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    民眾 輝達摩鐵 台灣黑夜奇俠 台灣大學NVIDIA黃仁勳小費潮境公園孫鵬
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    language 結果共37筆

  • Surging trend: Vietnamese eager to learn Mandarin in Taiwan

    The demand for Mandarin among Vietnamese students in Taiwan is rising, with traditional characters gaining popularity. Vietnamese learners are drawn to the historical nuances of Taiwan’s Mandarin, while an innovative learning book caters to their needs.
    2023/10/21 17:35
  • Universities embrace bilingual education to boost rankings

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education launches the "Program on Bilingual Education for College Students," focusing on EMI courses to elevate English proficiency and international competitiveness. National Taiwan Normal University and National Chengchi University play pivotal roles. Learn about the "catfish effect."
    2023/10/05 21:14
  • Bilingual 2030 initiative hindered by shortage of teachers

    Taiwan grapples with a shortage of bilingual teachers as schools aim to achieve bilingualism by 2030. While Taipei progresses, Tainan faces challenges in hiring educators. The debate continues amid concerns about curriculum neglect.
    2023/08/17 10:52
  • The rise of a multicultural content creator in New York

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — New York City-based content creator Jacky Chang, who hails from Taiwan, created a video shedding light on life in Taiwan for English speakers, which went viral earlier this year.
    2023/04/25 17:08
  • 2022 Golden Horse Awards slated for Saturday

    Taiwan’s Golden Horse Awards, one of the most prestigious award shows of the Chinese language cinema will be taking place on November 19th this year. This award welcomes annual entries from not just Taiwan, but also from Hong Kong, China and other Chinese speaking areas.
    2022/11/17 20:00
  • Students improve Taiwanese Hokkien skills with AI system

    The most common struggle seen when using a speech recognition system is the machine not being able to identify what is being said. Through continuous optimization, these systems can achieve a higher recognition rate. Such an AI tool can make learning the Chinese, English, and Taiwanese Hokkien languages easier.
    2022/11/04 17:39
  • Taiwan schools incorporate AI tools in language teaching

    In this Taiwanese Hokkien class, students learn to read from their textbooks and some new tablets that use AI pronunciation tools to help students learn. After detecting the student’s voices, the AI system can translate and help them improve their Taiwanese Hokkien pronunciation.
    2022/10/28 19:22
  • 對外稱產品有人類認知能力 谷歌開除違反保密協定工程師

    好萊塢科幻電影總會描述,當人工智慧(AI)發展至一定程度,人類必然將面臨它們擁有認知能力的挑戰。《衛報》(The Guardian)報導,科技大廠谷歌(Google)23日宣布,正式開除先前對外宣稱、旗下人工智慧機器人LaMDA(Language Model for Dialogue Applications)具有自我認知意識的工程師布雷克(Blake Lemoine),因為他違反了公司資料保密條款。
    2022/07/24 10:04
  • 臉書發表AI模型 可準確翻譯200種不同語言

    社群網路平台臉書(Facebook)母公司Meta,今天發表AI技術突破,其「絕不拋下任何語言」專案(No Language Left Behind,簡稱NLLB)已打造出NLLB-200 AI模型,是全球第一個能翻譯200種不同語言的單一AI模型。
    2022/07/07 17:36
  • 谷歌工程師稱AI聊天機器「有靈魂」、情緒 遭公司停職

    人工智慧一向是科幻電影的熱門題材,但如今真的在現實世界上演?谷歌(Google)近日對其軟體工程師祭出停職處分,因為他相信谷歌開發的人工智慧聊天機器人(Language Model for Dialogue Applications,LaMDA)已經有感知能力,他也分享了與機器人的對話,不過谷歌駁斥他的說法,並通知他因違反公司保密協議而勒令休假。
    2022/06/13 13:28
  • 律師「養3兒月噴7萬」嘆超燒錢 網笑:小孩就像碎鈔機

    常常聽到人說養小孩不僅花時間花心力,同時也非常花錢,投資達人「銀行家尼莫」日前就曬出ESL(English as a Second Language,意為以英語為第二語言)小學的收費明細,一學期的註冊費達1萬8千元,其餘還有月費、作業簿本費、安親課輔費等,金額加總起來相當驚人,但律師林智群律師看完卻笑說,這個價錢真的算便宜,他家3個孩子1個月的上課費用至少7萬元,嘆道「養小孩就是燒錢」。
    2021/03/06 20:34
  • 糗!范瑋琪英文自白:對不起爸媽 專家抓包「文法全錯」

    藝人范瑋琪因「狗官事件」引發網友抨擊,雖她事後透過臉書道歉,但仍止不住網友怒火,灌爆她的臉書和IG,也讓她一度情緒崩潰。為此,她的父母特地傳了一段話鼓勵她,她也以英文回應「謝謝你們無私的包容我這個一天到晚闖禍的大笨蛋」,卻被網友抓包文法錯得離譜,臉書粉專「Dub & Ko Language Services」甚至直接點名:「公眾人物要寫英文可以,但請不要公開亂寫!」
    2020/01/30 19:52
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