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    security challenges 結果共26筆

  • Taiwan champions gender equality at international forum

    Explore Taiwan’s strides in gender equality and the challenges that remain, as discussed by National Human Rights Commission Chairperson Chen Chu at the "2024 International Forum on Women’s Employment and Economic Security." Learn about Taiwan’s legal reforms, commitment to CEDAW, and ongoing efforts to eliminate discrimination against women.
    2024/06/05 16:50
  • Taiwan warns of China’s intensified diplomatic pressure

    Discover how China’s recent military exercises and diplomatic pressures aim to isolate Taiwan internationally, and learn about Taiwan’s strategy to counter these challenges by promoting value-based diplomacy for stronger global ties.
    2024/05/28 13:30
  • Foreign Minister Joseph Wu assures diplomatic ties stable

    Discover how China’s long-term infiltration efforts are impacting Taiwan’s diplomatic ties, as revealed by Foreign Minister Joseph Wu. Learn about the challenges and Taiwan’s strategy to strengthen international relations.
    2024/05/09 16:49
  • Lai, Hsiao briefed on national security threats

    Discover how Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te and Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim are preparing for national security challenges, focusing on threats from the Chinese Communist Party and strategies for peace in the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/04/29 21:16
  • Taiwan, Australia strengthen ties amid regional challenges

    President Tsai Ing-wen meets with Australian parliamentary delegation in Taipei to discuss strengthening partnerships, emphasizing security cooperation and regional stability. The talks highlight ongoing efforts to deepen economic ties and the importance of defense collaboration amid joint naval exercises in the South China Sea.
    2024/04/08 17:13
  • Joseph Wu: US abandonment of Ukraine could empower China

    Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu warns of the potential consequences if the United States abandons Ukraine, highlighting the implications for Taiwan’s security amid China’s aggression. Wu emphasizes the interconnectedness of global authoritarian threats and stresses the importance of U.S. support for countries facing such challenges. The story delves into the proposed budget for countering China in the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on military aid to Taiwan and the ongoing geopolitical dynamics following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Wu also addresses China’s dissemination of false information in alignment with Russian narratives, underscoring the complex web of international relations at play.
    2024/03/29 14:01
  • DPP confronts social media struggles in post-election review

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) faces challenges breaking through the digital echo chamber, particularly on TikTok, post-2024 election. Vice President-elect Lai Ching-te aims to enhance the party’s social media presence, recognizing its importance in shaping public discourse. Despite concerns about TikTok’s security, the DPP is contemplating a presence on the platform amidst struggles to gain followers and counter misinformation. Efforts to establish a foothold on TikTok have been unsuccessful, revealing difficulties in navigating the algorithm-driven landscape. Comparison with Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) chairman Ko Wen-je’s social media success underscores the DPP’s need to improve efficiency in online engagement strategies.
    2024/03/12 11:55
  • Taiwan VP affirms commitment to peace amid China challenges

    Taiwanese Vice President Lai Ching-te emphasizes Taiwan’s commitment to peace, equality, democracy, and dialogue in the face of challenges from China. Lai meets with a U.S. delegation led by Representative Mike Gallagher to strengthen Taiwan’s national defense and security. Gallagher expresses continuous support for a deeper Taiwan-U.S. relationship, highlighting the integral bond between the two countries amid China’s ambitions. The meeting underscores Taiwan’s resolve to engage in peaceful, equal, democratic dialogue and protect its sovereignty.
    2024/02/22 15:58
  • Chinese balloons cross Taiwan Strait: MND

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) reported that two Chinese balloons were detected crossing the Taiwan Strait median line within the previous 24 hours, with one passing over Taiwan. The balloons’ transit began on Tuesday morning, with one located 90 nautical miles west of Keelung and the other spotted 113 nautical miles west of Pingtung. Alongside the balloons, Taiwanese forces also observed seven Chinese aircraft and five naval vessels operating continuously in the vicinity of the Taiwan Strait during the same period. The Republic of China Armed Forces closely monitored and responded to the situation using mission aircraft, ships, and shore-based missile systems. This announcement by the MND highlights the ongoing security challenges in the region and comes at a time of increased cross-strait tension.
    2024/01/24 14:07
  • Bonnie Glaser on Taiwan’s elections and security challenges

    In an exclusive interview, Bonnie Glaser discusses Taiwan’s security landscape, international media coverage, and the evolving dynamics in U.S.-Taiwan relations.
    2024/01/23 20:30
  • Hou Yu-ih vows oversight for Taiwan Strait security

