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    democratic values 結果共40筆

  • Lai Ching-te vows to uphold democracy after winning election

    In Taiwan’s latest presidential election, President-elect Lai Ching-te and Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim commit to continuing President Tsai Ing-wen’s democratic legacy, facing legislative challenges and focusing on peaceful cross-strait relations.
    2024/01/13 22:51
  • Emotional Ko reflects on father’s wishes during debate

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je became emotional during a debate when reminiscing about his father’s wishes for him to become a hospital director. During the debate, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te accused Ko of devaluing farmland by converting it into parking lots. Ko admitted that his father had purchased the land for him but emphasized that it was intended for agricultural use, not for building a hospital. Ko expressed regret for not fulfilling his father’s expectations but defended his land purchases, stating that the focus of the debate should be Taiwan’s future rather than his personal real estate affairs.
    2023/12/30 18:40
  • U.S. arms sale bolsters Taiwan’s defense: Presidential Office

    The Taiwan Presidential Office expresses gratitude for the United States’ commitment to Taiwan’s security, as demonstrated by a new $300 million arms sale. The move deepens the U.S.-Taiwan security partnership and aims to ensure peace, stability, and prosperous development in the Taiwan Strait and the Indo-Pacific region. Taiwan will continue to enhance its national defense autonomy and uphold democratic values.
    2023/12/16 16:52
  • Hsiao Bi-khim vows to uphold ROC in upcoming Taiwan election

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim reassures citizens that the Republic of China (ROC) will continue to exist and be maintained, dismissing concerns that a DPP victory would lead to its disappearance. In an exclusive online interview, Hsiao emphasizes the importance of the ROC’s constitutional system as the fundamental basis of Taiwan’s democracy. She commits to upholding democratic values and public opinion in Taiwan, addressing national identity issues by asserting that maintaining the status quo is the most acceptable stance for the international community and the Taiwanese people. Hsiao declares that the ROC will continue to exist and be defended, presenting this commitment to the Taiwanese people and the international community. As the vice-presidential nominee, Hsiao’s campaign is based on the ROC’s constitutional system, highlighting her respect for this structure and the importance of Taiwan’s democracy and public sentiment.
    2023/12/15 15:42
  • President Tsai cites Taiwan’s key role

    President Tsai Ing-wen urges international support for Taiwan, citing its democratic values, importance in the global supply chain, and strategic geographical location. Reflecting on the Democratic Progressive Party’s success in Taoyuan City, Tsai highlights the party’s growing vote shares and her achievements in the area. As the electoral campaign continues, Tsai emphasizes the completion of the first phase of her political blueprint and the need for her party’s candidates to remain in power to implement future plans.
    2023/12/12 17:56
  • Tsai honors child rights advocate at ADHRA ceremony

    President Tsai Ing-wen presented the Asia Democracy and Human Rights Award to Amihan V. Abueva at a ceremony in Taipei. Abueva, the Regional Executive Director of the Child Rights Coalition Asia, was recognized for her advocacy against violence on children, including human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Tsai commended Abueva’s selflessness and bravery in creating a safer world for children and highlighted Taiwan’s efforts to incorporate international child rights standards into domestic law. Legislative Speaker You Si-kun emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to democracy and human rights, stating that the award reflects the country’s support for democratic values.
    2023/12/07 18:09
  • Hsiao defends U.S. diplomacy effort amid KMT criticism

    DPP Vice Presidential Candidate Hsiao Bi-khim has stated that her diplomatic efforts in the United States have enhanced Taiwanese dignity. Responding to criticism from KMT legislator candidate Hsu Chiao-hsin, Hsiao defended her "battle cat diplomacy" approach, emphasizing the need for flexibility in Taiwan’s unique diplomatic situation. Despite setbacks, Hsiao believes Taiwan has gained increased support, trust, and respect from the international community. She also emphasized the importance of leveraging Taiwan’s democratic values, the kindness of its people, and its economic achievements to garner international support.
    2023/12/06 20:37
  • Wu: China amps Up ’hybrid warfare’ ahead of Taiwan elections

