
American scholar weighs in on ’Zero Day’ drama

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/26 17:50
Last update time:2024/08/27 09:33
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Brian Hart weighs in on ’Zero Day’ drama (Courtesy of Zero Day’s YouTube) American scholar weighs in on ’Zero Day’ drama
Brian Hart weighs in on ’Zero Day’ drama (Courtesy of Zero Day’s YouTube)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A new Taiwanese drama, "Zero Day" (零日攻擊), has sparked significant discussion by depicting a potential conflict in the Taiwan Strait. American scholar Brian Hart (賀博然) highlighted the show's importance, saying, "Deterring and resisting Chinese attacks requires more than just military capabilities."

According to the New York Times report, Hart, from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, noted that Beijing would "wage political, psychological and legal warfare against Taiwan to sow divisions and confusion among Taiwan's public" in a real-world scenario.


The 10-episode series, which explores how China might blockade and attempt to occupy Taiwan, has drawn varied reactions since its official full-length trailer debuted a month ago. The trailer has amassed over 1.71 million views, with supporters praising the show for encouraging dialogue about the Chinese threat and critics accusing it of scaremongering, the report noted.

While many policy studies have examined potential Taiwan Strait conflicts, the topic remains politically sensitive, and no major films or TV series have addressed it until now. As "Zero Day" continues to garner attention, it may prompt further discussions and reflections on Taiwan's defense strategies and the broader implications of Chinese aggression.



Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan Strait# Chinese aggression# Zero Day drama# Taiwan defense# political warfare# Taiwanese drama# Brian Hart# Taiwan China conflict series# implications of Chinese threat on Taiwan# deterring Chinese attacks in Taiwan


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