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    Murder 結果共18筆

  • Taichung man indicted for metro attack in bid for attention

    Discover the details of the shocking Taichung Metro attack: A 20-year-old man, surnamed Hong, has been indicted for attempted murder after his premeditated attack injured two. Learn about the investigation, Hong’s motives, and the societal impact.
  • Lai Ching-te remains silent on death penalty controversy

    In the wake of a junior high student’s murder in New Taipei, Lai Ching-te remains silent on the death penalty, focusing on his election campaign and avoiding the controversial topic despite Hou Yu-i’s questioning.
    2024/01/05 22:24
  • Police: Students found with weapons to face criminal charges

    Students in Tucheng Precinct of New Taipei City Police Department who are found with harmful weapons like knives will face legal consequences under the Criminal Code of the Republic of China, Social Order Maintenance Act, and Juvenile Justice Act. Recently, a student named Kuo and a girl named Lin were arrested on suspicion of instigating a serious crime, and they are currently being investigated for an attempted murder case. They have been sent to a juvenile court for trial. Kuo, accused of slashing the throat of a classmate named Yang, has been detained, while Lin has been held responsible. In response to the incident, Tucheng police and the school have increased patrols on campus and provided psychological counseling for students who witnessed the event.
    2023/12/26 11:37
  • Teen remanded, accomplice under guardianship after stabbing

    A teenager involved in a knife attack on a fellow student has been remanded in custody, while another teen accused of incitement has been placed under guardianship, as ruled by a youth court on Tuesday (Dec. 26). The attack occurred the day before at a junior high school in New Taipei City, leaving the victim with a severe neck wound, resulting in significant blood loss and, at one point, signs of life ceased. Investigations revealed that the accused is a third-grade junior high school student surnamed Kuo. Allegedly, he attacked to defend a female student who had been reprimanded by the victim. The girl had entered the victim’s classroom in search of a friend and was reprimanded for not being in the correct class. The victim was revived after five hours of treatment at Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, officials reported. Kuo and the girl, originally under investigation for offenses related to causing injury, had their charges escalated to "attempted murder" late on Monday, given the critical danger the victim faced. The police believe that the two had the intention to kill.
    2023/12/26 10:01
  • Actor Wu Kang-ren spotted at Taipei murder trial

    Taiwanese actor Wu Kang-ren, winner of the best leading actor award at the 60th Golden Horse Awards, surprised attendees at the trial of a man surnamed Chung, who is accused of killing his father with a dumbbell. Despite wearing a mask, Wu’s presence caused a stir as he was recognized by the crowd. Wu declined to comment on his reasons for attending. The case involves a dispute over the purchase of a boxed meal that allegedly led to the fatal blow. The Taipei District Prosecutors Office filed charges in May, making this the second case to involve citizen judges. Due to Chung’s mental illness and lack of impulse control, the court ordered a temporary placement for six months. The court selected citizen judges prior to the trial, with six judges and four alternates chosen through a rigorous process.
    2023/12/07 19:10
  • Man to serve full 16 years after High Court denies appeal

    The Taiwan High Court Kaohsiung Branch Court (KSH) has upheld a 16-year sentence for a man named Chen who was convicted of murder and attempted murder. Chen attacked a homeless man, Lee, with a brick after being refused help and insulted, resulting in Lee’s death. The next day, Chen severely injured an air conditioning repairman named Chang. Chen’s previous convictions for assault and violence, as well as a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder (APD), were taken into consideration during the trial. The Pintung District Court initially sentenced him to 13 years for murder and 7 years for attempted murder. The Kaohsiung Branch Court has affirmed the original verdict, denying Chen’s appeal and confirming that he will serve the full 16-year term.
    2023/12/07 18:54
  • Tainan court sentences Lin Hsin-wu to double death penalty

    The Tainan District Court has sentenced Lin Hsin-wu to death twice and deprived him of his civil rights for life for the murder of two police officers in 2022. Lin brutally killed Tainan City Police Bureau officers Tu Ming-cheng and Tsao Jui-chieh, using a spring knife and firearms while pursuing a suspected car thief. Despite defense arguments about Lin’s impaired behavioral control due to severe alcohol use disorder, the court dismissed them. Taiwan still practices capital punishment, and the issue of its abolition has become a focus of public debate. Currently, there are 38 inmates on death row in Taiwan awaiting execution.
    2023/11/24 17:29
  • Keelung Police launch raids after student’s fatal stabbing

    Keelung City Police Bureau conducted raids to combat violent crimes in hotspots like KTV bars and the Keelung Miaokou Night Market. The police force deployed 150 officers from various divisions to tackle security concerns. They successfully cracked down on criminal activities, solving one robbery, one gang assault resulting in murder, two gun law violations, and arresting two fraudsters. The police seized four modified firearms, 12 bullets, and drugs. The clampdown aimed to ensure peace and order in Keelung.
    2023/11/22 19:53
  • Suspect in Taiwan fraud case to compensate victims’ families

