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    黑夜奇俠海山分局黃仁勳明牌輝達國小女童NVIDIA潮境公園 輝達孫鵬演唱會
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    China Blue 結果共45筆

  • 等了24年!伍佰罕公開嘴甜示愛 自爆連戰3小時:太久了

    「搖滾之神」伍佰 & China Blue上週展開「ROCK STAR」2024北美巡演,伍佰睽違9年再次前進北美,有趣的是,演唱會結束,歌迷不肯走,高喊「加班」,伍佰打趣說:「我一直加班,3個小時,太久了,有時差,明天一早班機,我要下班!」歌迷繼續喊加班,一來一往互動,非常逗趣。
    2024/04/30 12:53
  • Taiwanese rock icon returns to North America after 9 years

    Don’t miss Taiwanese band Wubai and China Blue on their 2024 North American "Rock Star" tour, featuring hits like "Wanderer’s Love Song" and "Last Dance." Catch them in Las Vegas, Toronto, and Connecticut this April and May. Experience the magic of Wubai’s iconic performances that have captivated fans for over three decades.
    2024/02/26 14:19
  • 等了9年!伍佰無預警宣布「重磅喜訊」 地點要辦在北美

    「搖滾之神」伍佰&China Blue「ROCK STAR」2024北美巡迴將重磅登場,這是伍佰相隔9年再次踏上北美舞台,且連續三場橫跨東西岸大型演出,他與團隊都非常興奮,分別在4月27日登上美國拉斯維加斯、5月1日加拿大多倫多、5月4日美東康州演出。
    2024/02/26 12:14
  • Ko Wen-je criticizes rivals’ housing loan policies

    Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je criticizes the housing loan policies proposed by Kuomintang candidate Hou Yu-ih and Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching-te, deeming their focuses misplaced. Ko mocks Hou’s no-down-payment plan as a deferred payment scheme and questions Lai’s policy of extending the maximum loan period. He also dismisses Lai’s implications of corruption issues and counters with a list of Democratic Progressive Party corruption cases. Ko takes a dig at Lai over an illegal structure in his hometown, which has become a popular check-in spot online. In response to President Tsai Ing-wen’s sarcastic retort about stability, Ko acknowledges Tsai’s success in maintaining strong Taiwan-U.S. relations but disagrees with her domestic policies on cross-strait relations. Recently, Ko was seen replacing his original KP pin with the flag of the Republic of China, interpreted as an attempt to court the deep-blue vote. Ko clarifies that he simply received a batch of national flag pins and put one on, emphasizing that Taiwan is not owned by the Democratic Progressive Party and the national flag is not exclusive to the Kuomintang.
    2023/12/18 21:22
  • Hou Yu-ih advocates ’middle way’ for Taiwan’s future

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih emphasizes a "middle-of-the-road" approach for Taiwan, distancing himself from the "localized Blue" faction and asserting his own identity. In an interview with Chinese Television Service (CTS), Hou advocates for the "1992 Consensus" that opposes Taiwan’s independence and supports the "One-China policy," while upholding democracy and freedom. He emphasizes a middle way for Taiwan, seeking shared prosperity and unity. Hou emphasizes that Taiwan’s future should be determined by its 23 million inhabitants. He expresses satisfaction with Jaw Shaw-kong as his running mate, praising Jaw’s more confrontational approach. Although a potential collaboration with Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je fell through, Hou remains optimistic about a potential alliance with Jaw.
    2023/12/18 20:04
  • TPP’s Ko Wen-je admits poor handling of KMT split in intw.

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je admitted in a livestream interview that his handling of the split with the Kuomintang (KMT) was not managed well, leading to his lagging position in multiple polls. Facing a widening gap with his second-ranked rival, Ko expressed his determination to "reset and restart" his campaign. He confessed to living with regret every day since his decision to run for Taipei mayor in 2014. Ko emphasized that the key outcome will be determined on election day and voiced frustration over unjust accusations linking him to the negative impacts of Terry Gou’s influence. Ko seeks to secure a total of 10 seats for the TPP and highlighted the necessity of obtaining at least 5.5 million votes to win the presidency. He likened Taiwan’s position in U.S.-China relations to navigating a delicate mother-in-law relationship, underscoring the need for effective communication. Despite fierce competition from the KMT and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Ko pledges to continue his fight for the presidency until the end.
    2023/12/07 10:03
  • DPP alleges CCP offered Ko US$200M for Taiwan VP bid

