
Taiwan lauds international effort in Bali fraud crackdown

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/26 21:00
Last update time:2024/09/27 07:47
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Taiwan lauds international effort in Bali fraud crackdown (TVBS News) Taiwan lauds international effort in Bali fraud crackdown
Taiwan lauds international effort in Bali fraud crackdown (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The head of the Executive Yuan (行政院) "Anti-Fraud Command Center" (打詐指揮中心), commended the Criminal Investigation Bureau (刑事局) for their successful operation on Thursday (Sept. 26).

Thanks to a coordinated international effort, authorities have cracked down on a significant fraud ring operating out of Bali, Indonesia.


In June, the Criminal Investigation Bureau used data analysis to identify suspects who had fled to Indonesia. Indonesian authorities later apprehended 102 Taiwanese nationals in Bali for alleged immigration violations.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA, 外交部) representative office in Indonesia, the National Police Agency (警政署), and the National Immigration Agency (移民署) negotiated with Indonesian officials, resulting in the suspects' phased repatriation.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau employed biological and digital forensic techniques to bolster their case. Upon their return to Taiwan, authorities re-arrested the suspects, detaining 59 individuals and imprisoning five others for related offenses.

Ma Shyh-yuan (馬士元), head of the "Anti-Fraud Command Center," expressed his gratitude for the efforts in international negotiations, forensic science, and criminal investigation.

Ma emphasized the importance of inter-agency cooperation, urging judicial, police, investigative, and immigration units to enhance international collaboration. He stated that we can effectively combat fraud through information sharing and coordinated efforts.


Taiwan Affairs

#fraud# Criminal Investigation Bureau# Taiwan# international cooperation# forensic science# Anti-Fraud Command Center# immigration violations# coordinated effort# international negotiations# inter-agency cooperation


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