大的壓力下,被迫選擇從倫敦證券交易所(London Stock Exchange)下市進行重整。根據Superdry官方聲明指出,他們必須這麼做,否則公司將被迫進入破產管理程序。接下來將在股東大會提案,最快7月底之前就能完成下市。
    2024/04/16 17:12
  • Taiwan stock market opens lower following U.S. decline

    Taiwan stock market opens lower following U.S. decline, but semiconductor stocks remain strong. TSMC and domestic semiconductor ETFs outperform despite broader market downturn.
    2024/04/15 10:01
  • TSMC’s dominance fuels Taiwan’s luxury car market surge

    Discover how Taiwan’s burgeoning semiconductor industry has fueled a significant surge in luxury car sales, with Ferrari and other brands seeing substantial growth. TSMC leads the charge, influencing market trends and investor caution in the AI era.
    2024/03/28 17:21
  • Thunder Tiger’s stock soars with drone tech breakthrough

    Thunder Tiger Corporation’s shares surge on the successful rollout of commercial military drones, reaching a five-month high. With the Ministry of National Defense awarding lucrative tenders, the company’s drones, including the Seashark 400 and TM-450 Hornet, are poised for mass production to meet Taiwan’s military needs.
    2024/03/27 16:03
  • Prospect of war unlikely across the Taiwan Strait: scholar

    Analysis by Professor Li Cheng of The University of Hong Kong on the relationships between Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China in the context of the new national security law. Insights on the unlikelihood of a Taiwan Strait war, Hong Kong’s unique position, and the need for cooperative approaches between the U.S. and China.
    2024/03/22 17:31
  • Reddit IPO每股34美元 最終定價位於預期區間頂部

    社群媒體平台Reddit 20日表示,在紐約證券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)上市前的定價已達到預期區間的上限,顯示投資者對此充滿熱情。
    2024/03/21 11:24
  • TSMC stocks hit record high, market value surpasses NT$20T

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) stock price hits record high, pushing market value beyond NT$20 trillion. TSMC’s surge driven by factors like NVIDIA shares increase and Fed Chair Powell’s optimistic outlook. Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) also reaches record high of 20,065.5 points.
    2024/03/08 10:18
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