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    Just Do It 結果共11筆

  • Ko Wen-je challenges KMT’s Jaw on media role ethics

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je challenges Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong to clarify whether he should resign as chairman of the Broadcasting Corporation of China. Ko criticizes the scheduling of the upcoming presidential debate just four days before the blackout period for election polls, suggesting that it is a strategic move by the KMT and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to minimize its impact on the race. Ko is seen wearing a pin of the flag of the Republic of China, sparking speculation about his intentions. He clarifies that his attire was chosen by his assistants and emphasizes that Taiwan and its flag do not belong to any single political party.
    2023/12/18 21:16
  • MAC urges Taiwanese travelers to China to register online

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) minister has stated that multiple channels have been used to raise awareness of the "Online Registration System for Taiwanese Citizens Visiting Mainland China." The system was implemented in January 2023 to improve emergency assistance services for travelers. However, out of over one million Taiwanese nationals who visited China from January to September, only around 2,000 registered with the system, resulting in a usage rate of just 0.19%. MAC Minister Chiu Tai-san acknowledged the low uptake and stated that efforts have been made to promote the system, including engaging travel agencies. Legislator Chuang Jui-hsiung highlighted that in August alone, over 200,000 people traveled from Taiwan to China, but only 554 registrations were made. Minister Chiu explained that registration is voluntary, and if citizens do not anticipate encountering problems in mainland China, it is challenging for the ministry to enforce it. In response to calls for increased promotion, Chiu promised that MAC colleagues would intensify efforts to raise awareness about the registration system.
    2023/11/13 19:40
  • 反種族歧視!NIKE改標語「Don’t Do It」

    非裔美籍男子佛洛依德(George Floyd)因白人警察執法過當死亡,再度引發美國境內種族糾紛,民眾怒火引起美國暴動,各地示威抗議不斷。運動品牌大廠NIKE(耐吉)在推特上傳了一段黑底白字的影片,將招牌金句「Just do it」(做就對了),改為「Don’t Do It」(別這麼做),表態反對種族主義。
    2020/06/01 14:04
  • 勉勵年輕人「做就對了」 徐世榮批柯文哲:對吳音寧呢?

    柯文哲昨日在跨領域座談勉勵年輕人「Just do it」,但對於因第一果菜市場改建案槓上的北農經理理吳音寧卻是在公開場合飆髒話,讓政大地政系教授徐世榮表示:「偉人的心思真是讓人猜不透啊!」
    2018/09/10 09:46
  • 放火燒Nike球鞋 美國消費者影片增加

    美國運動大廠Nike最新的廣告請來了因為反種族歧視,而在球場發起下跪運動的美式足球明星代言,此舉卻引發許多民眾不滿,在網路上串聯發起杯葛運動,還焚燒Nike的運動鞋。這位發起下跪運動的球員目前的事業也陷入了困境,自2017年球季以來,沒有任何球隊願意簽下他;因為川普總統曾為此事震怒,痛批唱國歌下跪是不愛國的行為。不過Nike卻沒有因此打退堂鼓,不但資助這位球員成立的平權組織,現在還找他代言"Just do it"經典口號30周年慶,不少名人和球星也都力挺Nike的決定,美國女網名將小威廉絲就說,以身為Nike的代言人為榮。
    2018/09/05 19:50
  • 劉德華墜馬3個月可走路了!拄拐杖帥照喊話粉絲別轉檯

    55歲香港天王劉德華,今年1月在泰國拍攝廣告墜馬,造成骨盆撕裂傷勢不輕,上月才出院返家休養,他之前在官方粉絲網站分享復健狀況,透露可以靠著助行器行走,今天(18日)則PO拄著拐杖的照片,他穿著涼鞋擺出帥氣姿勢喊話:「前面是你、背後是你!Just do it!!」還俏皮要粉絲不能換線,別因為暫時看不到他就「轉檯」支持別人。
    2017/04/18 18:58
  • 94狂!瑪丹娜PO女私密處照 主持人嚇到吐早餐

    2017/01/14 21:24
  • 學金剛吼叫Just do it! 西亞里畢福又脫序

    2015/06/04 18:30
  • 「Just do it」 Nike廣告靈感源自死刑犯遺言

    (▲死刑犯Gary Gilmore。圖/達志影像/美聯社) (網路新聞中心/金穎清
    2015/03/20 19:56
  • 腦中閃過「Just do it」 男試鞋狂奔落跑

    因為腦中閃過一句「Just do it」,嫌犯竟然試鞋試到跑出大門外。新北市板橋1名江姓男子,到運動用品店挑選球鞋,看上一雙2490元橘色球鞋,店員把球鞋拿給他試穿後,江姓男子居然在店裡大動作熱身,又是跑步又是踢腿,最後是直接穿著鞋子飛奔出店外,讓店員好傻眼,警方獲報後,在鞋店附近找到江姓男子,將他逮捕送辦。
    2014/09/29 20:58
  • 「Just do it」 王建民廣告曝光!

    2006/11/08 12:00
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