
Poll: Trump favored to handle potential Taiwan conflict

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/25 10:56
Last update time:2024/09/25 13:49
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Poll: Trump favored to handle potential Taiwan conflict (TPG PHOTO) Poll: Trump favored to handle potential Taiwan conflict
Poll: Trump favored to handle potential Taiwan conflict (TPG PHOTO)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A recent poll released by the Institute for Global Affairs on Tuesday (Sept. 24) reveals that American voters believe Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is better equipped to handle a potential Chinese attack on Taiwan.

The poll shows that 53% of voters nationwide trust Trump over Democratic candidate Kamala Harris for this critical issue.


However, the same poll indicates that 52% of voters believe Harris can more effectively defend U.S. international interests, compared to 48% for Trump.

Swing state voters show a different preference, with 54% favoring Trump over Harris's 46% in protecting U.S. interests.

Swing state voters also believe Trump is more likely to end the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, with 58% supporting this view versus 42% for Harris. Nationwide, 51% of voters think Trump can end these conflicts, while 49% side with Harris.

Mark Hannah, a senior fellow at the Institute for Global Affairs, notes that Harris's foreign policy vision lacks the clarity of Trump's, especially among swing state voters. This clarity seems crucial as 58% of swing state voters and 53% of national voters feel Trump can more effectively respond to a Chinese military action against Taiwan.

The poll also highlights that support for protecting Taiwan is nearly identical among Democrats and Republicans, with 44% and 45% respectively. Interestingly, voters inclined to support Harris are 18% more likely to believe the U.S. should deploy troops to defend Taiwan than those favoring Trump.

As the election approaches, these perceptions could play a significant role in shaping voter decisions and U.S. foreign policy.


Asia-Pacific News

Taiwan Affairs

#Donald Trump# Kamala Harris# Taiwan# Chinese attack# U.S. international interests# swing state voters# Gaza conflict# Ukraine war# foreign policy vision# deploy troops to Taiwan


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