
Taipei councilor proposes baseball museum at Taipei Arena

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/24 11:14
Last update time:2024/09/24 15:34
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Taipei councilor proposes baseball museum at Taipei Arena (TVBS News) Taipei councilor proposes baseball museum at Taipei Arena
Taipei councilor proposes baseball museum at Taipei Arena (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taipei City Councilor of Taiwan People's Party (TPP, 民眾黨) Chen You-cheng (陳宥丞) proposed establishing a "Taiwan Baseball Story Museum" (台灣棒球故事館) at Taipei Arena (台北小巨蛋) to preserve and promote baseball culture.

The suggestion builds on a recent plea by Brothers (中信兄弟) player Chou Szu-chi (周思齊), who requested a monument to commemorate the former Taipei Municipal Baseball Stadium (台北市立棒球場).


Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an (蔣萬安) supported Chou's idea, stating he had already tasked Taipei Metro (台北捷運公司), the Department of Finance (財政局), and the Department of Sports (體育局) with forming a group to explore its feasibility.

However, Chen believes the city can do more. He noted that professional baseball in Taiwan has a 30-year history filled with stories that could inspire future generations.

Chen highlighted the significance of the Taipei Municipal Baseball Stadium, which was demolished on Dec. 1, 2000, after 42 years of hosting fans. He remarked that its demolition began a new baseball era in Taiwan.

Chen urged the Taipei City Government to allocate space for a permanent exhibition and collaborate with industry, government, and academia to develop the museum.

Recently, Chen and Chiang visited the New York Mets, Yankee Stadium, and The Museum of Hanshin Koshien Stadium (甲子園歷史館) in Japan. Chen pointed out that these countries have strong cultural ties to baseball, showcasing legendary players' memorabilia, classic game artifacts, and historical films. He believes Taipei can create a similar institution to celebrate and preserve Taiwan's baseball heritage.

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#Taipei# Taiwan# baseball# museum# Taipei Arena# Taipei City Councilor# Taiwan People’s Party# Taiwan Baseball Story Museum# Taipei Municipal Baseball Stadium# baseball culture in Taiwan


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