    New Taipei City mayor Hou Yu-Ih pledges to support Taiwan Strait security and reassure the U.S. as an opposition party member after his presidential election defeat. He emphasizes the need for the newly elected government to carefully address global difficulties and stresses that Taiwan’s unity is crucial in facing future challenges. Hou dismisses claims that alleged fake polls by the Taiwan People’s Party caused the Kuomintang’s electoral defeat and urges acceptance of voters’ decision. Sun Yat-sen School President Chang Ya-chung calls for KMT chairman Eric Chu to step down, but Hou takes responsibility for the election failure as the commander of the campaign.
    2024/01/16 15:16
  • Ko highlights Taiwan’s challenges under DPP rule

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je criticized the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) governance in Taiwan, pointing out various shortcomings such as shortages of land, water, electricity, talent, and labor during Lai Ching-te’s tenure as premier. Ko also claimed that Taiwan is currently lacking eggs, pork, vaccines, health screening resources, and even toilet paper. He further highlighted present issues including low birthrates, national security risks from an aging population, wage stagnation, inflation, slow industrial transformation, and high housing costs. Ko accused the government of not allocating special budgets for expenditures, resulting in an alleged surplus of NT$900 billion, and criticized their lack of transparency. He expressed disappointment with the DPP’s failure to address issues left by the Kuomintang (KMT) after eight years in power. Additionally, Ko mentioned that Taiwanese people generally feel insecure about the current status of the Taiwan Strait, which has caused societal discord, political factions, and cross-strait unrest.
    2023/12/30 17:05
  • New Taipei confirms one victim in school stabbing incident

    New Taipei City confirms a single fatality in a recent junior high school stabbing. Authorities respond with enhanced student support and security measures. Over 340,000 students received counseling in 2023, addressing a range of issues from self-exploration to family challenges.
    2023/12/27 18:27
  • No aid request for Taiwanese writer detained in China: MAC

    Taiwanese writer Lo Sen has been missing in China since November last year and is suspected to be detained by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) stated that neither Lo Sen nor his family have sought assistance from any Taiwanese authorities, including the Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF). Lo Sen, known for his adult novels, was recently reported to have been sentenced to 12 years on charges of profiting from privately publishing pornography. The MAC highlighted the CCP’s intensified internal security management, which has resulted in disruptions and restrictions on personal freedom for Taiwanese citizens and foreign enterprises in China. The MAC urged Taiwanese citizens to register with the "Mainland Travel Dynamic Registration" system before traveling to China to facilitate assistance in emergencies. The SEF has received reports of Taiwanese citizens being interrogated upon entry into China, with various reasons for the scrutiny, including the possession of religious-related books, posing challenges to cross-strait exchanges.
    2023/12/11 12:12
  • Ko Wen-je pledges AI revolution in Taiwan agriculture

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has unveiled a series of policy proposals to revolutionize Taiwan’s agricultural sector. These proposals include employing artificial intelligence (AI) to create a comprehensive agricultural database. Ko’s five-pronged approach aims to address challenges faced by Taiwanese farmers, such as fragmented landholdings and an oversaturated domestic market. He also highlights the need to modernize traditional poultry houses and the agricultural marketing system. One focal point of Ko’s agricultural policy is the establishment of a strategic food security plan with AI, aiming to enhance planning in agricultural production and ensure transparency in the sale of farm products through data analytics. Ko also emphasizes the importance of resilient infrastructure to protect the farming sector from extreme weather events and the formation of an agricultural carbon sink platform to promote sustainable and low-carbon development. By drawing on international models, Ko aims to transform rural architecture and farming practices for a more sustainable future in Taiwanese agriculture.
    2023/12/07 16:59
  • Hsiao Bi-khim cautions against taking election lightly

    Hsiao Bi-khim, the Democratic Progressive Party’s vice-presidential candidate, warned against complacency during her campaign stop in Taichung, Taiwan, emphasizing the intense electoral competition across the country. She embarked on her first-ever campaign sweep in a specialized vehicle provided by the National Security Bureau and joined forces with Legislator Lin Ching-yi of Taichung’s 2nd electoral district. Hsiao visited Lin’s campaign headquarters in Wuri District and held a press conference with the legislator. She then boarded a high-security campaign vehicle, complete with bulletproof glass and guarded by national security personnel. Hsiao’s campaign received presidential-level support, including a motorcade of ten vehicles and police motorcycles dedicated to her protection. Reflecting on the challenges of the campaign trail, Hsiao acknowledged the contrast to her past electoral experiences in Hualien. This visit to Taichung was significant for Hsiao, as she expressed her honor in supporting Lin, a colleague known for her strong sense of justice and camaraderie. Hsiao and Lin have long championed foreign affairs and gender equality issues together. Today’s itinerary will take Hsiao through four electoral districts in Taichung, underscoring the importance of each district in her campaign tour.
    2023/12/04 17:31
  • Enoch Wu discusses the rise of civil defense in Taiwan

