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    books 結果共17筆

  • President Tsai Ing-wen’s asset declaration revealed

    Discover President Tsai Ing-wen’s financial holdings unveiled by the Control Yuan in its latest asset declaration, including her deposits, properties in Taipei and New Taipei City, and entrusted assets. Learn about her copyright holdings and management of campaign subsidies in this detailed report.
    2024/02/27 13:38
  • TiBE highlights U.S.-China-Taiwan dynamics

    The 32nd Taipei International Book Exhibition concludes, featuring discussions on U.S.-China-Taiwan relations and evolving dynamics in the Taiwan Strait. Notable works explore geopolitical scenarios and attract global publishers, underscoring the event’s significance in diplomatic discourse.
    2024/02/26 17:17
  • Eslite 24-hour Songyan Bookstore ready for grand reopening

    Eslite Songyan Bookstore in Taipei is set to reopen with a grand offering of 100,000 books, providing book enthusiasts with an innovative literary experience. Don’t miss the Saturday grand opening!
    2024/01/19 18:23
  • Taiwan expands culture points for youths in 2024

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture (MOC) has announced that the eligibility for its "culture points" system will be expanded starting in 2024. The age range will be widened to include individuals aged 16 to 22, compared to the current range of 18 to 21. These points can be redeemed for cultural activities and goods and will be distributed from January 20, 2024. Each person will be able to claim the points seven times in their lifetime, starting at age 16, and the points will remain valid until December 31, 2024. The culture points can be utilized for various cultural activities such as watching local films, performances, buying books, visiting museums, and engaging in other forms of creative cultural consumption. The uptake rate for the culture points in 2023 was 80%, and it is expected to become a regular policy incorporated into the MOC’s annual budget from 2024 onwards. The number of recipients for culture points is projected to increase significantly from one million to 1.5 million in 2024.
    2023/12/28 15:57
  • Eslite Xinyi store sets new visitor record ahead of closure

    Eslite Xinyi Store, an iconic cultural institution in Taipei, set a new record with 53,000 visitors in a single day, surpassing New Year’s Eve crowds. The 18-year-old bookstore is closing its doors on December 24th, prompting a "Farewell Tour" exhibition showcasing its most-sold books and precious images. A final celebration on the closing day will feature a dance act by Billy Chang, an outdoor farewell concert with renowned artists, and a countdown with Chairman Wu Min-chieh. The legacy of the 24-hour bookstore will continue at Eslite Songyan Store, tripling its book volume, offering over 100,000 products, and introducing cultural spaces like a record store, cinema, performance hall, art gallery, and wine cellar.
    2023/12/19 15:13
  • No aid request for Taiwanese writer detained in China: MAC

    Taiwanese writer Lo Sen has been missing in China since November last year and is suspected to be detained by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) stated that neither Lo Sen nor his family have sought assistance from any Taiwanese authorities, including the Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF). Lo Sen, known for his adult novels, was recently reported to have been sentenced to 12 years on charges of profiting from privately publishing pornography. The MAC highlighted the CCP’s intensified internal security management, which has resulted in disruptions and restrictions on personal freedom for Taiwanese citizens and foreign enterprises in China. The MAC urged Taiwanese citizens to register with the "Mainland Travel Dynamic Registration" system before traveling to China to facilitate assistance in emergencies. The SEF has received reports of Taiwanese citizens being interrogated upon entry into China, with various reasons for the scrutiny, including the possession of religious-related books, posing challenges to cross-strait exchanges.
    2023/12/11 12:12
  • Examination Yuan donates 6,600 books to overseas schools

    The Examination Yuan donates 6,600 books in Chinese and English to support library services in Taiwanese schools abroad, including the Surabaya Taipei School in Indonesia. The Ministry’s International and Cross-strait Education Department emphasizes the competitiveness of overseas students in Taiwanese schools, and hopes the book donation will foster closer ties between international Taiwanese institutions and domestic government bodies. The books cover a wide range of subjects and are expected to expand students’ imaginations and nurture global talent.
    2023/12/07 21:10
  • Taiwanese people borrowed 93M books in 2022: Data

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan reveals his oversight of the planning and construction of 23 libraries during his tenure as Taoyuan mayor, with 15 libraries costing approximately NT$8 billion. The announcement comes ahead of the Taiwan Reading Festival, seen as a symbol of civilization and a mark of a nation’s progress. Education Ministry reports show a rise in library visits, card applications, and book borrowing by Taiwanese residents. The festival, now in its 11th year, has gained international recognition and is expected to further promote Taiwan’s literary and cultural richness.
    2023/11/20 18:49
  • Mayor Chiang Wan-an shops for Taipei-related books at TIBE

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an visited the Taipei International Book Exhibition on Wednesday at the Taipei World Trade Center Hall.
    2023/02/04 14:11
  • President Tsai shares love of reading at Taipei Book Fair

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen encouraged people to read more books at the opening ceremony of the Taipei International Book Exhibition on Tuesday (Jan. 31).
    2023/02/01 17:35
  • 亞馬遜書店將進軍一級戰區曼哈頓

    正當全美最大零售連鎖書店邦諾公司(Barnes & Noble)逐步退出紐約市場之際,從網路世界進軍實體店面的全球最大網路零售商亞馬遜書店(Amazon Books)今春將進軍曼哈頓。
    2017/01/06 13:32
  • 咖啡廳+書店 最美書店、日系生活品牌都搶進台灣

    不只可以沉浸在書店內閱讀,還能一邊悠閒享受咖啡、美食,這樣的復合式書店很受歡迎,像是有日本最美書店封號的「蔦屋書店」(TSUTAYA),訂於2017年1月24日正式在信義區百貨開幕;還有像是日系生活品牌「MUJI無印良品」引進大台北首間「MUJI BOOKS」,也開了「Café MUJI」全新概念店,12月28日開幕,同樣落腳在信義區。
    2016/12/28 12:12
  • 光腳踩沙喝咖啡 日本這家咖啡廳好放鬆

    日本一家咖啡廳裡,地板鋪滿白沙,放上桌椅、沙發椅,甚至還有躺椅,打造出海灘咖啡廳,這是由日本星野集團靜岡熱海的酒店星野リゾート リゾナーレ熱海所打造的「白色沙灘書籍Cafe (ソラノビーチBooks&Café)」。
    2016/10/11 16:31
  • 全台最大間!有書店、遊戲區 日系生活品牌搶登台中

    2016/10/03 23:58
  • 日醬汁搭台南虱目魚 南台Cafe'&Meal MUJI限定餐

    全台最大MUJI旗艦店將在本周五(6日)在台南新光三越西門店開幕,不僅有販賣各種質感生活用品,還結合全台灣首間「MUJI BOOKS」、「Cafe'&Meal」,通通一網打盡。而地處美食之都,必有相當強大的美食素材,Cafe'&Meal當然也有提供只有台南限定的餐點,而且隨著季節到訪,還可以吃到不一樣的美食驚喜。
    2015/11/05 17:51
  • 文青必朝聖!藏書4千冊 全台首間「MUJI BOOKS」登場

    全台灣首間「MUJI BOOKS」明(6)日將在府城台南開幕了!日系生活品牌多角化經營,跨足餐飲業賣起簡餐,現在又引進書店,在全台最大的旗艦店登場,不僅搶攻生活用品市場,現在也要分食台灣書市這塊大餅。
    2015/11/05 17:48
  • 海外首間在台南! 文青必去日本雜貨書店

    2015/10/29 17:14
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