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    PCs 結果共16筆

  • Qualcomm CEO unveils AI-driven future at COMPUTEX 2024

    Discover how Qualcomm’s CEO Cristiano Amon is steering the future of AI in PCs at COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei, emphasizing generative AI and the critical role of Taiwanese suppliers.
  • AI PCs top highlight of COMPUTEX 2024

    Explore the latest AI advancements at COMPUTEX 2024, featuring keynotes from industry leaders like Intel and NVIDIA. Discover how AI PCs and generative AI are set to transform our daily lives.
  • 稱黃子佼案「沒那麼嚴重」!《LoL》官方懲處統神PCS禁賽

    4月上旬,藝人黃子佼加入偷拍論壇、被控性侵等醜聞曝光,網紅「亞洲統神」張嘉航評論上述事件遭輿論炎上,工商、業配紛紛遭切割。而張嘉航去年組建「Hell Pigs」地獄豬戰隊,以電競選手之姿在網路遊戲《英雄聯盟》中大顯身手。擁有《英雄聯盟》的Riot Games官方今(3)日聲明,PCS夏季賽電競選手「Godtone」(即統神)日前言論涉違反《Riot Games電競全球行為準則》,參考張男自陳後仍認其「粗俗且可能對未成年人有害」、「缺乏對其言論潛在影響的認知」等,決定將其禁賽並要求參加教育訓練,不遵循還將面臨進一步的紀律處分。
    2024/06/03 19:30
  • 《LoL》電競戰隊BYG宣布解散! 創辦人丁特:我能力不足

    人氣電競遊戲《英雄聯盟》,太平洋職業聯賽(Pacific Championship Series)春季賽甫落幕,未料由前職業選手、網紅丁特(薛弘偉)創立的Beyond Gaming(BYG)戰隊今(20)日宣布即將解散。
    2024/04/20 16:46
  • The AI PC: A turning point for PC market recovery?

    The global PC market, after years of decline, is at a crossroads with the launch of AI PCs. Leaders like Intel and Nvidia are optimistic, while Taiwanese manufacturers showcase these innovations at CES. The market’s future hinges on further software developments and the adoption of AI-driven user experiences.
    2024/01/26 12:30
  • AUO shares surge amid Dec. TV panel price dip

    This story discusses the fluctuation in shares of AUO Corporation and TV panel prices in late December. The article mentions that the price of 55-inch 4K open-cell panels dropped by US$1 (0.8%) on December 22 due to TV manufacturers ceasing production for year-end demand. However, analysts predict that tier-one TV panel makers may increase their price quotes by US$1 to US$3 in January 2024. Despite this, final transaction prices are expected to remain unchanged due to market demand. The report also suggests a potential decline in quotes for larger panel sizes, while prices for all TV panel sizes are anticipated to stabilize and rebound in February. Furthermore, favorable conditions in the panel market are predicted for 2024, driven by stabilizing industry trends and the launch of AI phones and AI PCs. AUO Chairman Paul Peng expects mild growth in the first quarter of 2024 and a market growth rate between 3% to 5% throughout the year, with higher production capacity utilization compared to 2023. Peng also notes steady demand for automotive and industrial products, which will contribute to a stable production utilization rate, and highlights the increasing use of Human Machine Interface (HMI) technologies for LED and LCD panels.
    2023/12/26 11:40
  • Smartphone market set for growth in 2024 with AI

    The smartphone market is set to rebound in 2024, according to Rick Tsai, chairman of MediaTek Inc., a global chip leader. Tsai attributes this growth to the increasing popularity of AI applications, which is driving the replacement of mobile phones and PCs and creating a higher demand for devices. Under Tsai’s leadership, MediaTek has released advanced products such as the Tianji 9300, a flagship 5G chip that supports generative AI applications. Qualcomm, another major chip company, is also capitalizing on the AI trend with its latest 5G handset chip, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, which offers AI support for enhanced user experiences. Both companies anticipate a surge in AI smartphone upgrades due to improved computing power and a wider range of applications.
    2023/12/23 11:21
  • BYG挺進PCS春季季後賽 首戰對決DCG

