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    泰國烏來龍太宮狄鶯渣男爭議綜藝玩很大呼麻 產業壓頸 就業
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    Now And Then 結果共2筆

  • NYMCU freshman breaks new ground in cybersecurity program

    Tsai Yu-chen, a freshman at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, has made history by being the first student admitted into the prestigious Computer Science program through a special recruitment process that now includes cybersecurity. Tsai’s interest in technology began in junior high when he taught himself networking skills to set up a Minecraft server. He then used his English proficiency to manage the server online and modify Pokémon modules using Google Cloud services, allowing over 100 people to game simultaneously. Tsai’s talent and experience in cybersecurity were further developed during his vocational high school years through the Ministry of Education’s cybersecurity talent development program. As a result, he will soon intern with a leading international AI cybersecurity tech company, focusing on cloud security research. The Office of Recruitment for Specialized Technical Colleges and Universities recognizes the importance of cybersecurity in national security and actively promotes relevant courses in technical high schools. This allows students to acquire cybersecurity skills and pursue further education through specialized college entrance exams and exceptional talent selection processes.
    2023/12/07 21:33
  • AI重現藍儂嗓音 披頭四「最後一曲」45年後重現點閱破4百萬

    英國傳奇樂團《披頭四》(The Beatles)雖然早在1970年就宣佈解散,但他們的音樂作品,仍一直深受全球粉絲喜愛。《英國廣播公司》(BBC)報導,事隔超過40年後,在人工智慧(AI)科技協助下,成功將約翰藍儂(John Lennon)生前,在1978年完成小樣錄音帶的聲音提取重現,讓這首披頭四最後一曲能製作完成,取名為《Now And Then》,這首新歌已在11月2日於多平台上架和全球樂迷見面,光是在披頭四官方YouTube頻道,完整版樂曲影片14小時就衝破400萬點閱,短版音樂也有365萬次點閱,可見傳奇樂團的名氣與地位依然不減。
    2023/11/03 13:13
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