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    New LooK 結果共10筆

  • Computex 2024: Navigating the next wave of AI innovation

    Computex is set to return with a bang this year as Taiwan’s PC manufacturing powerhouses such as Asus, Gigabyte, MSI, and Foxconn look to ride this new generative AI wave.
    2024/04/08 19:49
  • Jackie Chan’s new look shocks fans ahead of 70th birthday

    Internationally acclaimed action star Jackie Chan’s shocking appearance as he approaches his 70th birthday has fans abuzz. Recent photos reveal Chan sporting white hair and visible signs of aging, sparking speculation about his upcoming role in the film ’Mo Sheng Jia Ting’ (陌生家庭), where he portrays a man with Alzheimer’s. Despite his aging appearance, Chan’s professionalism and vibrant spirit remain intact as he continues his illustrious career spanning over six decades.
    2024/03/14 16:22
  • Elephant Trunk Rock’s new look draws capybara fans

    Discover how Elephant Trunk Rock in New Taipei City transformed into a capybara-shaped attraction, drawing crowds during Lunar New Year and boosting local businesses by 50%. Learn about the rock’s unique geology and the unexpected impact of its new appearance.
    2024/02/16 16:38
  • FEniX首開演唱會!主唱遭爆開唱前「發高燒」 自責:雷包

    FEniX「LOOK AT ME NOW」2023台北演唱會上週末連兩日在信義劇場Legacy MAX開唱,令人驚艷的是,第二場U:NUS的高有翔及吳昱廷更也驚喜現身,與LCY呂植宇、彭柏邑及MAX合體重現「亞特蘭提斯」並一起演出〈NEW GANG〉。演出尾聲,FEniX也紛紛發表感言,被成員虧一定會哭的夏浦洋「不負眾望」的講到哽咽。
    2023/09/12 17:56
  • 《未來少女》紫月光絕地大反攻!薄荷水晶被鬼鬼讚「不無聊女團」

    TVBS首播的女團選秀節目《未來少女》繼上週「藝人導師合作賽」後引發熱議,本週公演主題為「New Look全新樣貌」,將帶領少女穿越未來、駕馭更多風格,被譽為「節目開播以來最好看的一集」。
    2023/08/26 21:58
  • First look at intensive THSR safety training program

    The high-speed rail company unveils on Thursday (May 11) its intensive safety training for new recruits, which includes challenging tasks such as climbing trains and installing 15kg emergency ladders within a limited time frame. The training program is rigorous and applies to all new service personnel regardless of their gender.
    2023/05/15 19:08
  • Taiwan homebuyers look for these amenities in new appartment

    As the pandemic situation gradually stabilizes in Taiwan, more and more home-buyers are seeking out apartments with ventilation systems that connect to the outside and separate restrooms for its residents.
    2022/11/17 09:00
  • Public puzzled at Zhongshan MRT station’s new designs

    Taipei Metro recently renovated the Zhongshan MRT Station, offering a new sleeker design with a more simplistic look. However, the changes in the ticketing area have received a backlash, with many calling the new designs "confusing" and "not user-friendly."
    2022/10/22 00:10
  • 快時尚退燒 Forever21中國大陸撤店

    曾經掀起熱潮的快時尚品牌,如今在大陸龐大的消費市場中也不再受到追捧,以Forever 21來說,今年4月29日官網就公告暫停營運,剩下的四家門市如今也陸續關閉,撤出大陸市場,還有英國服飾品牌New LooK,而去年11月TOPSHOP線上天貓旗艦店也宣布結束營業;現在還在大陸的ZARA、優衣庫則是苦撐,今年沒有任何的展店計畫。
    2019/07/24 20:07
  • 黃睿靚白紗 仿40年代「new look」

    黃睿靚的神秘白紗,終於亮相了,他的全身造型相當復古和典雅,無肩帶搭配沙漏型束腰的白紗禮服,再以12尺長的群擺設計,是仿40年代的new look,線條簡約,又不失皇室的氣派,讓在場人士為之驚豔。
    2005/06/18 12:36
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