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    Legend 結果共23筆

  • Taiwan’s puppetry shines at Rotterdam Film Festival

    Taiwan’s historical documentary "Qianlong’s Tour of the West Lake" has been chosen for the Cinema Regained category at the 2024 International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR), showcasing Taiwan’s traditional hand puppetry culture. Directed by Liu Yi-hung in 1994, the film was restored from 35mm original footage to 4K, paying tribute to Taiwanese puppet master Li Tien-lu and his ’I Wan Jan Puppet Theater.’ The IFFR’s recognition of Liu’s work highlights Taiwan’s cinematographic prowess. Li, born into a family of puppeteers, founded the I Wan Jan Puppet Theater in 1932, incorporating his distinctive Southern Min dialect. The IFFR previously screened the Taiwanese puppet film "Demigod: The Legend Begins" multiple times in 2023, further promoting Taiwan’s puppetry culture. The selection of "Qianlong’s Tour of West Lake" at the 2024 Rotterdam Film Festival brings Taiwan’s traditional puppetry culture closer to European movie enthusiasts. The IFFR, taking place from Jan. 25 to Feb. 4, 2024, has chosen three Taiwanese films, including "Who’ll Stop the Rain" by director Su Yi-hsuan and "When the Wind Rises" directed by Chen Hao, showcasing the breadth and quality of Taiwan’s filmmaking.
    2024/01/04 15:26
  • Inventec Group rumored to invite Wu Bai to year-end party

    Inventec Group will hold its annual year-end bōnenkai on Jan. 26 at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, with rumors suggesting that rock legend Wu Bai may make a surprise appearance. This event marks Chairman Sam Yeh’s first time hosting since the Covid-19 outbreak, signaling a return to in-person festivities. While Wu Bai’s appearance has not been confirmed, Inventec has hinted that the guest will align with the rock genre. Over 6,000 employees are expected to attend, with more than 600 tables set up for the celebration. Executives from Inventec’s subsidiaries, including Inventec Appliances, Besta, and AIMobile, are also scheduled to join. The grand prize for the 2023 bōnenkai is anticipated to be NT$200,000 in cash, with the possibility of additional top-ups from group executives, potentially exceeding a total prize pool of NT$10 million.
    2023/12/19 21:52
  • Actor Greg Hsu’s cameo in Jay Chou MV wows fans

    Taipei actor Greg Hsu’s appearance in a music video by Mandopop legend Jay Chou at the age of 13 has shocked fans online. In a throwback clip from Chou’s "Class 3-2" music video, a young Hsu can be seen playing table tennis while wearing black-rimmed glasses. Despite his rounder face, his distinctive features are already evident. The discovery of this footage has sparked surprise and admiration for Hsu’s transformation from a young table tennis player to a heartthrob. Now 32 years old, Hsu gained fame through his breakout role in the Taiwanese drama "Someday or One Day" and has become immensely popular across Asia, particularly in China and South Korea. Hsu has revealed that he took up sports, including table tennis, to manage his childhood asthma. His talent in the sport earned him a spot on the elementary school team and eventually led to his cameo in Chou’s music video. "Someday or One Day," which co-stars Alice Ko, is considered a landmark Taiwanese television series and has garnered such acclaim that South Korea produced its own remake titled "A Time Called You."
    2023/12/18 21:18
  • Sadaharu Oh roots for Taiwan in Asia Baseball Championship

    Sadaharu Oh, Taiwanese-Japanese baseball legend, expressed his wish for the Taiwan team to triumph over South Korea in the Asian Baseball Championship. He hopes that in three years, Japan and Taiwan will join forces in the World Baseball Classic finals. Oh praised the Taipei Dome’s facilities and believes that players competing in such an exceptional environment will feel more confident, enhancing their ability to bring glory to their country and Asia. Reflecting on his own experiences in the Tokyo Dome, Oh emphasized the importance of a great setting in nurturing heroes and predicted that the presence of the Taipei Dome will improve the future of Taiwanese baseball.
    2023/12/02 17:21
  • Retired shopper becomes local legend for claw machine skills

