  • 歷史搜尋:
  • 熱門搜尋:
    調情小人國退房村島未悠姊妹冠軍戰化療啪啪持久 星座館長
  • 搜尋:

    E. coli 結果共2筆

  • Taipei clarifies: Xishan Village water not from city supply

    Taipei Water Department clarifies that Xishan Village’s water supply is not from its system but from untreated mountain spring water, which is suspected to have caused residents to experience vomiting and diarrhea due to high E. coli levels possibly related to the recent earthquake. The department has set up emergency water collection points and assured the safety of its tap water supply to the greater Taipei area.
    2024/04/12 14:06
  • 無酒精啤酒或藏大腸桿菌 酒精含量、存放溫度是殺菌關鍵

    隨著健康意識抬頭,越來越多消費者轉而飲用無酒精啤酒(non-alcoholic beer),不過最新研究表明,飲料中酒精含量和儲存溫度是影響細菌滋生的最重要因素,無酒精啤酒缺乏酒精的消毒特性和正常釀造的殺菌過程,藏有的大腸桿菌(E. coli)和沙門氏菌(salmonella)量竟比傳統啤酒更多。
    2023/11/02 16:53
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