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, warns of China’s increasing interference and cognitive warfare tactics as Taiwan’s elections approach. China is using a "hybrid warfare" strategy involving military actions, economic pressure, disinformation campaigns, and unlawful financial flows to influence the election results. Taiwan’s government is actively countering these tactics by strengthening communication with the public, enhancing media literacy, and collaborating with public and private sectors. Wu calls for a united front among international allies to enhance democratic resilience and increase awareness of China’s unfriendly actions. This reflects Taiwan’s efforts to preserve its sovereignty and democratic values amid rising tensions with China.
    2023/12/05 21:54
  • Hsiao Bi-khim prioritizes DPP support expansion

    DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim emphasized the importance of expanding support for the DPP’s platform rather than focusing on cooperation with opposition parties. Hsiao made these remarks at an event attended by international media, in response to inquiries about potential collaboration between the KMT and TPP camps. Hsiao also addressed fluctuating poll numbers in Taiwan and emphasized the need to expand the DPP’s support base. Reflecting on her work in Hualien, Hsiao highlighted the common ideals and values she shares with DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te. The Lai-Hsiao pairing sees the election as a battle to protect Taiwan’s democratic values, progress democracy, and strengthen the nation’s resilience. After the event, Hsiao is scheduled to engage with various groups to discuss new issues and draw on her international diplomacy experience.
    2023/11/23 15:17
  • Hsiao returns to Taiwan politics, embraces new challenges

    Hsiao Bi-khim, Taiwan’s former representative to the U.S., has accepted the role of running mate to Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te. In her acceptance speech, Hsiao emphasized her responsibility to stand for Taiwan and her commitment to maintaining and improving the Taiwan-U.S. relationship. She highlighted the importance of Taiwan’s democratic values and its international participation. Hsiao has resigned from her U.S. representative role to run for the elections, bringing her political credentials and experience to serve Taiwan and its people.
    2023/11/22 19:38
  • Hsiao Bi-khim joins Lai in 2024 Taiwan presidential race

    Democratic Progressive Party’s Lai Ching-te announced former U.S. envoy Hsiao Bi-khim as his vice-presidential candidate for Taiwan’s 2024 election, marking a significant move in the nation’s political landscape.
    2023/11/20 17:07
  • DPP calls Ko’s stance on LGBTQ issues ’inconsistent’

    The spokesperson for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign, Tai Wei-shan, criticized Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je for pandering for votes and inconsistent messaging, particularly regarding his stance on same-sex marriage. Ko’s position on same-sex marriage has reportedly changed four times in the past nine years. In 2014, Ko publicly expressed support for "freedom to love, marriage equality" during his mayoral campaign. However, during a 2019 visit to the U.S., he stated that he voted against same-sex marriage but allowed 125,000 people to march. In 2020, he posted on Facebook that he cast a void vote on the topic of homosexuality. Yet, during a lecture at a Kaohsiung campus, he denied ever saying that he voted against same-sex marriage. Tai urged Ko to stop relying on "shortcut tricks" to win the election and emphasized the importance of politicians possessing a fundamental attitude toward societal values, respecting crucial issues, and demonstrating consistency.
    2023/11/07 18:08
  • King Pu-tsung optimistic about smooth talks between KMT, TPP

    King Pu-tsung expressed optimism for smooth talks between the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) in an upcoming meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to seek cooperation between the parties to remove the current Democratic Progressive Party from office in the upcoming election. King emphasized the importance of exchanging ideas and opinions to find shared values and political ideals.
    2023/10/14 17:05
  • President Tsai emphasizes importance of free press

    President Tsai Ing-wen highlighted Taiwan’s commitment to a free press and the defense of democratic values during the opening ceremony of the "World News Media Congress 2023" Wednesday (June 28). 
    2023/06/28 19:29
  • Wenchi Yu ponders U.S. role in future cross-strait ties

    Taiwan and China have a complex relationship recently brought into the spotlight due to Taipei’s ardent push for democratic values and Beijing’s firm belief in autocratic control. The United States is also involved in this dynamic, according to TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu, who asked two foreign policy experts what’s next for cross-strait relations in the latest episode of TVBS Meeting Room.
    2022/12/21 18:44
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