
Trump touts Taiwan’s role in US chip industry revival

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/11 13:37
Last update time:2024/09/11 14:10
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Trump touts Taiwan’s chip role in US (TPG PHOTO) Trump touts Taiwan’s role in US chip industry revival
Trump touts Taiwan’s chip role in US (TPG PHOTO)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Former President Donald Trump highlighted Taiwan's pivotal role in the U.S. chip industry, emphasizing efforts to revive domestic production during his tenure in the U.S. presidential debate on Wednesday (Sept. 11) Taiwan time.

Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris clashed over economic policies and international relations during the first round of the debate on economic issues.


Trump criticized Harris' economic stance, accusing her family of Marxist ideologies and singling out her father as a prominent Marxist professor. Harris countered by condemning Trump's trade policies, claiming they ultimately benefited China by advancing its military modernization through U.S. chip sales.

Harris also attacked Trump's handling of the economy and the COVID-19 pandemic, accusing him of being lenient towards Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) and failing to hold China accountable for the pandemic's origins. 

The debate, hosted by ABC, captivated millions when it began with a handshake but quickly escalated into a fierce exchange, with both candidates defending their positions on the economy, immigration, and tariffs.

Taiwan Affairs

#U.S. chip industry# Taiwan# Donald Trump# Kamala Harris# economic policies# international relations# presidential debate# Trump vs Harris debate# China U.S. trade policies# COVID-19 pandemic response


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