
US urges China to engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/09 17:25
Last update time:2024/04/09 17:25
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US urges China to engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan (TVBS News) US urges China to engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan
US urges China to engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan (TVBS News)

WASHINGTON (TVBS News) — In response to China's gray zone warfare against Taiwan, a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department urged China on Monday (April 8) restraint and no unilateral change to the status quo across the Taiwan Strait, according to the Central News Agency (CNA).

The Army Kinmen Defense Command of the Republic of China (R.O.C.) reported on Monday (April 8) that a civilian drone was detected twice approaching Erdan Island and Menghuyu. The military fired signal flares and used jamming guns to force the drone to return along its original path. Earlier on March 30, the process of R.O.C. troop replenishment on Erdan Island in Kinmen was also captured by a Chinese drone. 


Lieutenant General Chen Chien-i, Chief of Staff of the Army Command Headquarters, said on April 3 that the drone photography of Dadan and Erdan Island was a gray zone intrusion event and cognitive warfare, aimed at creating public disapproval of the national army and exerting pressure.

Thomas Shattuck, a cross-strait research scholar, suggested that Taiwan could learn from the Philippines' experiences of tacking confrontations with China in the South China Sea. He further gave an example, Taiwan can use low-cost drones to record the invasion and intimidation incidents of the China's aircraft and ships, and Taiwan's allies can condemn China's actions in the United Nations.

On March 23, Chinese coast guard vessels used water cannons to attack a Philippine supply ship at the Second Thomas Shoal, causing damage to the ship and injuring crew members. In addition to publishing photos of the injured, the Philippines has also invited international media to board the ship for interviews, recording the frontline confrontation between the two sides.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan# China# drone# Kinmen# gray zone warfare# South China Sea# Philippines# China’s gray zone warfare against Taiwan# Chinese drone intrusion in Kinmen# Philippines’ confrontation with China in South China Sea
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