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    "University of Michigan" 結果共3筆

  • University of Michigan mourns the loss of Chen Chun-han

    The farewell ceremony for human rights lawyer and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislative candidate Chen Chun-han was held in Hsinchu City. Dean Kyle Logue of the University of Michigan Law School paid tribute to Chen’s dedication to human rights issues and his impact on the university community. Prof. Lin Chih-chieh of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University shared Logue’s eulogy, highlighting Chen’s passion for research and commitment to improving the rights of the disabled in Taiwan. The ceremony celebrated Chen’s academic achievements and his warm personality, leaving a lasting impression on all who knew him.
    2024/02/27 13:50
  • Taiwan mourns the loss of inspirational lawyer Chen Chun-han

    Renowned human rights lawyer Chen Chun-han, a legislator-at-large from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), passed away at the age of 40 due to complications from a cold. Despite living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Chen earned law doctorates from National Taiwan University, Harvard University, and the University of Michigan. DPP caucus whip Ker Chien-ming and his office are assisting with the funeral arrangements to ensure Chen’s life ends on a fulfilling note. Chen’s passing has left many in shock and mourning, not only for his political role but also for his exceptional contributions as a champion of life in the face of adversity.
    2024/02/16 16:37
  • 密西根大學美足隊性醜聞 兒子控已故傳奇教頭縱隊醫惡行

    美國密西根大學(University of Michigan)為全美最強的美式足球名校之一,已故教練辛巴克勒(Bo Schembechler)過去一向被譽為「傳奇主教練」,多次帶領隊伍打進打進精英賽,更榮獲4次「10大傑出教練獎」,並在2006年辭世。日前卻驚爆當時的隊醫長期侵犯球員,身為教練的辛巴克勒卻無視隊醫暴行,甚至連自己的兒子也是受害者之一,更出面指控父親縱容加害者。
    2021/06/11 13:34
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