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    voter support 結果共15筆

  • Taiwan and Lithuania strengthen ties in defense of democracy

    Legislative Speaker You Si-kun met with a Lithuanian delegation led by Matas Maldeikis, chairman of the Lithuania-Taiwan parliamentary friendship group. The meeting highlighted Taiwan’s recent election, which had a voter turnout of over 70%, as a clear message from the Taiwanese people to defend democratic freedom and national sovereignty. The delegation included three deputy speakers of the Lithuanian parliament and eight other cross-party lawmakers. Speaker You noted that 2024 is a "super election year" globally, with Taiwan being the second country to hold elections this year. He also expressed his wishes for Lithuania’s upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in May and October 2024. The speaker emphasized that elections represent the "possibility of choice," "freedom to participate in politics," and "protection of speech," which are rights unfathomable under authoritarian rule. He called on global democratic allies to unite in facing authoritarian challenges and safeguarding democracy and prosperity worldwide. Speaker You expressed gratitude for Lithuania’s support and highlighted the countries’ cooperation on humanitarian aid, particularly in helping Ukrainian students return to school.
    2024/01/26 18:06
  • Ko Wen-je gains ground among young voters

    Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election reveals shifts in voter preferences, with Lai Ching-te winning despite reduced DPP support. Ko Wen-je gains ground among young voters, altering the political landscape.
    2024/01/16 18:00
  • KMT unveils secret weapon to win voters’ hearts

    As Taiwan’s 2024 elections near, the Kuomintang (KMT) introduces the "KMT girls" campaign group, spearheaded by Chairman Eric Chu. This strategic move, focusing on women’s empowerment and targeting diverse voter groups, signifies a fresh approach in the party’s bid for electoral success.
    2024/01/04 20:10
  • Lai Ching-te kicks off campaign with 15K rally in Tucheng

    Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate, held his first nation-wide campaign rally in Tucheng, New Taipei, drawing a crowd of 15,000. Lai urged support for himself and the DPP in the upcoming election, warning of the potential consequences if the DPP fails to secure a majority in the legislature. Tucheng, a stronghold for KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih, enthusiastically hosted the rally where Lai and incumbent President Tsai Ing-wen expressed gratitude for public support. Lai emphasized that the candidate with the most votes, not the highest approval rating, ultimately wins an election. Vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim pledged to boost Taiwan’s global standing. Lai called for voter support for DPP’s legislative candidates in New Taipei and criticized the KMT, while President Tsai affirmed the DPP’s commitment to the right path.
    2024/01/04 14:37
  • DPP launches viral ’2 Steps in 6 Strides’ challenge

    Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party’s presidential candidate, and his running mate Hsiao Bi-khim have launched a social media campaign urging supporters to film themselves taking ’2 steps in 6 strides.’ The campaign aims to rally support and votes for the DPP ticket (represented by the number 2) and for the DPP (represented by the number 6) in the upcoming elections. Lai incorporated the lyrics from his new campaign ad in a promotional video, encouraging supporters to respond by recording and posting their own ’2 steps in 6 strides’ walk on social media. Supporters are to tag the official accounts of Lai and Hsiao on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, using the hashtag "#113StandUpTaiwan" for a chance to be re-posted, thus aligning themselves with other supporters. This social media event, titled ’Walking the Right Path,’ aims to attract more supporters in the final stage of their campaign and drive voter turnout.
    2023/12/30 16:10
  • Lai-Hsiao ticket leads in latest 2024 presidential polls

