Tainan’s state banquet gifts showcase local pride
Discover the essence of Tainan’s hospitality and creativity through state banquet gifts unveiled by the Tainan City Government and sponsored by Kang Yin-shou. These gifts, including local specialties and award-winning products, perfectly encapsulate the city’s rich culture and innovative spirit.2024/05/08 17:50 -
Authors unveil essence of Taiwanese cuisine in new cookbook
Explore the rich flavors and unique identity of Taiwanese cuisine with Clarissa Wei and Ivy in their new cookbook, "Made in Taiwan." This culinary journey offers a fresh perspective on the island’s diverse food culture, distinct from its neighbors.2024/04/05 08:00 -
Canadian artist captures Taiwan’s little intricacies
Join Canadian artist James Hugh Gough at Taipei’s Vaikuntha Art Gallery from Dec. 9 to 30 for an immersive art exhibition. Discover his unique blend of imagination and reality, capturing the vibrant essence of Taiwanese life and landscapes.2023/12/17 18:25 -
TVBS Charity draws over 100 to spread love and support
The TVBS Charity Foundation hosted its fifth fundraising party in Fengshan, Kaohsiung, in collaboration with the Chinese Christian Relief Association (CCRA). Over a hundred participants gathered to review the spread of love in Kaohsiung and Pingtung, with the theme of "Sharing Endless Love" at the heart of the event. The party aimed to express gratitude to churches, social welfare workers, and beneficiaries for their collaboration throughout the year. Kaohsiung City Government Deputy Secretary-General Chang Chiah-sing thanked the TVBS Foundation and the city government’s Social Affairs Bureau for their continuous support, which has aided local social charities and cared for about 12,000 middle and low-income households. Pastor Wang Chung-wu of The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan shared that the "Endless Love" project helped approximately 100 households, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of brothers and sisters. President Chen Wen-ch’i of the TVBS Foundation expressed gratitude to Jesus for allowing everyone to understand the meaning of love and the essence of Christmas, while acknowledging the event’s role in expanding the power of love.2023/12/11 21:04 -
歌手看球「活春宮猛震」全被拍? 13秒片驚吸百萬觀看
美國饒舌歌手柯達布萊克(Kodak Black)過去因爭議事件多次鬧上新聞版面,近日再度被拍到疑似與辣模女友在球場貴賓包廂「上演活春宮」,女友彎腰趴地不停撞擊其重要部位,讓目擊民眾當場傻眼,影片曝光後引起外界關注,但他本人澄清只是在跳電臀舞,警方也強調他們2人並沒有在球場邊發生性行為。2022/01/14 21:18 -
39歲梁靜茹素顏出門OK 飛機上不敢敷面膜
情歌天后梁靜茹以資深擁護者的身份,穿著深V亮片禮服,出席瑞士頂級護膚品牌VALMONT全新L’ELIXIR DES GLACIERS ESSENCE OF BEES系列發表會,因為使用過這些上萬元的頂級保養品,她透露自己現在即使素顏都敢出門。2017/09/14 10:37 -
保持青春緊緻提升 幫肌膚抵抗老化現象
25歲開始,肌膚代謝速率默默地走下坡,肌膚中的膠原蛋白和彈力蛋白也雙雙流失。現代女性由於社會形態演變,熬夜、工作壓力、三餐外食以及空汙廢氣等原因,一不小心細紋、鬆弛、毛孔粗大等初老現象就會找上門。因此保養不能等到肌膚已經浮現問題才開始,越早開始越能留住青春。2016/01/15 10:29 -
甜蜜女神王心凌 用凍齡美肌演繹保養品
亞洲甜蜜女神王心凌2015全新代言 Bio-essence碧歐斯燕窩胜肽系列,用彈潤飽滿又白皙的肌膚,完美演繹產品。現在人手不離3C商品,手機藍光和太陽毒辣的紫外線,讓肌膚處處備受侵害,輕熟女除了要聰明保養,注重肌膚彈性、光澤和水嫩感,自然看起來就不會老。2015/10/07 11:12 -
Essence Award頒獎 鼓勵美國非裔藝人
專門獎勵美國傑出非裔藝人的2003年Essence Award9日在美國洛杉磯舉行頒獎典禮,今年的大獎頒發給電影「我的野蠻網友」女主角昆恩拉蒂法以及歌手瑪麗布萊姬。瑪麗布萊姬:「這是在我演藝生涯中第一座肯定我全方位表現的大獎。」2003/06/10 21:27