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    NTU 結果共20筆

  • 期待落空!「臺大麥當勞」沒賣焦糖奶茶 業者:配合校園政策

    2024/03/29 16:57
  • NTU launches international semiconductor training with TSMC

    Discover how Taiwan’s NTU and TSMC are pioneering the future of semiconductor education and international collaboration, welcoming students from around the globe to innovate and grow together.
    2024/03/06 18:10
  • Over 40 NTU programs reveal stricter thesis rules

    National Taiwan University (NTU) has announced the graduate thesis quality and review standards for over 40 departments or degree programs, with the exception of the department involved in past plagiarism disputes. The Graduate Institute of National Development, which was implicated in the rescission of degrees awarded to former Hsinchu City mayor Lin Chih-chien and Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan, has not yet released its thesis verification policy. In response, NTU’s Office of Academic Affairs expressed regret over the disputes and implemented measures to enhance the quality of graduate theses. Some departments are still discussing the new directions. Under the new policy, each department is required to establish their own evaluation mechanisms, which may include limitations on the number of graduate students per professor, originality standards for theses, and a threshold for acceptable content similarity.
    2024/02/05 10:19
  • Ex-NTU president backs Hou Yu-ih for Taiwan presidency

    Former president of National Taiwan University, Kuan Chung-ming, shows his support for Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih in Kaohsiung. Kuan criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for social issues in Taiwan and accuses them of damaging academic freedom and lacking moral integrity. Kuan urges his supporters to vote for Hou Yu-ih, emphasizing the importance of honesty, broad-mindedness, and courage in a leader. He disagrees with DPP candidate Lai Ching-Te’s criticism of the Constitution of the Republic of China, deeming him unfit for the presidency. Kuan reflects on his career and emphasizes the need for a secure Taiwan, a future for the youth, and the happiness of the people.
    2024/01/07 18:46
  • MOE: 19 Taiwan’s universities below 60% registration rate

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) has released the registration rates for first-year students at various tertiary institutions for the academic year 112. Out of the 29 universities, 10 have achieved a 100% registration rate, while 19 have fallen short of the 60% mark. Surprisingly, as of 2023, 112 universities had at least one department with zero registered new students, including prestigious institutions like National Taiwan University (NTU). NTU alone had five departments without any registered doctoral students, namely the Department of Drama and Theater, Department of Geography, Institute of Oceanography, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, and the Doctoral Program in Microbiology. Other academic institutions with departments lacking registered students include National Tsing Hua University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Cheng Kung University, and National Chengchi University. Kao Yuan University had the lowest new student registration rate at just 15.7% for the 112 academic year. The only national institution that did not meet the registration standards was the National Taitung Junior College, with a rate below 60%.
    2023/12/28 17:58
  • NTU students vote on ’108 Curriculum,’ clash over classics

    The recent debate over the removal of classical Chinese literature from Taiwan’s Ministry of Education’s 108 Curriculum has sparked diverse opinions among students at National Taiwan University (NTU). In a student-led poll on Dcard, 38% of participants supported a teacher’s criticism of the curriculum reform, arguing that classical literature is an essential part of Mandarin education. On the other hand, 24% of students opposed the importance of classical texts, viewing them as pedantic Confucian brainwashing. Interestingly, 39% of students abstained from taking a strong stance, humorously identifying themselves as "engineering majors too busy with homework to have an opinion." Student comments highlighted the complexity of the issue, with some emphasizing the importance of classical Chinese in enhancing writing skills and its philosophical value, while others expressed concerns about a potential lack of cultural depth in young people if literary content is reduced.
    2023/12/11 20:03
  • NTNU announces record 56-day winter break for students

    National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) students are set to enjoy an unprecedented winter break lasting 56 days, from December 25 to February 18, the longest in the institution’s history. This extended vacation period aligns with the academic schedules of several countries, allowing international students to return home for Christmas. Other universities, such as National Taiwan University (NTU) and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech), also begin their winter breaks on December 25. NTU’s break will last until February 6, while Taiwan Tech has added 10 extra days, ending on February 16. During this winter break, Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation is offering discounted tickets to university students, with discounts of 50%, 75%, and 88% available from January 4 to January 10. Additionally, there are 28 train services providing tickets at 50% off. The upcoming 2024 presidential election in Taiwan, taking place on January 13, is also on students’ minds, as it coincides with their winter break, potentially facilitating greater voter participation among the youth demographic.
    2023/12/07 20:35
  • Bahwan Tribe demands NTU return ancestral remains

    The Bahwan Tribe of Taiwan’s Bunun people are demanding that National Taiwan University (NTU) return ancestral remains taken without permission from a Bahwan public cemetery 63 years ago. NTU has been accused of shirking its historical responsibilities, leading to disagreements with the tribe. The issue dates back to the 1960s when the NTU College of Medicine Physical Anthropology Research Team took remains from the Bahwan Tribe’s cemetery, ’Lilieq,’ for academic research. The ’Return Bahwan Bunun Ancestors’ Remains Committee’ has approached the Executive Yuan, urging the government and NTU to return the remains and cease depriving indigenous people. NTU claims to have 43 boxes of the remains stored in its research room and has been participating in discussions with the government and legislature since the tribe’s request in 2017. However, indigenous legislator candidate Savungaz Valincinan expressed disappointment with NTU’s lack of effort to establish a relationship with the tribe and refusal to cover transportation and accommodation costs for their trips to Taipei. NTU has recently expressed willingness to return the remains, erect a memorial, honor the deceased as "Great Body Teachers," and provide medical, educational, and sanitary services to the tribe. However, as a public school, NTU argues that it cannot establish a foundation or provide compensation of NT$1.49 billion, citing Ministry of Education regulations. This issue has sparked discussion in Taiwan about addressing historical wounds and the journey toward transitional justice for indigenous tribes, who constitute 2.5% of the population and have historically faced exploitation and discrimination.
    2023/11/19 16:15
  • NTU proposes semiconductor program starting in 2024