    According to a recent poll conducted by ETtoday, the "Lai-Hsiao" (Lai Ching-te, Hsiao Bi-khim) ticket of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is leading in Taiwan’s presidential election in 2024 with 38.1% of voter support. The "Hou-Jaw" (Hou Yu-ih) ticket of the Kuomintang (KMT) follows closely behind with 34.8%, while the "Ko-Wu" (Ko Wen-je, Cynthia Wu) ticket of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) stands at 19.2%. The approval rating for the Lai-Hsiao ticket has increased by 1.9 percentage points since the last poll, while the Hou-Jaw ticket has remained constant, and the Ko-Wu ticket has experienced a slight decrease of 1.5 points. As a result, the gap between Lai and Hou has grown from 1.4 to 3.3 points. In terms of demographics, Lai is leading in Taiwan’s southern regions and among people aged 40-49, with respective approval ratings of 49.7% and 38.1%. Hou, on the other hand, is leading in the north, outlying eastern islands, and among those aged 60 and older, with approval ratings at 38.6%, 42.5%, and 52.7%, respectively. Ko is leading among younger voters aged 20-39. Lai’s support has seen a significant increase of 15.9 points among voters aged 50-59, indicating improvement in a previously weaker demographic. However, Lai’s support has decreased by 20 points among DPP supporters. In contrast, Hou’s support has remained steady, and Ko’s approval has surged by 10.6 points among pan-DPP supporters. The poll was conducted on December 25-26, surveying Taiwanese aged 20 and older about the 2024 presidential elections. The sample size was 1,618, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.44% and a confidence level of 95%.
    2023/12/27 14:33
  • DPP adjusts tactics as internal polls show volatility

    Former Minister of Health and Welfare and campaign manager for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Taipei, Chen Shih-chung, has revealed that internal polling indicates fluctuations in voter sentiment during the tightly contested presidential race. Despite the challenging overall race in Taipei, DPP’s presidential candidate, Lai Ching-te, maintains stable support across various demographic groups. The DPP has been conducting internal polls to assist in devising election strategies. Chen countered claims by Kuomintang’s (KMT) Taipei party branch director Huang Lu Ching-ju, stating that the DPP’s findings contradict the approval rating figures of KMT presidential candidates Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong. Chen noted that the KMT has higher support among older voters but struggles to appeal to the younger demographic. While acknowledging the volatility of party-led poll figures, Chen stated that campaign tactics would be adjusted based on these outcomes. DPP legislative candidate Wu Pei-yi remains optimistic about the election in Taipei, suggesting the possibility of a turn of events in both the presidential and legislative elections. The DPP continues to work tirelessly to improve its standing in the challenging district of Taipei.
    2023/12/18 21:03
  • Analyst: Jaw’s candid style wins over Taiwan’s youth

    Former legislator Julian Kuo discusses the appeal of Kuomintang (KMT) vice presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong among young voters. Kuo highlights Jaw’s straightforward and outspoken manner, which resonates with Taiwan’s younger generation. Jaw’s recent interaction with students at National Chengchi University (NCCU) has sparked discussions and showcased his outreach to younger demographics. This comes as electoral candidates strive to secure young voter support, and Jaw has surprisingly gained attention from the 20-40 age group, which has not traditionally been a core supporter base for KMT candidates. Polls indicate that the 73-year-old Jaw has had a favorable impact on this younger voter segment, causing bemusement among the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).
    2023/12/18 19:46
  • Ko maintains 20%+ support in TPP’s poll: Huang Shan-shan

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s campaign director, Huang Shan-shan, released the party’s latest internal poll on Tuesday, December 12. The poll showed that Ko’s support has remained above 20% and expressed their determination to continue working hard. According to the poll, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidates, Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, lead with a support rate of 34.3%. Ko Wen-je and his running mate, Cynthia Wu, have garnered 24.5% support, while the Kuomintang (KMT) candidates, Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong, are slightly behind with 22.9%. The poll also revealed that undecided voters and other candidates make up 18.3% of potential voter sentiment. Huang criticized some polls as tools of political manipulation and emphasized the authenticity of the TPP’s internal polling data. The survey, conducted on December 9 and 10, interviewed 1,217 respondents, with 857 respondents contacted via landlines and 360 respondents polled through mobile phones.
    2023/12/12 21:30
  • Lai-Hsiao ticket surges to 38% in latest Taiwan poll

