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    Time 100 結果共9筆

  • William Lai among TIME’s 100 most influential

    William Lai, Taiwan’s President-elect, and Jensen Huang, Nvidia CEO, have been named among Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2024. Lai, set to take office in May, is recognized in the Leaders category, while Huang is honored as an Innovator. The selections affirm Taiwan’s democratic achievements and Lai’s future role in defending the nation’s democracy and maintaining regional stability.
    2024/04/18 11:04
  • Kaohsiung cleaning staff waitlist issue sparks controversy

    The Environmental Protection Bureau of the Kaohsiung City Government has clarified that the recruitment paths for full-time and part-time cleaning staff are different, which is why they need to consider temporary work applicants before those from previous years. This comes after Kaohsiung City Councilor Lina Chen led a press conference with individuals claiming to be on the waiting list for the city’s cleaning crew, who passed the "Kaohsiung City Official Cleaning Staff" exam two years ago but have not yet received a position. The Bureau emphasized that the different recruitment avenues do not infringe upon part-time workers’ rights. The recent cleaning staff recruitment attracted over 7,400 applicants for 850 positions, and some candidates on the waiting list are still waiting for an opportunity to work at the Bureau. The bureau recruited 172 official cleaners and drivers, with an additional 678 on the waiting list, of whom only half have been employed so far. The bureau began recruiting part-time staff earlier this year, even though the previous list of alternates has not yet been fully filled. Deputy Director Kao Tsung-yung explained that the previous test was for full-time staff, while the current recruitment is for temporary personnel. The Bureau has announced the eighth round of 100 alternates’ roster and will continue to do so in April, July, and October. Those on the waiting list will still need to wait for their chance.
    2024/01/03 17:05
  • Discarded CCTV cameras turned into Christmas tree in Tainan

    The Yongxin Police Station in Tainan has gained online attention for constructing a "Surveillance Camera Christmas Tree" using nearly 100 discarded cameras. Deputy Chief Chang Shuo-feng and his colleagues assembled the unique tree in their spare time, using primarily wood and topping it with intersection surveillance cameras to mimic tree branches. The tree serves as a visual statement to discourage potential wrongdoers and car thieves, reflecting the police department’s relentless efforts to detect and counteract criminal activity. Additionally, the Christmas star at the top of the tree is made from a figurine of the police station’s Teddy Bear mascot and a booklet to help citizens recognize scams.
    2023/12/25 13:39
  • 時代雜誌「AI領域百大影響力人物」 唐鳳、黃仁勳入列

    時代雜誌(TIME)今天公布「人工智慧(AI)領域百大影響力人物」(TIME 100/AI)名單,數位部長唐鳳雀屏中選,輝達執行長黃仁勳、創新工場創辦人李開復、台裔美國聯邦眾議員劉雲平也榜上有名。
    2023/09/08 09:42
  • 2022時代雜誌「次世代百大人物」出爐 吳怡農入選

    美國時代雜誌公布2022次世代百大影響力人物名單(TIME 100 Next),壯闊台灣聯盟發起人吳怡農入選,波士頓市長吳弭、新加坡副總理黃循財、男網球王艾卡拉茲也榜上有名。
    2022/09/28 21:32
  • 谷愛凌任「美國申奧大使」國籍又惹議 稱沒後悔代表中國

    中美混血運動員谷愛凌(Eileen Gu)在今年冬奧摘下2金1銀,隨著她的活躍表現國籍問題也不斷被拿來討論,谷愛凌在今(8)日出席加州《時代》雜誌百大人物峰會(Time 100),透露將擔任美國2030年鹽湖城的申奧大使,再度引發國籍熱議,而她也同時在訪談中表示「從沒有後悔代表中國出賽」。
    2022/06/08 16:33
  • 馬丁Vantage/DBS「007特仕版」抵台! 融入電影橋段特殊又好玩

    Aston Martin特殊訂製部門「Q By ASTON MARTIN」為最新007情報員電影《007 生死交戰》(No Time to Die),量身打造了全球限量100台的Vantage 007 Edition,以及全球限量25台的DBS Superleggera 007 Edition兩款聯名特仕車;現在,它們已抵達台灣!
    2021/10/08 12:51
  • Clubhouse熱潮不再 4月下載數暴跌66%

    線上多人語音社交App Clubhouse,今年 2月突然在全球竄紅,創下單月960萬的驚人下載數,比1月成長300%,更入選《時代》雜誌,「2021年百大最具影響力企業」之一(TIME 100 Most Influential Companies)。3月下載數雖有衰退,但仍維持在270萬個下載數,但在4月卻如「雪崩式」衰退,僅有92.2萬,跌幅高達66%。
    2021/05/05 16:55
  • 聲援反性騷成立基金會 「妙麗」豪捐4000萬

    2018/02/18 23:00
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