    National Taiwan University (NTU) President Chen Wen-chang has announced plans to establish a new undergraduate semiconductor program, which has been submitted to the Ministry of Education for review. The program is expected to start in 2024, admitting around 50 to 60 students per year, mainly from international backgrounds. The renovated building at NTU’s Shuiyuan Campus will be designated for the use of prospective semiconductor major students. Additionally, Chen expressed his intention to establish an "International Political Economy Institute" at the renovated Downtown Campus on Xuzhou Rd., with further discussions and a university-wide meeting scheduled for December 23 to address concerns and foster dialogue on the proposed institute.
    2023/11/14 11:26
  • NTU drops to 21st in 2024 QS Asia rankings

    National Taiwan University (NTU) has dropped from 19th to 21st in the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings in Asia. Peking University in China maintains its top position. Two other Taiwanese universities, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), also slipped in the rankings. The top ten universities in the QS Asia rankings are Peking University, Hong Kong University, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, Yonsei University, Korea University, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The QS World University Rankings are influential in the global academic world and are used by potential students and educational policymakers.
    2023/11/09 17:27
  • Experts caution opening migrant workers to hotel sectors

    Taiwan’s tourism industry is facing a significant labor shortage, prompting the government to consider introducing migrant workers into the hospitality sector. However, no specific timeline has been set for this proposal. Scholars and citizens have expressed concerns about potential job displacement and the negative impact on wages for local workers. Calls have been made for more efficient solutions to alleviate employee workload, rather than solely relying on wage increases. Professor Cheng Chih-yu of National Chengchi University (NCCU) emphasized that even with higher wages, the demanding nature and long hours associated with hospitality work may not attract job seekers. Similarly, Associate Professor Hsin Ping-lung of National Taiwan University (NTU) noted that the labor shortage has intensified workload in the hospitality industry, yet it has not attracted more workers. Professor Cheng suggested a cautious approach to the introduction of migrant workers, considering it as a last resort after exhausting all other means to address the problem. He expressed concerns that if the policy is relaxed, companies may opt for cheaper foreign labor, leading to the displacement of local workers and wage suppression. Additionally, the labor market for older workers and women seeking a second career could be affected.
    2023/11/04 14:00
  • Ko Wen-je calls for open dialogue among party leaders

    The Taiwan People’s Party presidential contender Ko Wen-je has made a public call for leaders of all political parties to engage in open dialogues regarding significant national matters on Thursday (Aug. 24).
    2023/08/24 19:14
  • 政院拍板補助私立大學學費 台大生竟批「私立廢物」掀論戰

    行政院昨(29日)正式拍板!補助私立大學學生學雜費每年3.5萬元,加碼部分更減免大專經濟弱勢學生學雜費、高中職全免學費及精進就學貸款等。不過相關政策消息一出,在NTU台大學生交流板就有一篇貼文怒批「國家與其補助一群私立廢物玩69,為什麼不花錢提升一下台大可悲的QS 69名」,此文一出引發大批網友論戰。
    2023/06/30 09:53
  • Hou Yu-ih emphasizes housing, national defense issues at NTU

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih tackled significant issues ranging from housing justice and national defense to energy and international relations with students from National Taiwan University (NTU) on Monday (June 19), leaving no stone unturned.
    2023/06/20 19:00
  • 管中閔讚數創台大交流板新高 熊貓趁勢推「管爺優惠碼」

    台大校長管中閔2019年1月上任,確定屆滿後不續任,將於2023年1月卸任。近來他以個人帳號「CM Kuan」在臉書社團「NTU台大學生交流板」頻頻留言,與學生互動熱烈,光是7日的一篇「早安文」就突破1.2萬個按讚數,創下板史按讚數最高的紀錄。外送平台foodpanda搭上「管爺旋風」,趁勢推出折扣碼,輸入「管爺散步」跟「管爺買菜」,即可享有外帶自取及生鮮外送的優惠。
    2021/12/09 09:49
  • 強降雨!阿公店水庫濁度飆高 南水局洩洪排砂籲遠離河床

    2021/06/07 10:15
  • 簽約小插曲 台商向韓陳情:別忘漁產品

    高雄市長韓國瑜今天(26日)上午和新加坡商NTU Cfairprice簽下採購合約,途中多了小插曲,一名女台商看著這次活動寫著農漁產品推廣會,但似乎都沒有看到漁產品,她拿著一包魚包蛋,緊跟著記者和韓市長,要向韓市長陳情,希望不要忘記漁產品,韓國瑜也親自安撫她,絕對沒有忘記!
    2019/02/26 19:40
  • 高屏溪濁度飆破3萬 啟動備援水

    2017/06/03 11:47
  • 穿NTU裝學生! 賊偷台大生犯案20起

    2017/01/21 18:27
  • ​帽T字「台大永遠是對的」 霸氣口吻網路熱議

    2015/02/04 13:29
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