
Taiwan boosts patrols after fishing vessel seized by China

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/08 13:44
Last update time:2024/07/08 15:34
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Taiwan boosts patrols after fishing vessel seized by China (TVBS News) Taiwan boosts patrols after fishing vessel seized by China
Taiwan boosts patrols after fishing vessel seized by China (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — National Security Bureau Director-General Tsai Ming-yen (蔡明彥) on Monday (July 8) announced an increase in patrols within Taiwan's administrative waters to safeguard legal maritime activities.

Tsai's statement responded to the July 2 seizure of the Taiwanese fishing vessel Da Jin Man No. 88 (大進滿88號) by the China Coast Guard (中國海警) at Weitou Port (圍頭港) in China's Fujian Province.


The National Security Bureau, Mainland Affairs Council (MAC, 大陸委員會), Ministry of Culture (文化部), National Communications Commission (NCC, 國家通訊傳播委員會), and Bureau of Investigation attended a special session at the Legislative Yuan's Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee. They reported on "recent Chinese infiltration activities against Taiwan and corresponding countermeasures" and answered the legislators' questions.

Tsai emphasized the government's clear stance on defending fishermen's rights to legal fishing activities. He urged fishermen to remain vigilant in sensitive waters, respect relevant national laws, and promptly report any inspections or detentions, assuring that the government would coordinate with foreign affairs units.

In response to Kuomintang (KMT, 國民黨) Legislator Ma Wen-chun's (馬文君) inquiry, Tsai acknowledged the China Coast Guard's increased activities not only in the Taiwan Strait but also in the East China Sea and South China Sea, noting their operations near Japan and recent patrols in the South China Sea.

MAC Deputy Minister Liang Wen-chieh (梁文傑) commented on the return of the detained fishermen, stating that they are investigating through various channels but "currently have no definitive information."

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan# China Coast Guard# National Security Bureau# Taiwan Strait# South China Sea# East China Sea# fishermen rights# Taiwanese fishing vessel seizure# Chinese infiltration activities against Taiwan# government response to maritime disputes


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