    遊戲《英雄聯盟》太平洋職業聯賽(Pacific Championship Series,以下簡稱PCS)春季賽已經於3月20日正式落幕。為期六週的賽事中,由兆豐銀行贊助的隊伍「Beyond Gaming」(以下簡稱BYG)以11勝7敗的戰績挺進季後賽。
    2022/03/31 20:30
  • 《英雄聯盟》PCS春季賽2月11日登場 6支全新戰隊強勢來襲

    Riot Games SEA、鍇睿行銷與 Garena 正式宣布由中國信託銀行贊助的 2022 年《英雄聯盟》 PCS 聯賽將於 2 月 11 日登場,10 支隊伍將與彼此競爭,進行跨國的職業賽事。今年將有 6 支全新的隊伍加入 PCS 聯賽,總計 10 支參賽隊伍將會為粉絲帶來更高層級的電競賽事體驗。
    2022/02/08 20:16
  • 中信「飛牡蠣」電競戰隊成立!隊名曝光網友秒聯想他

    中國信託繼棒球「中信兄弟」、籃球「中信特攻」後,今(27)日宣布成立職業電競戰隊「中信飛牡蠣CTBC Flying Oyster」(簡稱「CFO」),該戰隊將參戰2022年英雄聯盟太平洋職業聯賽(Pacific Championship Series, PCS),並且宣示要前進世界大賽。不過網友們見到新隊名出現,紛紛歪樓,並且聯想到「那個男人」。
    2022/01/27 20:02
  • Doggo確定離開BYG!按讚洩端倪去「LPL這戰隊」

    《英雄聯盟》世界賽結束至今,選手動向依然受到矚目,代表我國出賽的戰隊Beyond Gaming(BYG)下路選手Doggo(小柴犬)屢屢帶領隊伍奪下勝利,更因「瘋狗流」打法令人印象深刻,近期卻被PSG經理土龍爆料「不在台灣」,而BYG昨(19)日晚間也宣布PK、Husky、Doggo離隊。
    2021/11/20 13:57
  • ACC與AEB等ADAS駕駛輔助同步導入 Hino:貨車也該配主動安全

    2021/11/11 16:55
  • 【今日熱搜】丁特/安博/好食券/心肌炎/基本工資

    2021/10/09 11:39
  • 電競圈再染黑!丁特戰隊選手世界賽涉賭操盤 遭官方禁賽

    2021/10/09 08:16
  • 小鴨也有TSS啦! 新款Vios與Yaris售價同步小漲

    近年來Toyota總代理和泰汽車不斷提升旗下車款安全配備完整度,包括蟬聯19年台灣市場銷售冠軍的Corolla Altis目前亦全面標配7氣囊與TSS主動安全防護系統。現在,和泰汽車亦針對Vios與Yaris進行年式更新,新增配備7氣囊之雅緻+車型,同時自豪華版車型開始全面標配TSS主動駕駛輔助系統,將PCS預警式防護系統與LDA車道偏離警示系統列為標配。
    2021/01/29 18:35
  • TSS 2.5+系統搶先植入 新年式美規Camry安全再升級

    由於消費者對於ADAS先進駕駛輔助系統需求提高,Toyota在台灣自Corolla Altis以上,幾乎全車系皆已導入Toyota Safety Sense 2.0 (TSS 2.0) 駕駛輔助系統,配備包括ACC主動車距控制巡航系統、LTA車道循跡輔助以及PCS預警式防護系統等。現在,Toyota從美國開始進一步提升旗下車款ADAS防護水準,搶先植入Toyota Safety Sense 2.5+ (TSS 2.5+) 系統,不僅於PCS系統加入緊急轉向功能,並為DRCC全速域雷達巡航控制系統加入超越慢車功能。
    2020/07/20 14:23
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