    The story discusses allegations made by Yao Li-ming, the campaign manager for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, regarding Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je’s claim of being offered US$200 million to run for the vice-presidential bid. Yao asserts that this is a clear instance of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) meddling in Taiwan’s elections. The press conference titled "The Unclarified US$200 Million Doubt: Is Ko Wen-je Lying to Voters or Is It Chinese Intervention?" highlights the seriousness of the alleged criminal act and characterizes Ko as both a witness and a victim of Chinese interference. Yao suggests that only the CCP has the motive, capability, and suspicion to offer such a large sum, potentially aiming to support a Blue-White alliance. Lai’s spokesperson, Tai Wei-shan, raises suspicions about Ko’s silence on the issue and insinuates pressure from either the CCP or the Kuomintang (KMT). Tai calls on KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih to clarify the KMT’s role in the alleged incidents. Additionally, Tai criticizes Hou’s proposals to reopen Taiwan to Chinese tourists and allow Chinese students to work in Taiwan, arguing that these policies would increase Taiwan’s reliance on China. The story also mentions investigations into the Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) inviting Taiwanese village chiefs on free trips to China as an example of election interference. Tai rebukes the KMT’s eagerness to make Taiwan dependent on China, claiming that it would hinder the country’s progress in connecting with the world and the international community.
    2023/12/04 20:42
  • TAO spokesperson denies Beijing election meddling claims

    The spokesperson for China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO), Chen Binhua, denied allegations of Beijing interfering in Taiwan’s elections during a press conference. Chen dismissed the claims made by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) as baseless rumors and accused the ruling party in Taiwan of misleading the electorate. Taiwan’s national security agencies have repeatedly warned about interference from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as the country prepares for the 2024 presidential election. In recent investigations, members of the "Union of Chinese Nationalists" in Kaohsiung were accused of accepting funds from the TAO for political activities in mainland China. The association is suspected of promoting specific political views and pan-blue support during their travels. The Ciaotou District Prosecutors Office has summoned 22 members for investigation, including individuals named Cheng and Ye, who are accused of violating Taiwan’s Anti-Infiltration Act and Public Officials Election and Recall Act. They have been released on bail with travel restrictions pending further investigation.
    2023/11/29 14:12
  • Lai Ching-te unveils vision for ’Made in Taiwan’ strength

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te emphasized the importance of kindness among Taiwanese people and his vision for Taiwan’s future during his speech at the inaugural meeting of his campaign headquarters in Taoyuan. The event was attended by prominent DPP figures, including President Tsai Ing-wen. Lai’s pairing with his vice-presidential running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, dubbed the "Virtue Team," has garnered attention online. Lai advocated for democracy over dictatorship and called for support of Taiwan’s international industry without relying too heavily on China. He outlined policies to boost industries such as semiconductors, artificial intelligence, and green energy technology. Lai also criticized the "Blue-White Alliance" between the KMT and TPP as a merger focused on party interests and personal power. He emphasized the need for the DPP to secure a legislative majority to smoothly implement these policies.
    2023/11/26 17:51
  • Hou respects Ko Wen-je’s decision on eventual alliance

    Kuomintang’s presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih respects the decision of Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je, regardless of the outcome of the Blue-White alliance. Hou attended an event in Chiayi County with Chiayi County Magistrate Weng Chang-liang and DPP Legislator Tsai Yi-yu. Ko Wen-je announced that he will continue to run as the presidential candidate for the Taiwan People’s Party. Hou chose not to comment on this or on Ko’s meeting with Terry Gou. When asked about a statement by the spokesperson for DPP’s Lai Ching-te that China has no plans to invade Taiwan in 2027 or 2030, Hou questioned whether Lai Ching-te now trusts Xi Jinping. Hou believes in sincere dialogue to minimize risk and restart cross-strait interactions, emphasizing the importance of Taiwan’s own defense capabilities.
    2023/11/20 16:54
  • China takes note of Blue-White coalition: TAO spokesperson

