
Director Wu urges local governments to follow central rules

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/27 17:19
Last update time:2024/09/27 17:41
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Director Wu urges local governments to follow central rules (TVBS News) Director Wu urges local governments to follow central rules
Director Wu urges local governments to follow central rules (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The director of the National Land Management Agency (國土署) emphasized the importance of adhering to central regulations on volume incentives during a press conference on Friday (Sept. 27).

Director Wu Shin-sho (吳欣修) urged local governments not to create their own rules, stressing the need for consistency and compliance.


Wu made these remarks after attending an MOU signing ceremony. He highlighted that since 2013, a clear guideline has been in place, setting a general volume incentive cap at 20%. Wu stated that this is a consensus among all urban planning committees of county and city governments.

Wu reiterated that the central government has precisely established the regulations and stated that it is now up to local governments to implement them rather than innovate on their own.

Wu pointed out that local governments should handle matters according to existing laws and follow the established system.

Taiwan Affairs

#National Land Management Agency# volume incentives# central regulations# local governments# urban planning# compliance# consistency# volume incentive cap 20%# urban planning committees# established system


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