    The latest poll by My Formosa Online reveals a resurgence in support for the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Lai-Hsiao ticket, giving them a 38% lead over other contenders. The Koumintang’s (KMT) "Hou-Kang ticket" follows in second place with 31.7% support, while the Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) "Ko-Ying ticket" has experienced a decline, capturing only 14.9%. Initially, the KMT and TPP saw an increase in their numbers, fueled by speculation of a potential joint ticket. However, as the possibility of an alliance fell through and vice-presidential candidates were announced, support for Lai Ching-te of the DPP began to stabilize. This shift highlights the dynamic political landscape in Taiwan as parties solidify their tickets and prepare for an intense election season. The upcoming months are expected to be particularly vibrant as parties strategize to gain ground in voter preferences and address perceived weaknesses.
    2023/12/05 21:51
  • Tight race in Taiwan: poll shows DPP slightly ahead of KMT

    The latest Gallup poll results reveal that in Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election, the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) "Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim ticket" holds a narrow lead with 31.01% support. The Kuomintang (KMT) trails closely behind with its "Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong pair" at 30.94%. The Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) "Ko Wen-je and Wu Hsin-ying combo" garners 18.12% support. Additionally, 4.74% of voters plan to abstain from voting, 12.27% remain undecided, and 2.93% did not provide a response. Notably, 31.7% of respondents express a preference for candidates over party lines, indicating the presence of swing voters who could play a crucial role in the election. The poll surveyed 1,073 individuals aged 20 and above across all 22 municipalities of Taiwan from November 25 to November 27. The results were weighted by gender, age, and household registration location, with a sampling error of plus or minus 2.99% at a 95% confidence level.
    2023/11/29 20:33
  • DPP’s Lai-Hsiao face uphill battle for voter support

    The Taiwan Public Opinion Research Center (TPOC) has observed interesting trends in public interest in Taiwan’s presidential candidates and their running mates. Using data from the QuickseeK sentiment analysis database, TPOC found that the announcement of Hsiao Bi-khim as the running mate of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te generated significant online buzz, with approximately 45,000 mentions. However, this enthusiasm declined to 27,000 mentions within a week. In comparison, the pairing of Hou-Kang with Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih saw a surge in online engagement, reaching 131,000 mentions after the announcement of Jaw Shaw-kong as the vice-presidential choice. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidates Ko Wen-je and Cynthia Wu, known as the "Ko-Wu" team, outperformed the others, with over 140,000 mentions following Wu’s nomination and an average of 97,000 mentions since her candidacy was declared. The increase in mentions after Hou’s announcement was 259%, while Lai’s announcement saw a 90% increase. However, discussions among supporters of Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim mainly focused on Lai’s slogan and welcoming Hsiao back to her political ’home,’ failing to attract significant support from the middle ground and young voter segments.
    2023/11/29 14:19
  • DPP leads in Taiwan’s latest political poll with 34% support

    Amid Taiwan’s heated political race, a new TVBS poll shows the DPP’s Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim leading, while the KMT’s Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-Kong gain ground. The TPP’s support declines, indicating a potential rift in the KMT-TPP coalition, as voter enthusiasm grows.
    2023/11/27 15:36
  • Lai Ching-te leads Taiwan presidential race with 30% support

    In the latest United Daily News poll, Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party maintains a 30% lead in the presidential race, while Kuomintang’s Hou Yu-ih sees a gradual decline in support. Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party closely follows with 21%, and Terry Gou’s potential independent candidacy adds intrigue to the 2024 Presidential Election.
    2023/09/27 13:07
  • Poll suggests KMT-TPP alliance could defeat DPP

    A recent poll by the China Times suggests that a KMT-TPP alliance could overpower the ruling DPP in Taiwan’s political landscape. The survey highlights potential scenarios and voter demographics, indicating significant support among young voters.
    2023/09/14 18:39
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