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Zhu Fenglian, has called on the people of Taiwan and China to support the 1992 Consensus and oppose Taiwanese independence in order to restore peaceful development in cross-Strait relations. This statement was made during a regular press conference on Wednesday morning. Zhu also mentioned the potential Blue-White Coalition in the upcoming Taiwanese presidential election, emphasizing that peace, development, and cooperation represent the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan. Zhu further stated that mainland residents will only be able to travel to Taiwan when cross-Strait relations are on the correct track of peaceful development. This communication reflects China’s consistent stance on Taiwan, reaffirming its commitment to the 1992 Consensus and strong opposition to Taiwan’s independence. It is evident that China is closely monitoring Taiwan’s political dynamics in light of the upcoming election.
    2023/11/16 21:06
  • DPP Lai warns of CCP’s hope for ’Blue-White collaboration’

    The story discusses the potential alliance between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), referred to as the "Blue-White Collaboration," which suggests a more collaborative approach to China compared to the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te claims that the Communist Party of China (CCP) is eager to see this collaboration succeed as it aims to foster a pro-China regime in Taiwan to facilitate annexation.
    2023/10/29 17:20
  • 邵雨薇、吳慷仁朝聖伍佰演唱會!超親民互動網嗨翻:偶像好可愛

    伍佰& China Blue於6月中推出新專輯《純白的起點》,近日忙著在北、中、南舉辦共6場演出。演唱會現場除了吸引許多歌迷前來支持外,藝人吳慷仁和邵雨薇也到現場一睹偶像的風采。散場時,邵雨薇也拿起手機自拍錄影,兩人親民的態度也引來網友的熱議。
    2023/08/14 20:38
  • 伍佰唱一半...竟被鼓手當面糾正「這件事」 粉絲全笑了

    伍佰& China Blue於6月推出新專輯《純白的起點》,同時啟動「今夜伍佰」系列演唱會,將在北、中、南舉辦6場演出,首次採用「粉條們」(伍佰粉絲名稱)敲碗對抗黃牛的實名制,門票開賣時,逾7千張票券火速完售,可見伍佰的Live King魅力非凡。
    2023/08/06 07:15
  • 伍佰開熱唱6場!售票時間地點曝光 新專輯全面發行 

    伍佰的歌曲幾乎紅遍大街小巷,人人都可以琅琅上口,他洋溢的才華和新潮的搖滾樂曲,獲得大批死忠粉絲愛戴,今(16)日發行了伍佰& China Blue新專輯《純白的起點》,實體和數位全面發行,伍佰在專輯當中創新和突破,又再度創下經典。
    2023/06/16 21:12
  • 出道33年!伍佰站三層樓高遇「大挑戰」 吐人生:充滿挑戰

    睽違4年,出道33年的伍佰& China Blue推出最新專輯《純白的起點》,最新釋出的〈怎樣歌〉MV,唱出伍佰一貫大開大闔的氣度,呼應歌詞中的「階梯」以及對生命旅途的省思,他希望MV能以階梯為主要場景,因此導演特別實景打造三層樓高的巨型樓梯,更用繪畫方式將階梯延伸到牆面上,畫出無限延伸、通往四面八方的樓梯,寓意人生中充滿了抉擇。
    2023/06/16 14:38
  • 伍佰不忍了!重啟巡演「歌迷合唱超大聲」 他急喊:留一點給我

    「伍佰& China Blue Rock Star 2023 世界巡迴演唱會」日前重啟,已經3年多沒有巡演的他們,上週在馬來西亞開唱,大批歌迷前往朝聖,每首歌都跟著大合唱,讓伍佰忍不住虧說:「可不可以留一點給我唱!」他也首唱新歌〈純白的起點〉,大螢幕上投放跟新專輯同款的飛船影像,全場為之瘋狂。
    2023/05/26 16:27
  • 伍佰豪砸五千萬做歌劇!開春曝光此「創舉」:出道第一次

