
Taiwan warns of China’s strategy in military, peace talks

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/26 16:41
Last update time:2024/09/27 07:36
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Taiwan warns of China’s dual strategy in military, peace talks (TVBS News) Taiwan warns of China’s strategy in military, peace talks
Taiwan warns of China’s dual strategy in military, peace talks (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense (MND, 國防部) warned on Thursday (Sept. 26) that China is using a dual strategy of military intimidation and peace talks to create a facade of dialogue while showcasing its military might.

This statement comes after China launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) a day earlier, raising global concerns about its nuclear capabilities.


Military experts identified the missile as the DF-41, capable of reaching 15,000 kilometers. This marked China's first full-range ICBM test since May 1980. China emphasized that the launch was part of an annual routine and not targeted at any specific country. Xinhua News Agency (新華社) reported that China had notified relevant countries in advance.

Taiwan's MND criticized China's actions in the Taiwan Strait and the Pacific, stating that these maneuvers reveal China's aggressive nature and validate the "China threat theory."

The ministry highlighted that while China's Southern Theater Command engages in military exchanges, the Eastern Theater Command conducts live-fire drills near Japan and the Korean Peninsula, posing severe challenges to neighboring countries.

In response to China's military advancements, Taiwan's MND pledged to strengthen its defensive capabilities and enhance asymmetric deterrence. The ministry aims to build a resilient military force to safeguard national sovereignty and citizen safety.

Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA, 外交部) condemned China's actions, urging regional stability and cooperation with like-minded nations to curb authoritarian expansion. The ministry called on China to exercise restraint and cease activities that undermine regional peace and stability.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan# China# military# defense# ICBM# DF-41# Taiwan Strait# military intimidation# regional stability# asymmetric deterrence


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