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    Drop 結果共98筆

  • Ko Wen-je ahead of Hou Yu-ih, Lai Ching-te in latest poll

    The latest presidential poll by Newtalk shows that Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) has surpassed Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), while Hou Yu-ih of the Kuomintang (KMT) has also gained support. Ko leads Lai by 0.52%, and Lai’s lead over Hou is only 0.08%, indicating a closely contested election. However, if Terry Gou were to enter the race, the rankings would change significantly. Lai would still be first, but Hou would move up to second, Ko would drop to third, and Gou would trail at the end with 9.39%. This is the first time in past polls that Hou surpasses Ko. The poll collected data from 1,088 valid answers through online questionnaires sent to random mobile phone numbers. The findings have a margin of error of plus or minus 3.03% at a 95% confidence level.
    2023/11/02 21:44
  • Semiconductor revenue expected to rebound by 11% in 2024

    The global semiconductor revenue is projected to drop by approximately 12% in 2023 but is expected to rebound by more than 11% next year, reaching a total revenue of US$550 billion, according to International Business Strategies (IBS). Major semiconductor companies, including Intel Corp, TSMC, and Samsung Electronics, have indicated that the industry downturn has passed. Although Samsung Electronics’ profit for Q3 fell 38%, inventory is returning to normal levels, and oversupply is easing due to production cutbacks. Samsung’s deputy head of the Memory Division suggests that the recovery trend could continue into next year. Despite challenges such as inflation, the war in Ukraine, and clashes between Israel and Hamas, the semiconductor market recovery reflects the resilience of the global economy.
    2023/11/02 20:42
  • Stronger monsoon next week brings sharp temperature drop

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) has announced that a weakening eastern monsoon will bring sporadic showers to the north coast of Keelung, the eastern region, and the southernmost areas bordering the Taiwan Strait on October 31st through the next day. Clear weather is expected to cover major areas throughout Taiwan, with the exception of sporadic showers in the eastern and southernmost areas.
    2023/10/31 17:20
  • Shin Kong Hospital raises salaries to address nurse shortage

    Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital in Taipei will raise salaries for nursing staff starting in November. Salaries for nurses on the three-shift rotation will increase by NT$1,680, and the monthly salary for new nurses will be raised to NT$43,680. The salary increase is in response to concerns over nurse departures and a shortage of staff, which has led to a reduction in the number of beds in many hospitals. The Taiwan Union of Nurses Association (TUNA) reported a drop in the number of nurses in the country from 187,519 to 185,901 from January through May. As a result, larger hospitals have been forced to close an average of 8% to 10% of beds. Shin Kong Hospital has hired 74 nurses but lost 125 as of September, leading to a decrease in the number of available beds. In addition to the salary increase, the hospital is implementing other incentives such as retention bonuses, team performance bonuses, special allowances, signing bonuses for new hires, and up to four years of free accommodation. The hospital also plans to increase all staff salaries next year in line with a government wage adjustment policy to attract and retain talent.
    2023/10/28 14:42
  • Changhua struggles with gradual population outflow

    Changhua County councilor Chen Yu-chi warns of the county’s population outflow, projecting a potential drop below 1.24 million by early 2024. The registered population in Changhua has already declined by 4,953 people, or around 550 per month, between January and September 2023.
    2023/10/27 14:43
  • Northeast monsoon brings temperature drop and rain in Taiwan

    The intensifying northeast monsoon in Taiwan has resulted in increased cloud volume and a significant temperature drop. Rainfall has gradually increased, with noticeable rain in certain areas and the possibility of flash showers in others.
    2023/10/27 10:47
  • Taiwan experiences chilly weather with temperature drop

    Taiwan’s lowest temperature dipped to 19.7°C in Miaoli County on Thursday (Oct. 12). The weather forecast predicts clouds, occasional rain, and isolated thunderstorms in mountainous regions. Super Typhoon Bolaven matches Typhoon Mawar as the strongest storm of 2023, but fortunately, it poses no threat to Taiwan.
    2023/10/12 11:05
  • Goldman Sachs cuts TSMC’s capex forecast

    TSMC has experienced an 11% drop in its stock price over the past five months, making it the most significant decline among Asian stocks. Goldman Sachs Group has lowered its capital expenditure expectations for TSMC for next year by over 20%, citing concerns about the postponement of its overseas capacity expansion plan.
    2023/10/05 19:41
  • Taiwanese schools start new school year with sole student

    Amid declining birth rates, an elementary school in Miaoli and a Yunlin school welcome only one new student each. Enrollments drop, leading to class mergers.
    2023/08/30 16:22
  • Taiwan youth labor force declines as birth rate drops