    Discover the heartwarming story of Chen Jung-che, a 76-year-old retired office clerk in Taipei, who has gained fame for his unique hobby of playing claw machines. Chen has spent NT$30,000 in the past three months, winning an impressive 1,450 dolls and even scoring the latest smartphone model. As part of the Chiayi City Government’s anti-aging program, Chen’s dedication to claw machine games not only enhances his concentration and dexterity but also serves a charitable cause. All the dolls he wins are donated to social welfare institutions, including orphanages, bringing joy to children in need. This activity has been recognized as more than just entertainment but also as a therapeutic exercise for seniors, stimulating their eyes, hands, feet, and brains. With just a few coins, this initiative proves that aging can be combated, providing a joyful and purposeful pastime for Taiwan’s senior residents.
    2023/11/22 19:50
  • 任天堂要拍《薩爾達傳說》真人版電影 《移動迷宮》導演執導

    日本電玩大廠任天堂(Nintendo)今天表示,將把歷久不衰的冒險遊戲系列《薩爾達傳說》(The Legend of Zelda)發展成真人版電影;這是任天堂在核心遊戲業務以外所做的努力。
    2023/11/08 11:23
  • NBA legend Dwight Howard visits TVBS for exclusive interview

    Basketball sensation Dwight Howard of the Taoyuan Leopards received a resounding welcome at the TVBS office on Friday (May 19) for an in-depth interview. 
    2023/05/19 17:32
  • 羅志祥慘輸!「妹妹」現身泰國掀超狂搶拍潮 大咖天王也來了

    羅志祥以女裝分身「朱碧石」推出新單曲〈水晶晶〉, MV 飛往曼谷及度假聖地芭達雅拍攝,他領軍4名舞者,在芭達雅水上市場的移動浮台大跳「水上紙傘舞」,甚至在考山路進行封街拍攝,吸引來自世界各地的遊客們拿起手機爭相搶拍,連外國觀光客都鼓掌叫好。
    2023/05/17 11:01
  • 羨慕! 木村拓哉驚喜現身熱田神宮 民眾嗨翻:用掉一年好運

    描述日本戰國武將織田信長和正室濃姬人生的電影《THE LEGEND&BUTTERFLY》,將於27日在日本上映。飾演織田信長的木村拓哉,於21日前往和信長有淵源的名古屋市熱田神宮,希望電影票房大賣。他的出現也讓在場民眾又驚又喜,發出歡呼。
    2023/01/22 14:07
  • 《復仇者聯盟5》導演人選出爐 漫威公布多部作品上映日期

    近日甫落幕的美國聖地牙哥國際動漫展(San Diego Comic Convention)中,漫威影業的總裁凱文費吉(Kevin Feige)也親自出席活動,並率先公布未來「漫威宇宙」中尚待發行的作品;備受影迷期待的《復仇者聯盟5》(Avengers: The Kang Dynasty)則確定將於2025年上映,並由《尚氣與十環傳奇》(Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings)的亞籍導演執導。
    2022/07/28 09:24
  • 中國海警船南海擾台菲合作科研船 菲律賓怒召中國外交官抗議

    綜合外媒報導,菲律賓4月13日曾召見中國駐馬尼拉大使館一名高級官員,抗議中國海警船騷擾一艘當時正在進行一項聯合海洋科學研究任務的台灣船隻「勵進號」(RV Legend)。對此,外交部嚴正譴責,並怒批中國海警肆意騷擾的行徑,不僅違反聯合國海洋法公約賦予我國與菲律賓從事科研的權利,更危害區域海域的安全及穩定。
    2022/06/01 16:20
  • 哈林母90壽宴「驚人凍齡」獲讚傳奇 張小燕送超狂紅包

    歌手庾澄慶(哈林)昨(5)日邀圈內好友替國寶級國劇名伶、母親張正芬慶祝90大壽,出席宴會的知名製作人柴智屏在臉書曬出聚會合照,形容張正芬視覺年齡70歲,猛誇對方是「Beautiful Legend(美麗傳奇)」。
    2022/01/06 07:57
  • 身價3.5千萬豪車成群 玩命關頭「泰吉」最愛竟是30年Acura Legend