    Explore the insights of Enoch Wu, founder of the Forward Alliance, on the emerging civil defense movement in Taiwan. Amid increasing tensions and challenges, Wu highlights the critical role of community resilience and preparation in national defense.
    2023/11/25 19:13
  • Chinese President calls for US to address ’Taiwan issue’

    Chinese President Xi Jinping reiterates his stance on the "Taiwan issue" to U.S. President Joe Biden during their 2.5-hour conversation at the Filoli Estate in San Francisco. Xi urges the U.S. to take concrete actions demonstrating non-support for Taiwan independence, halt arms supply to Taiwan, and support China’s peaceful reunification. He presents the U.S. with two choices: strengthen unity for global challenges or retain a zero-sum mentality that leads to instability and division. Xi believes conflicts are unmanageable and emphasizes China’s development promotes rejuvenation without exporting ideologies or plans to overthrow the U.S. He warns against suppressing and containing China’s ambitions.
    2023/11/16 15:39
  • China’s maritime assertiveness challenges regional stability

    Recent events in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait have heightened regional tensions, with a clash between Chinese and Philippine vessels and China’s aggressive posturing towards Taiwan’s sovereignty, raising concerns ahead of the Biden-Xi meeting.
    2023/11/13 20:17
  • MOFA head warns of conflict amid authoritarian expansion

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, delivered a speech at Riga Stradins University in Latvia, clarifying Taiwan’s position amid tensions with China. Despite enduring military intimidation, diplomatic isolation, and economic threats from China, Taiwan remains committed to achieving peace through open conversation while being pragmatic and prepared for potential risks. Wu praised the diplomatic relationship between Taiwan and Latvia, as both countries share similar paths to democracy and the establishment of sovereign statehood. However, both countries face unprecedented security challenges, with a standoff between democracy and autocracy driving the current international conflict. Wu emphasized that established democracies cannot ignore the expansion of authoritarianism, which seeks to undermine the rules-based international order. In light of President Tsai’s decision to restore one-year military service, Wu stressed the importance of being armed to protect Taiwan’s freedom, as the cost of losing it is unbearable for a democratic society.
    2023/11/08 20:13
  • Taipei Dialogue to address Indo-Pacific intimidation

    The Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR) will host the "2023 Taipei Security Dialogue" on November 8th. Former U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy, and former U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor, Matthew Pottinger, will discuss the collective intimidation faced by Indo-Pacific nations. The event will feature virtual speeches focusing on measuring risks and situations in the Taiwan Strait. Scholars and experts from 10 countries, including the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Czech Republic, and Japan, have been invited to address China’s challenges to global order and democracy. The dialogue will cover six themes, such as the Russo-Ukrainian War’s lessons and strategies for deterring China, implications for cross-strait relations, Chinese military and technological development, China’s global expansion, and a strategic environmental assessment of China. President Tsai Ing-wen is also scheduled to deliver a speech at the event.
    2023/11/07 17:56
  • Ko Wen-je proposes maternity leave ext., pregnancy subsidies

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has proposed several policies to address Taiwan’s low birth rate. These policies include extending maternity leave, offering a "pregnancy subsidy" of NT$50,000 to expectant mothers, and providing an additional subsidy of NT$100,000 to families after the child is born. Ko also plans to establish a "Population Development Committee" within the Executive Yuan to coordinate efforts between various governmental departments and address the issue of low birth rates. He advocates for increasing public childcare facilities and raising salaries for public preschool teachers and personnel to improve the employment environment for childcare workers. The National Development Council predicts that Taiwan’s population could be halved by 2070 due to low birth rates and an aging population, which would further burden society and younger generations. Ko sees the low birth rate as a security issue for Taiwan, causing labor shortages and challenges in school recruitment.
    2023/11/07 15:58
  • TSMC founder warns of changing landscape for semiconductors

    TSMC Founder Morris Chang underscores the emerging challenges for Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, emphasizing national security amidst global shifts. With AI demand surging and changing supply chain dynamics post-pandemic, Taiwan must navigate geopolitical tensions and retain its global edge in chipmaking.
    2023/11/02 18:10
  • President Tsai unveils first Taiwan-made submarine, Hai Kun

    Taiwan reveals its first domestically built submarine, Hai Kun, in a significant move towards enhancing national defense. President Tsai Ing-wen underscores its role in asymmetric warfare capabilities, emphasizing the nation’s determination to protect its sovereignty. This development highlights Taiwan’s commitment to self-reliant defense in the face of evolving security challenges.
    2023/09/28 17:48
  • Tsai urges rules-based order for more regional prosperity

    President Tsai Ing-wen underscores the importance of rules-based order for regional stability in Ketagalan Forum’s 2023 Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue. Emphasis on democracy, security, and economic growth.
    2023/08/08 20:33
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