    Last year, a horrifying scam that led to the deaths of three people shocked Taiwan as a fraudulent group deceived and held job seekers captive. The main suspect has now been ordered to compensate each of the families of the three victims with NT$1.8 million.
    2023/09/28 17:37
  • Partner of NT$500M boy on trial for fake marriage charges

    Court proceedings began Monday (Aug. 7) for the case of a high-school boy who plunged to his death, leaving behind NT$500 million. 
    2023/08/07 20:25
  • 八點檔女神去英國出意外!損失金額曝光 還遇假警察超慘

    男團「B.T.O.D」成員子賢和在多部八點檔中有亮眼表現的梁舒涵,日前一起飛到英國曼徹斯特,體驗斯巴達障礙跑競賽的另一品牌「Tough Murder」,原本帶著興奮的心情到當地,沒想到卻在當地遇到驚魂記,不但損失金錢,還遇到假警察,得不償失。
    2023/07/29 11:16
  • 聯手兩嫌冷血殺3人 美12歲少年被捕畫面曝光震撼網

    美國佛州近日傳出三起兇殺案,都讓當地警方非常無奈,《紐約郵報》(NY Post)報導,三名受害人都未滿18歲,經過追蹤調查後發現,行兇的3名嫌犯也同樣未成年,甚至其中一人阿特金(Christopher Atkins)還只有12歲,日前正式遭上銬與同夥兩人被捕,警局還將他被捕的畫面放上臉書粉專,已經累積超過十萬人觀看;另一位16歲兇嫌則懸賞1萬美元(約新台幣30萬4000元)。雖然都屬於未成年犯人,但因為手段兇殘,佛州警局都將以一級謀殺罪(first-degree murder)起訴。
    2023/04/09 16:27
  • 駭人聽聞!德國女為躲家庭紛爭 竟獵殺毀容女網紅當替死鬼

    德國2022年8月發生一起駭人的「分身謀殺案」(doppelganger murder),不過檢警近日才公布案情;一名23歲德裔伊拉克女子莎拉本(Sharaban K)想藉「假死」躲避家庭紛爭,竟在網路上尋找「容貌相似」的人,將被害女子約出門後再與友人將其殺害,讓對方成為自己的替死鬼,手法殘忍震驚外界。
    2023/01/31 12:36
  • 《如何謀殺你的丈夫》作者殺夫罪成立 恐吃25年牢飯

    寫過一系列犯罪小說的女作家南西(Nancy Crampton Brophy),曾發表過《如何謀殺你的丈夫》(How to Murder Your Husband)作品,在網路上小有名氣,然而她卻在2018年因涉嫌謀殺丈夫遭逮,引發外界好奇小說內容就是謀殺計畫。南西於上個月出庭受審,並在5月25日被判「2級殺人罪」成立,恐怕之後將面臨25年的牢獄之災。
    2022/05/27 14:11
  • 高談「如何謀害親夫」 美小說家涉槍殺老公被定罪

    美國一名曾在部落格大談「如何謀害親夫」(How To Murder Your Husband)的言情小說作家,今天被判殺害配偶罪名成立。
    2022/05/26 10:54
  • 出版《如何謀殺老公》爆紅 女作家獄中說溜嘴認殺害親夫

    美國一名女作家南西(Nancy Crampton Brophy),11年前出版小說《如何謀殺妳老公》(How to Murder Your Husband)而聲名大噪。不料在現實生活中,南西被指控涉嫌殺害親夫遭調查,沒想到日前案情出現轉折,檢方向法官表示,南西的獄友證稱,某日聊天時她不小心說溜嘴,承認殺害了丈夫。
    2022/05/10 22:40
  • 曾撰文「如何殺夫」 女作家真因殺夫罪遭逮

    一名以撰寫驚慄愛情小說聞名的女作家,曾發表一篇《如何謀殺老公》(How to Murder Your Husband),沒想到日前她遭警方逮捕,理由正是她開槍殺害自己的老公。
    2018/09/13 20:00
  • 荒島求生淪血腥屠殺 30天內百人成冰冷屍體

    澳洲西部一處荒島「燈塔島」(Beacon Island),在距今4百年前一艘載有316人的船隻觸礁後流落此島求生,沒想到卻發生宛如小說《蒼蠅王》(Lord of the Flies)裡,血腥屠殺的內容一般,在短短不到1個月內,上百人成為冰冷屍體,其中不乏手無寸鐵的婦孺,這也讓該島從此之後被稱為是「屠殺島」(Murder Island)。
    2017/11/15 17:30
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