    因疫情影響延後八個月首演的「成功之路」搖滾歌劇,終於2月3日登上台北流行音樂中心,作為伍佰& China Blue 成軍30周年特別鉅獻,首度自編自導自演的伍佰所端出的「搖滾大菜」在陣容、規格上自然不同凡響,搖滾歌劇全程由伍佰& China Blue現場演奏,演出人員包括鳳小岳 、周厚安,以及眾多獨立樂團音樂人包括「八十八顆芭樂籽」阿強、法蘭等人粉墨登場,加上專業舞台劇演員及現代舞者,光演出及工作人員就超過120位,加上此次六場比照演唱會規格的演出共砸下五千萬預算,面對許多聲聲呼喚加場中南部的歌迷敲碗心聲,主辦單位特別跟歌迷喊話:「希望大家不要再觀望了!台北首演六場票數所剩不多,請大家把握最後機會,一起和光魔王迎接新的一年散播歡樂散播愛!」
    2023/01/30 12:42
  • 伍佰週六高雄開唱又遭攪局!「倒數3天」緊急宣布二度延期

    「搖滾天王」伍佰上週才率領樂團China Blue在台北小巨蛋開唱,原定本週六(1日)要到高雄巨蛋舉辦「Rock Star」演唱會,沒想到主要吉他手秀秀昨天(27日)確診,團隊緊急開會,並與場館協調後,宣布延期至2023年1月2日。
    2022/09/28 18:34
  • 伍佰六度攻蛋!遇疫延期770天 激動喊:謝謝你們沒把票丟掉

    「搖滾天王」伍佰六度攻蛋,今(23)晚起率領樂團China Blue一連兩天在台北小巨蛋開唱,見到滿場歌迷,他開心說:「滿的呢!也應該吧!」提到這場「Rock Star」巡演因疫情延期2年多,伍佰在台上感性地說:「這真是一條漫長的路啊!感謝你們等了406天,沒有把票丟掉,我們等更久,等了770天,因為『那個』被迫延期了兩次。」
    2022/09/24 22:35
  • 屏東夏日狂歡祭演唱會 伍佰.謝金燕.玖壹壹陪你嗨

    屏東FUN暑假夏日狂歡祭,將於7月30日開幕,屏東縣政府邀請伍佰&China Blue、謝金燕、玖壹壹、高爾宣、王識賢、梁文音、許富凱等超過40組藝人輪番開唱,熱門、流行、動感、經典、台語、民歌統統唱給你聽!
    2022/07/28 17:14
  • 伍佰砸5000萬做搖滾歌劇!因疫情延期「全新場次曝光」

    伍佰 & China Blue成軍30週年,搖滾歌劇「成功之路:How to Be a Rock Star」6月因疫情升級而延期,確定在明年(2023)2月3日起連續兩個週末,在台北流行音樂中心重啟,堪稱是他出道以來最大突破,耗時超過2年籌畫,首次挑戰自編自導自演,連劇本創作都不假手他人,由伍佰親自撰寫,並為此創作18首全新歌曲,再加上7首經典曲目穿插其中,以「搖滾」為主題,延伸並融合音樂、舞蹈、戲劇演出。
    2022/07/27 16:33
  • 伍佰忍痛宣布壞消息! 延期6天搖滾歌劇:希望大家安心

    伍佰&China Blue成軍30週年特別鉅獻《成功之路:How to Be a Rock Star》搖滾歌劇,原定6月10、11、12、17、18、19日共6天於台北流行音樂中心演出,因考量到近期全台疫情持續延燒,並顧慮表演團隊、工作人員及所有買票入場觀眾的健康與安全,宣布將延期至2023年初舉辦!
    2022/05/23 15:20
  • 圓夢與多年偶像伍佰合作 鳳小岳挑戰搖滾歌劇「飆吉他」

    在「太空彈劇團」擔任指揮官「艦長」的伍佰一聲號召及帶領下,影視雙棲男神鳳小岳、斯卡羅男星周厚安和眾多實力派音樂人接連「登艦」,與伍佰&China Blue首次攜手合作搖滾歌劇《成功之路:How to Be a Rock Star》,這次合作人從小把伍佰是為偶像的鳳小岳激動喊:「美夢成真。」
    2022/03/02 12:39
  • 伍佰54歲曝「喜訊」!籌備2年迎接新身分:很不容易

    「搖滾教父」伍佰今(14)日適逢54歲生日,同時也是伍佰&China Blue成軍30週年之際,宣布將於今年6月在台北流行音樂中心演出6場搖滾歌劇「《成功之路》How to Be a Rock Star」,以搖滾為主題延伸並融合音樂、舞台劇演出,堪稱伍佰創作生涯一大突破,令人驚呼:「只有伍佰能超越伍佰!」
    2022/01/14 13:02
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