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    Stamps 結果共3筆

  • Chunghwa Post unveils stamps for Taiwan’s new president

    Discover the new commemorative stamps by Chunghwa Post celebrating Taiwan’s 16th presidential inauguration, featuring traditional motifs and symbols of democracy and innovation.
    2024/05/16 12:00
  • Taiwan unveils stamps celebrating human rights

    Premier Chen Chien-jen celebrated the release of Human Rights Stamps by Chunghwa Post, showcasing Taiwan’s advancements in human rights. The event was attended by notable figures such as Chen Chu, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission, and Wu Hong-mo, Chairperson of Chunghwa Post. Premier Chen, an avid philatelist, emphasized the universality of human rights and the power of stamps in raising awareness. Taiwan’s progress in human rights was highlighted, including the implementation of the National Human Rights Action Plan in 2022, incorporating five out of nine major human rights conventions into domestic laws. Taiwan’s junior high students also achieved top scores internationally in civic education assessments, particularly excelling in gender equality, ethnic equality, immigrant rights, and environmental awareness. Chen Chu recalled a previous stamp featuring Eleanor Roosevelt during martial law in 1964, introducing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The new set of four stamps features acronyms of major human rights documents, each illustrated with distinct colors and symbols representing their respective themes. Wu expressed hope that these stamps would showcase Taiwan’s human rights achievements as they circulate.
    2023/12/11 12:08
  • 美國紓困2.0版 砍失業補助促返工

    美國聯邦政府發放的額外失業救濟金,每周600美元,在7月31日停發,影響2500萬美國人,眼看疫情再度惡化,美國政府決定延長補助,共和黨提出新一輪援助方案,提議由現有的每周600美元減到200美元,直至9月底,10月之後失業民眾可申請,原有薪資七成的救濟金,最多每周500美元,同時第二波振興支票,每人1200美元,預計8月就會送到美國人手中,且發送流程會比上一波更快。其實美國還有一項救活不少人的政策"食物券(Food Stamps)",現在稱為營養補充援助計畫"SNAP",它是美國金字塔底部民眾的第一道社會安全網,今年新冠疫情爆發後,2到5月申領食物券的人數增加了17%,其中不乏第一次申請的失業民眾,目前全美約4300萬人領取,平均每八個美國人就有一人申請。隨著失業補助減少,申請食物券的人勢必更多。
    2020/08/02 21:00
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