    More and more businesses in Taiwan have felt the impact of the nation’s declining birthrate as youth employment rates in the labor market continue to drop.
    2023/01/20 08:00
  • Tiny ants seek e-scooter battery warmth as temperatures drop

    Taiwan saw the first cold spell of the year on Sunday, and as most people wrapped themselves up in coats and sweaters, other creatures sought a different approach to stay warm.
    2022/12/19 17:46
  • Taiwanese people brace for first cold wave this winter

    It’s time to take out your thick coats and blankets in Taiwan as local temperatures continue to drop.
    2022/12/15 16:43
  • Airfares to Japan drop ahead of Taiwan’s border reopening

    Some travelers headed to Taoyuan International Airport on Wednesday (Oct. 12), one day before Taiwan reopens its borders. Many at the airport were going directly into Japan due to its recent opening and cheaper ticket prices that make it an ideal destination for this time of year.
    2022/10/13 09:50
  • 搭公車遇怪人!壯漢硬擠坐旁邊 「AirDrop」神救援脫險

    不少人都有在大眾運輸上,遇到其他乘客行為舉止怪異,卻又無可奈何的狀況,這時候除了膽戰心驚,若是身旁的人願意給予協助,當事人將會把這份溫暖銘記在心,一名女子就分享自己在長途公車上,遇到「奇怪的壯漢」,幸運有好心的情侶利用蘋果手機的「air drop」功能,才讓她脫離險境。
    2022/09/09 21:42
  • 批防彈夯曲是垃圾! EXO製作人直播嗆粉絲

    韓團BTS防彈少年團去年發行專輯,並和知名美國DJ史蒂夫青木合作單曲《MIC Drop》Remix版本,強勢進入美國告示牌第28名,創下南韓團體的紀錄。不過曾與EXO等SM藝人合作的製作人Paul Thompson,卻開直播批評這首歌是垃圾甚至說他們的粉絲都是12歲小孩。
    2018/03/02 12:57
  • 小學生跳防彈《MIC DROP》 空翻動作帥炸

    南韓團體「K-Tigers」,以跆拳道結合KPOP聞名,最近還推出「little K-Tigers」,7名年紀9到12歲的男孩,大跳防彈少年團夯曲,動作表情超到位,不到3天就吸引200萬人次觀看。
    2018/01/30 12:55
  • 出道前防彈少年團長這樣!高顏值Jin不愧是門面擔當

    韓國男團防彈少年團人氣紅不讓,目前累計已經有12支MV破億。最新突破1億大關的《MIC DROP》,去年11月推出MV,還登上美國ABC電視台擔任特別嘉賓表演新歌,MV破億累積支數為韓團之最!網友也找到出道前的防彈少年團,曾經在2012年的節目《明星生活劇場》入鏡,門面擔當Jin出道前後一模一樣,不愧是天生高顏值。
    2018/01/03 14:45
  • 允浩退伍復出 熱舞褲子炸裂露出紅內褲!

    韓國SM經紀公司幾乎每年都會舉行《SMTOWN Live》演唱會,8日晚間在首爾登場,旗下歌手團體輪番上場,從BoA、少女時代、EXO、Super Junior、SHINee到NCT等華麗陣容。最受注目的當屬4月退伍的東方神起成員允浩,他在SMTOWN演唱新歌〈Drop〉,帥氣賣力地展現拿手舞蹈,未料動作太大,褲子竟從褲檔處裂開直到大腿處,讓粉絲從尖叫變驚叫。
    2017/07/09 11:05
  • 趴低、掩護、抓牢!地震保命口訣「DCH」

    地震來得又快又突然,令人措手不及,萬一不幸遇到地震,到底該怎麼做,才能讓自己平安生還?專家指出,要牢記地震3字口訣「DCH」,也就是趴低(Drop)、掩護(Cover)、抓牢(Hold on),並保持冷靜執行,就可以獲得更大的保命機會!
    2016/08/15 16:45
  • Google玩過頭!「愚人節限定」功能害人丟工作

    2016/04/02 12:31
  • 染谷將太排擠明星貓Drop?

    2016/02/04 19:43
  • 明星貓Drop挑大樑 被讚天生銀幕巨星

    2016/01/26 23:50
  • 蔡「經驗不足」 維基解密爆蘇謝曾存疑

    維基解密,在國民黨投下震撼彈,在綠營方面也生波瀾,因為一份08年的電文,爆出前行政院院長蘇貞昌曾認為蔡英文政治經驗不足,質疑她的領導能力。危機解密還爆料喧騰一時的入聯公投,謝長廷的子弟兵,立委管碧玲曾說一旦謝長廷勝選,民進黨就會「DROP」 THE ISSUE,不過管碧玲今天澄清,DROP指的是放下,不是拋開,都是翻譯上造成的誤解。
    2011/09/07 14:56
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