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    Moderna 結果共177筆

  • Flu emergency visits decline amidst high vaccination rates

    This year’s flu season during the Lunar New Year has been relatively mild, potentially due to higher flu vaccination rates and continued mask-wearing, according to Philip Lo, the Deputy Director-General and spokesperson for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Typically, flu cases surge before and after the Lunar New Year, with the second day of the new year being the busiest for emergency rooms. Despite higher numbers in recent years, this year’s figures are considered mild compared to the pre-pandemic period. On the second day of the Lunar New Year, 6,787 individuals sought emergency care for flu-like symptoms. In previous years, the corresponding numbers were 4,313 in 2023, 1,564 in 2022, 2,458 in 2021, 9,240 in 2020, and 7,983 in 2019. Lo emphasized the need to monitor the potential impact of large gatherings as schools reopen and the travel season begins. In terms of vaccine stock, there are still 82,000 doses of the flu vaccine available, along with 226,000 doses of the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine and 4.38 million doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Lo urged eligible individuals to get vaccinated promptly to enhance their protection.
    2024/02/15 17:26
  • CDC new receives batch of Novavax XBB vaccines

    Taiwan has received 462,800 doses of Novavax’s XBB vaccine, with distribution starting on January 9, 2023, according to the Taiwan Centers for Diseases Control (CDC). In May of this year, Taiwan categorized Covid-19 as a class 4 endemic disease, similar to seasonal flu. The decision was based on clinical trial reports and immunization recommendations from the U.S., the European Union (EU), and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW). Unvaccinated individuals are advised to receive two doses of 0.5mL each, administered at least four weeks apart. Those who have already received a COVID-19 vaccine should receive a single dose of 0.5mL, provided at least three months have passed since their last dose. The domestically available XBB vaccine includes those produced by Moderna and Novavax, and recipients can choose either brand for vaccination.
    2023/12/30 21:19
  • Taiwan reports highest weekly COVID-19 deaths in a month

    Taiwan is experiencing a surge in COVID-19 complications and deaths, with the CDC reporting the highest weekly count in a month. Authorities are encouraging vaccinations, especially for high-risk groups, as the country braces for a peak in infections.
    2023/12/06 17:42
  • Health experts warn of potential triple outbreak in fall

    Several health experts predicted on Thursday (Oct. 12) that by the end of 2023, a combined outbreak of COVID-19, influenza, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) might occur, with the average daily number of COVID-19 cases reaching up to 24,000.
    2023/10/12 16:41
  • Taiwan prioritizes elderly for Moderna XBB.1.5 vaccines

    Taiwan prioritizes 65+ for Moderna vaccine, offers test kits and vouchers. Hospitals see a 30% increase in patients. Doctors urge prompt antiviral medication for flu. Elderly advised to get COVID and flu vaccines, with pneumococcal vaccine later.
    2023/09/26 18:55
  • 莫德納開放mRNA技術平台 邀台灣加入臨床研究

    莫德納(Moderna)全球資深副總裁柏格斯泰特(Patrick Bergstedt)首度來台,他今天表示,莫德納將開放mRNA技術平台改善全球公衛,台灣是莫德納在亞洲擴展mRNA技術非常重要的領頭堡,將爭取台灣加入多中心臨床研究計劃。
    2022/12/06 15:57
  • BA.5次世代疫苗今晚再到貨! 79.6萬劑封緘後開打

    中央流行疫情指揮中心今(30)日表示,今(2022)年採購之第三批Moderna次世代 BA.4/5雙價疫苗79.6萬劑,將於今日晚間抵達桃園國際機場,完成通關程序後,直接運送至指定冷儲物流中心進行後續檢驗封緘作業,再提供民眾接種追加劑使用。本批效期至2023年5月10日。
    2022/11/30 14:08
  • 第二批莫德納次世代雙價疫苗 61.3萬劑今到貨

    2022/11/24 14:19
  • 首批莫德納次世代BA.5疫苗 10日上午抵台

    2022/11/09 17:07
  • 莫德納次世代疫苗60.5萬劑再抵台 今年已到貨逾6成

    2022/09/29 14:36
  • 莫德納次世代施打對象擴大!10/3起「這類人」可打了

    2022/09/28 14:21
  • 莫德納次世代疫苗再來一批! 78.7萬劑今晚抵台

    2022/09/25 14:11
  • 莫德納次世代疫苗80萬劑 今晚抵達「這類人」優先打

    2022/09/18 14:18
  • 次世代疫苗80.4萬劑今晚抵台 下週陸續開打「3類人優先」

    2022/09/16 14:16
  • 駁擋BNT!總統府:是與民間協力防疫典範、非選舉攻防

    2022/09/13 16:18
  • 2大藥廠對簿公堂!新冠疫苗專利侵權 莫德納怒告輝瑞

    2022/08/27 09:59
  • 開全球先河 英國核准莫德納COVID-19二價疫苗

    2022/08/16 10:35
  • 加拿大批准 莫德納疫苗可適用6個月至5歲幼兒

    2022/07/15 10:10
  • 美CDC顧問一致支持 建議6至17歲打莫德納疫苗

    2022/06/24 10:03
  • Covid疫苗獲准對5歲以下幼童施打 拜登讚重大紓解

    2022/06/18 06:04
  • 莫德納研發新疫苗 稱對抗Omicron保護力提升8倍

    美國藥廠莫德納(Moderna Inc)表示,已研發出新型「二價疫苗」,該公司新版新冠肺炎疫苗在對抗Omicron病毒時,能產生更有效的免疫保護力,宣稱對Omicron的中和抗體整整提升約8倍!
    2022/06/11 09:03
  • 兒童疫苗恐引「心肌炎」? 美CDC:風險比青壯年低

    2022/05/27 18:16
  • 白宮:預計數週內允許幼童接種莫德納疫苗

    美國白宮COVID-19應對協調官吉哈(Ashish Jha)今天表示,他預計食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)將在未來數週內允許5歲以下兒童接種莫德納(Moderna)疫苗。
    2022/05/23 05:57
  • 疫苗來了!莫德納今抵台125萬劑 效期到今年年底

    2022/05/07 14:24
  • 指揮中心坦言6月「半解封」有規劃 蘇揆再籲國人盡快打滿3劑

    本土疫情預估將進入高峰期,不過現在傳出指揮中心已擬再放寬居隔規定,預估從6月開始,打完3劑疫苗的人「以快篩取代居家隔離」。對此,指揮中心今坦言,有相關規劃。行政院長蘇貞昌今(3日)在臉書再次呼籲,「完整接種疫苗有效降低重症風險,請長輩盡快打疫苗!」,並提及政府採購的110萬劑 Moderna 疫苗今天將運抵台灣,政府會持續提供符合接種資格的民眾施打疫苗,提升國人的保護力。
    2022/05/03 15:27
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