    在玩命關頭系列電影當中大家應該都不會忘記「泰吉」這個角色,由Ludacris這位知名饒舌高手所飾演的泰吉在電影當中有著超強的電腦技術,只要關於電腦方面的問題找他準沒錯,而隨著玩命關頭電影即將邁入最終階段,這位從電影初期就加入這個家庭的影星其身價當然也水漲船高,只不過什麼車都有的他最鍾愛的竟然不是什麼超豪華車款或者是限量超跑,而是一輛1993年的Acura Legend!
    2021/09/17 23:15
  • 支援印太戰區 美軍海巡艦「穆洛號」抵達西太平洋

    2021/08/15 09:11
  • 「超級瑪利歐64」拍賣搶手 4360萬成交價破紀錄

    由日本任天堂公司所生產的經典遊戲「超級瑪利歐64」(Super Mario 64)卡匣,11日在拍賣會上,以156萬美元(約4360萬新台幣)的成交價,刷新世界紀錄,打破9日才由「薩爾達傳說」(The Legend of Zelda)創下的87萬美元(約2436萬新台幣)紀錄。
    2021/07/12 10:36
  • 日規Odyssey停產對台市場影響未知 Honda首款燃料電池車也再見

    2021/06/18 09:56
  • Honda Sensing再升級! Legend搭載Level 3自動駕駛功能

    Honda在3/4發表全新搭載Honda Sensing Elite功能的Legend車款,駕駛可以利用Level 3自動駕駛技術,在特定區域以及特定情況下,讓車輛以自動駕駛的方式行進。這款Legend將以租賃的方式銷售,建議售價為1,100萬日圓,約合新台幣284萬元。
    2021/03/13 10:38
  • 天王辣妻血流不止「胎死腹中」 悲吻遺體千萬粉絲心碎

    美國靈魂樂天王約翰傳奇(John Legend)與名模妻子克莉絲泰根(Chrissy Teigen)結婚7年,育有1子1女,今年才宣布喜懷第3胎,沒想到昨(1)日卻突然透露「懷孕時流血1個月」最後胎死腹中,夫妻2人抱著胎兒遺體痛哭的畫面令大批粉絲心碎。
    2020/10/02 20:19
  • 川金二會 大都會酒店進行20分鐘一對一會談

    白宮表示,美國總統川普和北韓領導人金正恩今天晚上6時30分(台北時間7時30分)將在河內索菲特傳奇大都會酒店(Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi)進行20分鐘一對一會談,然後共進晚餐。
    2019/02/27 09:25
  • 韓國主播用腳打電動 狂虐大陸前冠軍遭禁賽

    索泰杯《星海爭霸》重製版錦標賽,昨(4)日在美國洛杉磯進行決賽,由大陸前冠軍選手「Legend」羅賢對上韓國Afreeca TV的直播主「Larva」,沒想到羅賢不但被Larva慘虐,還遭到對方用腳打鍵盤的動作羞辱,引發網友批評。
    2017/12/05 22:13
  • SJ驚喜Call in!台灣「老婆」嚇到吃手手

    韓國人氣男團SUPER JUNIOR竟然突襲台灣電台節目?最近正式回歸樂壇的SJ,昨晚(15日)在〈2017 AAA亞洲明星盛典〉頒獎典禮,獲得「Fabulous賞」與「Legend賞」2項大獎,典禮之後竟撥了通電話到台灣,Call in到i Like Radio由吳建恆主持的〈娛樂e世代〉,利特、神童、藝聲、銀赫、東海透過廣播親自向聽眾問好,讓許多E.L.F嚇到吃手手。
    2017/11/16 18:46
  • 神似年輕版小布 查理漢納造型、劇本都接班

    英國性格男星查理漢納近來電影產量很豐富,即將上映的《亞瑟:王者之劍》(King Arthur: Legend of the Sword),金髮蓄鬍造型頗有年輕版布萊德彼特模樣,而另一部即將上映的新片《失落之城》(The Lost City of Z),正好就是布萊德彼特所監製,查理漢納開玩笑說,感謝小布把劇本讓給他。
    2017/05/10 18:16
  • 奧斯卡/約翰傳奇登台獻唱 重現《樂來越愛你》經典

    歌手約翰傳奇(John Legend)在今年備受矚目的電影《樂來越愛你》中擔任執行製片,今(台灣時間27)日更在奧斯卡頒獎典禮上,登台自彈自唱《樂來越愛你》中的歌曲《City of Stars》、《Audition》,搭配後方舞者及精緻背景,完美重現電影經典。
    2017/02/27 12:40
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