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    台中南強工商Christian GarciaToyz苗栗下雨馬陸外流影片家屬地震
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    Rainie 結果共5筆

  • Taiwan’s top 10 concerts of 2023 revealed by big data

    In 2023, Taiwan’s concert scene witnessed a multitude of chart-topping performances, captivating fans with spectacles from renowned artists. The KeyPo big-data engine used by DailyView analyzed online discussions to rank the top 10 concerts of the year. At number 10, rock band Power Station, featuring guests JJ Lin and Accusefive, received positive reviews for their world tour concert "Because of Love." Accusefive, the ninth most discussed band, also garnered favorable reviews for their world tour concerts in Taiwan. Veteran singer Rainie Yang, ranked eighth, touched the hearts of concertgoers at the Taipei Arena. Hebe Tien, in seventh place, returned to the Taipei Arena after three years, inviting guest artists Waa Wei, Deserts Chang, and actor Greg Hsu. Hong Kong superstar Eason Chan, placed at number six, conveyed deep philosophical messages in his concert "Fear and Dreams." Korean soloist Taeyeon, at number five, held a solo concert at the Taipei Arena, performing 24 songs consecutively. Taiwanese star A-Mei, in fourth place, performed in Kaohsiung for 10 consecutive days, earning applause from dedicated fans. British band Coldplay secured third place for their eco-friendly concert in Kaohsiung. Taiwanese band Mayday celebrated their 25th anniversary with surprises and engagement with fans, landing them in second place. However, the top concert of 2023 in Taiwan belonged to K-pop girl group BLACKPINK, whose "Born Pink" tour tickets sold out instantly in Kaohsiung, attracting nearly 90,000 fans. The analysis collected data from various digital platforms from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, including Facebook, YouTube, news media, discussion boards, and blogs.
    2024/01/07 11:06
  • 還記得《海派甜心》嗎?全新CP人物出爐 挑戰羅志祥跟楊丞琳

    同理Zunya和林茉曦全新翻唱的〈In Your Eyes〉,這首歌在2010年收錄於楊丞琳專輯《Rainie & Love…?雨愛》與羅志祥專輯《羅生門》中,兩人當年共同主演經典偶像劇《海派甜心》成為螢幕情侶搭檔,掀起一波偶像劇經典CP熱潮,兩位流行天王天后更攜手對唱該據的插曲〈In Your Eyes〉,透過輕快旋律與浪漫俏皮的歌詞,讓劇迷們紛紛享受劇中這對歡喜冤家的親密鬥嘴節奏,成功打進許多粉絲的心中,是許多人追劇青春年代裡,最粉紅、浪漫的經典存在。
    2023/10/31 18:26
  • 楊丞琳被糾錯!9小時後發現「這失誤」 無奈嘆:有事嗎

    楊丞琳最近忙著「LIKE A STAR」世界巡迴演唱會,明(26)日將在大陸廣州體育館1號館演出,排練忙碌的她,不忘在社群和粉絲分享近況。昨(24)日她在IG限時動態分享演唱會團隊抵達廣州的照片,豈料9小時後卻被朋友提醒拼錯英文,讓她無奈說:「有事嗎?」
    2023/08/25 10:43
  • 楊丞琳辣露川字肌寵粉 嗨喊「很高興回到我的家鄉台北」全場瘋了

    楊丞琳今(17)日晚間在台北小巨蛋舉辦LIKE A STAR演唱會,吸引1.1萬粉絲到場朝聖。楊丞琳以一身炫彩流蘇裝登場,開場就帶來魅力四射的〈BAD LADY〉、〈新流感〉、〈現代之形象〉等歌曲,引起現場大尖叫,面對滿場歌迷,楊丞琳感性地說:「大家久等了,我回來了,今晚有點下雨,我想就是老天爺要說,今天是就是Rainie(raining) Day!」
    2023/06/17 20:37
  • 台灣女孩Rainie在韓出道圓夢!培訓4年發單曲 曝出道辛酸

    2022/07/23 20:25
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